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Mother Nature and Semi trailers


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I just got back from there! FUCKING NUTS! I left on Monday and was hoping for nice weather and good times working with my new rep and then all hell breaks loose.


Gotta admit the old ass hole puckered a few times during the storms. The only thing that kept me from shitting my pants is I don't know the areas around our office well enough to have known how close we were. No one wanted to tell me either. I felt like my son who freaks out here in Ohio and scrambled for my iPhone to check the radar.


It is pretty scary knowing it was within just a couple miles of our place and not just a storm but a kick ass tornado tossing trucks around.

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10 tons?? Try 40 tons fully loaded. They're big sails basically, 13' 6" tall by 53' long, more surface area if they have the skirts under the trailer. I've personally seen a fully loaded truck blown over in Wyoming, with only 50mph winds, tornados churn at what? 150-200mph??
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That one in Arlington was a couple miles from me. Scary ish.


Yeah, several went right through the center of town, amazing nobody was killed considering how populated it is around there. I just passed thru there the morning after, had to take 20 thru town as they weren't letting people drive across 30 when I came by.

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