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Mars One Mission


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So a Dutch company has a plan to send 4 people up to Mars in 2023 with an additional 4 going every following 2 years. To live there for the rest of their lives.


Here's their intro video thing.




And their website.




So you guys think this is actually going to happen or a load of crap? Would you go?

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Guest GMoney
The only way i would do that is to take the three hottest women i could think of to come with me. If im going to a planet where i know im going to never leave might as well have fun.
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I used to be really into science/space technology before I started a family...do we have the means to reliably renew all the resources (air, water primarily) for a Mars habitat?


Mars is awesome, but I would think a Moon colony would make a little more sense, given it's proximity to Earth...far easier from a cost/logistics point to manage.

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I don't think it will ever happen, at least not like this. It's going to be incredibly expensive to send people and cargo to Mars, and it's an incredibly long trip. There are too many hurdles and too much cost. If the focused on sending people to the moon to establish a permanent colony I would be more confident.
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Home for lunch and I just looked at the video. Makes more sense to me that the "colony" would be established before humans came. Rovers would need to also be doing some valuable exploration to justify the cost of setting up the colony before humans could visit.


I like the idea, and it can be done - note that the arrays and bubbles are likely algae/plant greenhouses to generate food and oxygen (since Mars' atmosphere is primarily CO2) - but the 7-month travel time is still a killer in my book. We're going from no colony on Mars to a multi-unit establishment with no history of habiting Mars. It's a huge leap.


I guess the big problem with the Moon is the lack of an atmosphere of some sort to provide some radiation protection, for long-term human habitatation. I also worry about contamination on Mars; who knows how germs will fluorish in a totally new environment?

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First off this looks like a complete crock of shit. Second this will never happen.


At a little over 200 days to even get there, being stuck in a little pod with x amount of people someones going to go crazy. (Even the russian's think this) The only real feasible way to do it would be to do a direct flight using nuclear power. This would cut the trip to a more reasonable 4 months.


The lack of detail on there website should also be taken into consideration.

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