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Guest Hal

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Since one of the mods doesn't quite seem to grasp the concept of what a threat is, or isn't, I figure I'll take a second to educate y'all.


threat   [thret]



a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.


an indication or warning of probable trouble: The threat of a storm was in the air.


a person or thing that threatens.


So, let's think of some examples that may or may not constitute a threat.


1. "You need put in your place in a bad way. When is the next CR fight night im calling out Mr. So fucking smart bitch ass Hal... Man up unless you dont think the outcome would be anything but you getting slapped around like the little bitch you are." - Snowflake (Direct Quote)


2. "Come fight me in a parkinglot, or else." - CR thug (paraphrased from memory as the PM is gone and I didn't record the phone call)


3. "Kill yourself in this manner." - Me (paraphrased since someone edited my post)


Which of these can be considered threats under the definition of the word? 1 and 2. Which of these cannot be considered a threat? 3.


So there you have it, a quick lesson on threats. Two of those, which are threats, have been completely ignored by the mods/admins. One of those, which is in no way a threat and has been allowed for years on CR, was edited because a mod doesn't understand basic language.



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stop being such a fucking pussy

Explain how I am being a pussy. You have yet to say anything other than "yo dawg, I be wantin' to fight yo ass. Why you no want to fight me back?"

Not a threat: I hope you die in a fire...


Now it is:...after I spray you with methanol and light a match.



For once, Scott, you get the concept right away. I must say, I'm quite proud.

For being so much more superior than everyone else you sure do whine a lot you fucking pussy

Educating the ignorant masses as to what constitutes a threat (i.e., your angry lil post) is not whining. Shall I explain the differences for you? Maybe Scott can do it, he seems to be doing well today.

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Hal rustles more jimmies than an alberta clipper in the early fall. Snowflake gets a Hal-boner every single time he posts.


Right now I'm an amateur jimmy rustler, but I've been thinking about going to qualifying school and going pro.


P.S., plus neutral (I can't give positive) rep to whomever can photoshop Trollflake with a Hal-boner.

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for a "shit talker" you sure do complain a lot.


Actually, I haven't complained. If you will talk the time to read, you will notice that I did not express any dissatisfaction. What I did do, is explain what constitutes a threat and what does not. That is for the benefit of people who do not quite know what a certain word means. If you would like, I can break down what constitutes a complaint.

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PS, let's not argue semantics... the OP reeks*** of "ban him... he is threatening me!!!" which is just silly. If you're going to talk shit, be comfortable with the fact you are going to offend someone "in real lyf".
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Edit: For some reason, I feel the need to justify my grammar nazi-ism today. Maybe it's my mood, but every fucking time I have read a post that contained a mis-conjugated word, or word misused, I have cracked the fuck up.


Juiced, thank you, you litarally made me laugh out loud with that.

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PS, let's not argue semantics... the OP wreaks of "ban him... he is threatening me!!!" which is just silly. If you're going to talk shit, be comfortable with the fact you are going to offend someone "in real lyf".


I've offended many people "in real lyf," it's amusing. I'm pretty sure I hold the record for most times threatened, which is quite an honor. I'm comfortable with offending people, but complete ignorance of language is where I draw the line.

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That would crack me up if it said "Shut up ad take my Jimmies!"

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