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Need some tax help

V8 Beast

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I've been at the same house for the last 8 years and the same job for 11 years. I get audited and they say Ive been paying Dublin taxes instead of Columbus taxes. Columbus taxes went up to 2.5% while Dublin stayed at 2%. So apparently Ive been paying Dublin taxes for the last 8 years, but since they were the same until 2009 it didnt make a difference.


A few questions.. How do I prevent this from happening again in the future? My address and everything is correct with my job. I talked to payroll and they said its been correct since forever but would try to refresh it to see if there was something wrong. On my tax information it says Columbus not Dublin so how in the hell was I suppose to know they were not taxing me properly?


P.S. I tried to call the tax auditor, but surprise he was a waste of space. Saying things like "you live in Columbus dont you" and "you dont have to understand it, just pay it". My main concern is to make sure going forward it could be fixed but he was worthless... so now I come to CR who can collectively give me more info than a guy that gets paid for a living to do this :fuuuu:

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I'm going through a similar situation. Don't you have to pay city taxes where you work and additional city taxes where you reside? But maybe you work in dublin and thought you lived in dublin?


I worked in columbus last year and paid the 2.5% I know owe marysville an additional 1.5%

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My daughter may have had a similar experience - but looks like her employer took out the correct taxes. Her situation:

1) She works in Dublin

2) She lives in Columbus


Here is what was explained to me:

Taxes are taken out based on where you WORK. If you live in Columbus and work where the tax is equal to or greater than Columbus taxes, you owe nothing to Columbus. If the taxes where you work are less than Columbus - Columbus collects the percentage difference up to their percentage.


A good HR Department should catch this as taxes change but.....

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My daughter may have had a similar experience - but looks like her employer took out the correct taxes. Her situation:

1) She works in Dublin

2) She lives in Columbus


Here is what was explained to me:

Taxes are taken out based on where you WORK. If you live in Columbus and work where the tax is equal to or greater than Columbus taxes, you owe nothing to Columbus. If the taxes where you work are less than Columbus - Columbus collects the percentage difference up to their percentage.


A good HR Department should catch this as taxes change but.....


This is spot on.


When i started my new job in westerville (2.0%), i asked my job to withhold extra .5% i knew i'll owe for columbus (residence). Got an email saying basically thats a perk some jobs do and chase doesnt...so i get to pay out of pocket each year. Awesome.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but I'm going through a similar situation. Don't you have to pay city taxes where you work and additional city taxes where you reside? But maybe you work in dublin and thought you lived in dublin?


I worked in columbus last year and paid the 2.5% I know owe marysville an additional 1.5%


You have to pay taxes for both. My phone auto corrected and to not. It shows Columbus and Dublin on my paycheck. The math was incorrect for 2 years. Payroll called back and found the error. Basically everyone I worked with has been taxed wrong for 2 years... oops. A few did the withholding like Evan, the rest are in for an audit at some point :no:


Good news is its fixed and the wife and I will be paying an extra $50 a month in taxes.. and giving uncle Sam $1000. Now to see if I can get payroll to pay the penalties and interest lol

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