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Can anyone tell me the name of this movie...?


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I remember watching a shitty b action movie years ago when I was a kid. I just watched the new terminator movie and it reminded me of it. Now I want to watch the original shitty movie again but I can't find it anywhere.


Basic story is it's in the future. Maybe post apocalyptic. A group of soldiers go out in the desert to kill shit. I can't remember what they are killing or doing but they all turn out to be cyborgs. They also all carry around big ass machine guns with the handle on top of the gun.


That's about all I got lol. If anyone can remember the movie based on that I applaud you. In case no one knows the movie I'll just watch some Top gear :fuckyeah:


/awesome thread.../end/END!!!

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Nope. Here's a slightly better description I just got from my brother who also remembers seeing it years ago but can't remember the damn name...


A group of HUMAN soldiers are sent out into the desert to do something. Kill shit (robots from what I can remember) They all have these big ass machine guns that look like a hand held mini gun. So the trigger is on the top of what looks like a joystick. But it's not a mini gun, meaning the barrels dont spin. It's just some gun they made up. Through out the movie they die one by one and realize they are cyborgs. They then start wondering if they are all cyborgs. From what I can remember it ends up being a guy and a woman who are left, can't remember if they were cyborgs or not. But some one ends up blowing up a nuke and killing everyone any way.


Reason for wanting to watch this again. Because I watched it when I had less brain function lol. I thought it was bad then but just like with everything else, the older you get the worse things become. Well most of the time.

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In Suspect Device a nuke goes off at the end too.. It's implanted in one of their heads.


The nuke from what I remember is in their ship. Another guy who wasn't with the original group detonates it. I think...

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