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The Life of most Forever Alone CR members.


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Come introuduce your self sometime never met you creeper



And hell ide have a field day with one of these thinggs.does that make me odd?


I already asked Angelic at work, phil's ex, and you get off from work before I come in.

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Lol. Decided to take a look at the forum---like watching a car wreck or a murder in progress--you can't take your eyes off it. My wife caught me looking at the site. Yeah, how the hell do you explain to your wife looking at a forum filled with sickos who have invested $10k+ into a sex doll, and take them on vacations with 'set up' pool parties, etc?? Where's tilley when you need someone to give us an exact description/name for the personality disorders displayed on that forum?
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NWS http://www.dollalbum.com/dollgallery/albums/userpics/10796/normal_Lazing.JPG


That is a nice ass though :masturboy:


I bet you could get more than a few people to hit it simply by getting them fucked up at BW3's and then put that in their bed upon dumping them off at home. :gabe:

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