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Smartphones, upgrade now or wait?


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Android OS is quite shitty. Just like everything Google makes, it is a constant work-in-progress and thus awkward and buggy as hell. It's still better than an iPhone, however.


I'll seriously consider a Windows phone for my next. It depends on how well that OS matures.

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Android OS is quite shitty. Just like everything Google makes, it is a constant work-in-progress and thus awkward and buggy as hell. It's still better than an iPhone, however.


I'll seriously consider a Windows phone for my next. It depends on how well that OS matures.



LMAO! All that and then you seek refuge with Windows...lol

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I had the Evo 4G and the Evo 3D. Both were shit for battery. I spent more time hunting kernel and battery roms that I drove myself mad. Fuck Android!

Not making this an Apple/Android thread, but I can go days on my 4S without charging. Same usage.!


Too late, this is now an iOS/android thread.

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Android OS is quite shitty. Just like everything Google makes, it is a constant work-in-progress and thus awkward and buggy as hell. It's still better than an iPhone, however.


I'll seriously consider a Windows phone for my next. It depends on how well that OS matures.


I've messed around with a windows phone and its not bad. I'd take it over iOS any day.


Here's a good 5 part video that compares iOS and android really well.


Mind forever blown why people like iOS.

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Mind forever blown why people like iOS.


Cause it fucking works. Never sluggish, force closes, etc. If Apple ever moves to SD cards, it'll be a wash for Android. I don't give a shit about open source. I just use what's supplied.

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Cause it fucking works. Never sluggish, force closes, etc. If Apple ever moves to SD cards, it'll be a wash for Android. I don't give a shit about open source. I just use what's supplied.


LOL! Watch the video, it's the first thing they address. The "it just fucking works" statement is the most regurgitated BS reason ever. Android works better and is easier.


Put an iPhone in anyone's hand that actually properly used an Android device and watch them get frustrated as fuck.



iPhone apps never crash? Fucking bullshit




SD cards aren't necessary. My phone doesn't have an SD card, but it mounts very easily to a computer just like an SD card would...you know because USB is the standard in mobile phones, which Apple refuses to use just to make everything more difficult.


I also use what is supplied. I've ran stock android on my last 2 phones every since android 2.1. Never sluggish.


It's cool, you really like the battery life, and from what I've seen iphones have really good battery life. If gas mileage is your concern, drive a Prius and leave the Lambo's to the people who enjoy driving.

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My OG Evo has great battery life so long as I have decent signal. It has seizures if the signal sucks, or I'm trying to use WiMAX, otherwise if I use it minimally at work I can leave my 8 hour shift with 85%+ battery left. Of course, I'm rooted running Cyanogenmod 7 but I don't have it modified in any way, not running setcpu or anything like that.


When I get the Evo LTE I only want to root it for ad blocking, otherwise I'm hoping to leave it stock. From what I've heard Google really got on the manufacturer's about toning down their overlays (like Sense) for ICS because of how bad they screw up the experience.

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LOL! Watch the video, it's the first thing they address. The "it just fucking works" statement is the most regurgitated BS reason ever. Android works better and is easier.


Put an iPhone in anyone's hand that actually properly used an Android device and watch them get frustrated as fuck.



iPhone apps never crash? Fucking bullshit



SD cards aren't necessary. My phone doesn't have an SD card, but it mounts very easily to a computer just like an SD card would...you know because USB is the standard in mobile phones, which Apple refuses to use just to make everything more difficult.


I also use what is supplied. I've ran stock android on my last 2 phones every since android 2.1. Never sluggish.


It's cool, you really like the battery life, and from what I've seen iphones have really good battery life. If gas mileage is your concern, drive a Prius and leave the Lambo's to the people who enjoy driving.



Dude, when I come in these threads it's not to be a troll. I speak from my own experiences. Gas mileage is a major concern to me. I was a huge Droid fan. If I could keep myself from rooting a damn droid I'd be so much better off I think. The day I do, it's the start of the end. I never have app crashes.

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I already have an iPhone for work and I hate it. The battery life shits all over my andriod but I'm never more than 50 feet from a charger, no fuck given there. It probably also has to with the backlight on my iPhone not even working anymore. I don't want two iPhones so andriod it is.


If they don't come out with anything interesting by Thanksgiving I'll be getting the Nexus.

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Dude, when I come in these threads it's not to be a troll. I speak from my own experiences. Gas mileage is a major concern to me. I was a huge Droid fan. If I could keep myself from rooting a damn droid I'd be so much better off I think. The day I do, it's the start of the end. I never have app crashes.


No I get where you're coming from. I'm obviously a big fan of Android, but one of the things that I love about it is also one of the biggest things I hate about it, and that's the open source part, where manufacturers can go and skin the living shit out of it, turning it into a turd. Pure Android FTW.


From what I've heard Google really got on the manufacturer's about toning down their overlays (like Sense) for ICS because of how bad they screw up the experience.


This. There were rumors going around that Google was going to limited manufacturers to older version of Android if they are planning on skinning it. So if you want the latest version, you need to leave it unskinned. Guess that's not true 'cause there is ICS Sense.

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I usually hate overlays (Verizon was horrible for this) but I actually like Sense. Most of it can be turned off easily. Sense also incorporated a lot of the same features before ICS touted them.



Looks like Google will be selling Nexus 5.0 devices direct, i.e. pure Android.




Wait, 5.0 around Thanksgiving? 4.0 just came out and will only be a year old. Fucking Google. This is what I meant when I said Google's stuff is a constant work-in-progress and never finishes anything.

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Wait, 5.0 around Thanksgiving? 4.0 just came out and will only be a year old. Fucking Google. This is what I meant when I said Google's stuff is a constant work-in-progress and never finishes anything.


Well you have to keep in mind this is just rumor right now but it will probably be the case. Not sure why this is bad? Improvements/updates/new features are good! Thus is another reason to buy a nexus device, people with the galaxy nexus will get the jelly bean update and they'll get it ASAP.


Look at iOS, its about to be on version 5 too and its still the same boring ass look....I guess they do have backgrounds now :dumb:

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I haven't known many android devices to upgrade past the original OS generation.


I'm fearful because Firefox started doing the quick release scheme is coincidentally the same time it turned into a buggy, slow piece of shit - as an example.


Google is notorious for releasing stuff not close to being finished. So the new improvements/updates/features are highly likely to be less polished and more bug ridden, in my opinion.


I agree iOS is the other end of the spectrum.

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Well you have to keep in mind this is just rumor right now but it will probably be the case. Not sure why this is bad? Improvements/updates/new features are good! Thus is another reason to buy a nexus device, people with the galaxy nexus will get the jelly bean update and they'll get it ASAP.


Look at iOS, its about to be on version 5 too and its still the same boring ass look....I guess they do have backgrounds now :dumb:


Lololol. Google fanboi. You go ahead and wait for Samsung to roll out Android 5.0 (or whatever they call it.) How long did it take for the Nexus S to get ICS? For. Ever.


I challenge you: acquire an iPhone (iPhone 4 or newer) and use it for one week. Open your mind and give a different platform a fair shake.


I carry an iPhone everyday. It needs to work. I can't worry about the battery dying, or the phone rebooting ,or flashing a dozen rooms to find one where the phone/GPS/4g/battery life all work. And I'm thing this out on my Android 4.0.4 tablet, so don't try to pretend I'm an apple fanboi.


Also, iOS is already on version 5. And I will say I did almost buy an HTC one-x when amazon had them for $50.

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I don't get all the banter back and forth about apps crashing. I've had my Samsung Fascinate since December 2010 and have NEVER had anything crash. It has never even been powered off since I bought it.
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had the iphone 4 i promptly returned it cause of how much it sucked, battery wasnt good even though it wasnt 4g,

4g sucks the life out of the phone, then need 3000mah batterys to run those things.

hated ios as it requires sucky itunes. so awesome not to ever need it.

once the iphone gets 4g it battery life will suck (my 3gs would last forever, 2 days without a charge).

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