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Up for sale is my Luci eCig. It comes with everything it came with originally (2 batterys, the atomizer, charger) and i have quite a few extra menthol/full flavor/cherry refill cartridges to go with it. Each cartridge is approx. 300 puffs (about a pack of cigs). I'd like to get $50 for it.


This is what it looks like, but this is a generic pic from google not mine exactly



Has the power line (Charger), and two batterys for it (One with a blue tip, one with a red tip) and then the atomizer and cartridges. I do have the box and all the original stuff that came with it.


Again, $50 takes it all.

Edited by wnaplay
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Is this smokeless? I thought some of them weren't. I might be interested, I don't smoke anymore, but I still love these damn things.


You could call it smokeless. The atomizer in them takes water vapers from the air and turns it into "Smoke". When you hit these your just inhaling water vapers and the vaper goes through the nicotiene thing and boom. Its like smoking a cig but with only water vapor.

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How does this compare to smoking the real thing?


Its not near as harsh as hitting a real cigarette, but when you hit it you can feel that your inhaling something. I went from smoking a pack a day to instantly just 2-3 cigarettes, then over time weened myself off them entirely. Would normally smoke one cig when i woke up, one after dinner, and one before bed.

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Does it take work to use it? If I wanted to take a hit and put it down could you do that or is their work to get it going and shut it down?


Pick it up and hit it and it works fine. You can hit it once, set it down, and pick it back up and it'll work fine. Theres no on/off switch, and all you do is screw the battery and atomizer together, put the nicotiene thing over the atomizer, and your good to go. You dont need to disconnect them or worry about the battery draining. I always left it connected except for when charging. To charge you just screw it on the charger and theres a red light while charging, green when done.


Theres nothing to them at all, just pick it up and hit it.

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Its not near as harsh as hitting a real cigarette, but when you hit it you can feel that your inhaling something. I went from smoking a pack a day to instantly just 2-3 cigarettes, then over time weened myself off them entirely. Would normally smoke one cig when i woke up, one after dinner, and one before bed.


good for you man, thats awesome free bump to you. jason im sure you would love to quit smoking bud hell even if this made u cut down it would pay for it self

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good for you man, thats awesome free bump to you. jason im sure you would love to quit smoking bud hell even if this made u cut down it would pay for it self


Thanks. Ive been smoking since middle school, and when i hit highschool i was smoking half a pack or more a day. Once i graduated it went to a whole pack a day. It got way too expensive so i bought this and man did it really help me cut down a lot right away, then over time you would rather smoke this than a real cig because when you smoke a real cig after this it just feels too harsh and nasty, when you can simply use this and get your nicotene fix without all the other bs you have to smoke.

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Where do you get cartridges and do they have regular flavors? I smoke marlboro lights now and hate pretty much everything else. What do cartrdidges run?


You can order them online or i picked them up at Waterbeds n Stuff (I know theres a waterbeds on morse kinda out east, one by polaris, one on sawmill, i know theres more just not sure where). The cartridges come in full flavor, light, no nicotene (To kick the want to smoke but still feel the need to put something to your mouth and inhale) menethol, cherry, and some other flavors. Theres 5 cartridges in a pack and each cartridge is good for roughly 300 hits which equals out to a pack of cigarettes.

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I got 3 cherry cartridges, 3 full flavor, and 1 menethol that are still new and unopened (cartridges not packs). Also the new one i just put on the other day to make sure it still works.


The cartridges run $15 for a pack (5 cartridges) at waterbeds or you can get them cheaper online.

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Last question, how long does a battery last and take to charge?


Takes probably 2 hours to charge, and depending on how many times you hit it it can last all day. If you smoke a pack a day and smoke that much of the eCigarette than youll probably go through 1 battery each day. Each battery lasts about the length of the cartridge.

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Awaiting to hear back from WNAPLAY if he wants it.


If not Capt. Panic is next in line.


Capt Panic, do you still want it if WNAPLAY falls through? One thing i don't know if i mentioned earlier is if you get it Panic you might want to get the nicotineless cartridges. I think that since your not smoking, if you smoke these and start getting nicotine in your system again, that if you don't have this youll want to smoke a cig, and the LAST thing i would want to do would have you start smoking after you quit because of this.

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