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Anybody ever have problems falling asleep? You will now


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Didn't read, but I do have trouble falling asleep. The docs say I have to learn to shut my mind down, but I can't do that without a sedative of some sort. Insomnia is a bitch, with or without creepy-copy-pasta.


I have this problem as well. I wake up feeling like crap every day, go the whole day barely awake, get to about 7pm and start to feel better and by 10pm I'm rev'ed up and ready to climb a mountain or do some serious thinking. I've been this way forever, and I constantly get in bed only to be up again in 30min writing down the answer to a problem I've been working on.


Oh and now I have the shadow children problem as well. Fun times.

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If you're not feeling that "sleepy" or slowdown come nightfall, take a 5mg meletonin tablet. If that doesn't do the trick within 1hr, add in 2-3 Velarian Root. You can combine them at the same time too. If that doesn't get you sleepy in an hour, you best rub one out and call it a night.


I don't usually have a hard time winding down but when I do, I fire up bubble tub in the master bath and fill it with some extra hot scaled my balls water and soak for about 15-20 minutes. I sleep like a baby afterwards.

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Same here also. My brain just will not shut down. I start thinking about past occurences and current. I found a decent fix for that though. I take one tylenol pm a couple hours before I want to go to bed and when it starts to kick in to the point of me ready to pass out its bed time. I have taken a tylenol pm now for the past couple years. One usually does the trick.


I tried that, makes me "black out" but when I wake up I feel like i'm right where I left off and I didn't sleep.

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I've seen my dead grandpa once.


The story goes...


He passed away on the 4th of July (went out with a bang?). I inherited his room since it was bigger and more taller. I repainted it and all the jazz. Moved into it. First night, I had no curtains on my front windows so I watched traffic go by.

It was late at night, nearly midnight and the parents were sound asleep and I just happened to look up into the window and I saw an upper portion of a white t-shirt, the sleeve being the most visible. that was it.


My grandpa wore a white t-shirt every time he went to bed and he usually went to bed at damn near midnight. .


So yes, I believe in this shit.


Oh and I've seen shadow people. I saw one once and slept Indian-style for six months afterwards (I was thirteen)

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Anyone have the seeying someone in the mirror syndrom. I know that is not what it is called,but when I was younger and if I had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom I would try not to look in the mirror because I would always be scared of seeying someone. This was only at night time. Crazy I know.
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