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I hate hit and run FUCKS !!


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So I go run a handful of errands today, all goes smooth. Sun is out, not too hot, car's running great, etc...


I come home walk around my car and :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu:


Some FUCK!!! hit my car. The more I look at it, it doesn't appear to be a car. Either a shopping cart....but there wasn't one around my car, or a bike as I see several scuffs from something not metal.


Paging Kevin Clifford. You have a voice message too.


Cell Pics:







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damn, thats shitty, i had my car parked on the street a couple weeks ago and the neighbors across the street backed into it. it fucked up the fender and the door and they had just a little dent in the bumper on theyre explorer. of course when we asked them about it they knew nothing. long story short, after replacing some parts, i now park in the driveway ALWAYS.
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I feel the pain in this thread, Kevin will make it better.


I hope so. My qualms come from the fact that it's White Pearl. I know he's good though.


If there is a bright side, it's the same panel where there are 2-3 very small dents that need popped out anyway.


Zero deductible FTW though.

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that sucks! Good on you for that zero deductible. My 1400 dollar hit and run costed me by Xmas bonus since I had a stupid 1000 deductible!


Shopping cart makes sense, but it looks like it would have been much heavier. Park around where they were mowing?

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that sucks, I remember few years back when some drunk fuck backed into my brand new sti...


then few weeks later, some guy in a lifted ram hit a rear qrter at a light on sawmil.

I was waiting for the light to change, he decided to show off and ran a red light, made a right turn, understeer, coming towards my driver side door, I punch the gas to avoid, he still got my rear qrter


some assholes...

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That looks like it got hit with a bike....... The handlebars caught the gas door as they were going between cars in the parking lot. That would also explain why they ran. Just a guess!;)


That's exactly what I think The dimple in metal looks like it fits a break handle from a bike. I hope the fucker is hurt.

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That's exactly what I think The dimple in metal looks like it fits a break handle from a bike. I hope the fucker is hurt.


drunk homeless ppl. id say hipsters, but they're too cool to be seen on a mountain bike.


hope the fucker dislocated his shoulder on your bumper

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Pics are working now! That sucks...



One day later and yes, it does suck, but looking at it more closely it's not that bad. The scuffs will come right off and the bumper is fine, just popped out of it's clips. My guess is his wheel slammed into it. if it wasn't for that damn dent in rim of the gas filler area. :mad:


Oh well, still waiting on Kevin to get back with me.

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