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Swarm of bees at my parents house (Pics inside)


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I think you're confusing "bee documentary" with the charming animated children's flick "Bee Movie" staring Jerry Seinfeld and Renee Zellwegger


no confusion, I was talking about the seinfeld movie. Its very impactful



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Sorry I am so late to this thread.


they are swarming so they are harmless. I would have loved to have come and got the swarm but I wasn't home.


Basically, they are focussed on one thing, finding a new house.

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Why would there be honey, it was a swarm. 1/2 the hive split off and ran away to find a new home. A swarm is simply in transit trying to find new digs.


There is no need to kill them, 1 out of every 3 bites of food you take is due to a bee. Call me a hippy if you want but that's a reality.

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Are you afraid of them? ( not a snarky question) they will move on soon, of thier own accord.


HideSwarm behavior



A beekeeper collecting a bee swarm.

A swarm of bees sometimes frightens people, though the bees are usually not aggressive at this stage of their life cycle. This is principally due to the swarming bees' lack of brood (developing bees) to defend and their interest in finding a new nesting location for their queen. This does not mean that bees from a swarm will not attack if they perceive a threat; however, most bees only attack in response to intrusions against their hive. Swarm clusters, hanging off of a tree branch, will move on and find a suitable nesting location in a day or two. Beekeepers are sometimes called to capture swarms that are cast by feral honey bees or from the hives of inattentive beekeepers.

Edited by damreds
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I still have carpenter bees that fly around my garage this time of year looking to drill into the deadish wood I have on the outside of the garage.. Those fuckers are crazy. I can get within 1 foot of them and they just stand there.. buzzing.. and then take off.
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I still have carpenter bees that fly around my garage this time of year looking to drill into the deadish wood I have on the outside of the garage.. Those fuckers are crazy. I can get within 1 foot of them and they just stand there.. buzzing.. and then take off.


They are prety ballsy.

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