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Post Zombie Marathon Movie Review


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I'm sure most of you have seen some of these, but I'll do a quick review.


First is Dead Snow. It's a foreign zombie movie. It's been recommended to me by a couple different zombie fans I know. It's pretty much Zombie Movie 101. Group of friends going to a cabin in the mountains. Creepy-ness ensues. Then Nazi Zombies! This was a really enjoyable movie. Gorey without being gross, a good laugh to break things up when needed, and plenty of "oh shit!" moments. If you like zombie movies and don't mind subtitles, I highly recommend it. We watched it on Blu-Ray, but I believe it's on Netflix also.


Next movie was Planet Terror, one of the Rodriguez/Tarantino Grindhouse movies. 70's exploitation zombie movie with all the ambiance you'd expect. Cheesy one-liners, beat-up "film", over-done blood packs, and enough cliche's to.. well.. fill a 70's exploitation movie. Military base wth biological weapons, Go Go dancer, mysterious hero, etc.. They even riff on modern anti-cliche's too. Very entertaining and well worth a watch. (We didn't watch Death Proof, so I can't comment on that yet.)


Third of the day was Zombieland, and fourth was Shaun of the Dead. Two modern zombie classics that I don't think need much in the way of reviews. I'm sure pretty much everyone here has seen them. And if you havent, DO IT!


At that point we ran out of zombie movies we wanted to see/take a risk on, and switched to asian westerns. :lolguy:


The Good, The Bad, and The Weird. Very entertaining. It's an asian take on the Spaghetti western, with a healthy dose of absurdity. It's about a chase after a treasure map across Manchuria by the Weird (a two pistol wielding nutjob train robber), and the Bad (asian Emo badguy/mafia hitman), who are both being chased by the Good (bounty hunter good with rifles), with the Japanese Military, an underground black market gang, and a group of freedom fighters all joining in. This can be found on Netflix.


And finally was Bunraku. Bunraku has the best cast of any movie you've never heard of. Ron Perlman, Woody Harrelson, Josh Hartnet and Demi Moore. And those of a more Otaku bent will recognize Gackt as well. It's a stylized movie set in the future where guns have been outlawed and the world has fractures into lots of smaller city-states. Sword fights, fist fights, gang warfare, and steampunk-ish tech rolled up into the western formula of a couple drifters showing up with their own scores to settle in a town run by a mafia-like badguy. Mix in some asian influence in a disgraced Master taking them under his wing, and some video game elements like a hierarchical boss structure, and you have a pretty good time. Another good Netflix find.

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No idea. I'd never heard of it too. But look at the cast! How could they not? My friends comments were variations on "Why haven't I heard of this movie??!"


Agreed. It is Demi Moore, dammit. Heading out to rent it.

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