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Axl Rose..


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Got fat. Holy shit.














Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04Tm9IMiNs&feature=player_embedded#!






I do realize this was back in mid/late 2011. but damnnn.

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Yeah he's about 50 now. Guess when you get off drunks you gain weight?


That and hell. I doubt the other members of GNR look like that now (or gained that much weight).. I'm pretty sure Slash doesn't look like some trailer park trash who banked splats gf.

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^^+1 I just watched the Rock and Roll HOF inductions in which GNR was one of the inductees, the rest of the band doesn't look horrible like Axl. He didn't even show up to his own induction


I imagine the hill may've been a bit steeper on the way back down for him. So to speak.

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Getting old does suck. Besides, when you're young and moving your ass all over a stage like that you tend to burn off pounds. Now he's no longer moving like he used to and money = lots of good food.
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