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I'm gonna win the mega millions....


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If I were to win, I'd probably disappear and only a select few would hear from me again. Move to Minnesota or something. I'm not getting sucked dry from moochers.


First thing I'd do is buy CR Gun Crew whatever they wish and then hire them as security.

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I've never played it either. Might have to go put some $ down. Is it stupid to do the auto pick? I figure it's all just random dumb luck anyway, why sit there and stress on which numbers to pick.

From the Powerball website:

Yes. There is a way to improve your chance of winning the dual-drum games (Powerball, Mega-Millions, Hot Lotto, and Wild Card). But you have to promise to keep the secret – called THE BIG SECRET TO WINNING POWERBALL -- between you and me.


First, we need to cover some things that don’t work. Swinging a live chicken above your head while wishing for the future numbers does NOT work. There is no improvement to be had by swinging a dead chicken. Although I have not tested it, swinging a bucket of extra crispy is not likely to work either. We have had winners who played their fortune cookie numbers – on two occasions – but such things are just bound to happen sometimes. It is also no good to follow the alignment of the planets or the arrangement of tea leaves or any other such thing. Any of these ideas will win sometimes, but that is just chance working its magic and there is no guarantee.


Now, humor aside, something a lot of first-time players don't realize is that tickets must be bought with cash. They are "bearer" instruments, which means that whoever is carrying them is assumed to be the rightful owner. If you lose them, there's no recourse UNLESS you've done something which proves it's yours, like signing+dating the back of it and having a picture taken with you holding it up.

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$20 in.


If I win you will be seeing "leaked" cell phone threesome pics with Christina Hendricks and Angelina Jolie inside 6 months. Bank.


Ok - foursome, I'll throw Sasha Cohen in there for spice.


That, and I'll be wearing baby seal skin underwear caught fresh daily.

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