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Husky puppy


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biggest reason i am wanting a Siberian husky is because when i was 16 -18 i did all the grounds maintenance at my dad's boss's house and his rental properties. He had 2 Siberian huskies that were amazing to be around. would sit and watch as i mowed the yard. when pulling weds ect they would help by digging them up lol. all around would both just stay by my side. unless there was a tennis ball around. then they would go ape shit over it. also would ride with me to gas station to get gas for the mower's ect. i spent more time with them 2 dogs in the summer then i think i did my family lol. i personally just had a great experience with them when i was a little younger and now that ive moved out of my parents house last year and im able to get a house id like to all around have a companion like that again. which i know will be alot of work but i think well worth it in the end. and for training ive been told by a few professional training is recommended at a young age for them? or is it best for the owner of the pup to do the training?


side note: do any of your huskys like water? swimming ect?

I would definitely get with a pro for training if you do decide to go the Husky route. I agree with the other poster that you might be looking more for a Lab or other retriever. They tend to act more in the manner you described.


I don't have a Husky, but my lab will swim all day if I let her.

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One of my girlfriends roommates just got one, after being told it was a bad idea.


Day 1 went fine.


Day 2 (yesterday) it takes a shit, rolls in it until there is no shit left to roll in, and then goes fucking wild in the house.

bwhahahaah That had to fuckin suck.


Also, I'm glad we got some realistic people in here with good dog experience to help with the process. All too often people don't take pets seriously enough. Props to the OP for asking for advice, etc, as well.

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If you are deadset on getting a dog, I would highly advise you take it to National K9 for a eval and training. Don't be like 99% of the rest of amercian dog owners, let the dog do what it wants, when it wants, then when it's 3yrs old show up to a training saying "fix my dog." You don't need to "fix" anything if it's all adressed from the first moment.


"ohhh silly sparky. I can't open the door without him bolting out. Ha ha, he is so dumb and silly." Yeah, its funny until your dog does it then gets nailed by a car. And who's fault is that? The owners. I was at the OSU vetinary clinic once when this girl walked in crying and holding a lifeless schnauzer. Yup, dog ran out in the road and got hit. And whos fault is that? Not the dogs...not the driver's...yup, you guessed it, the OWNER'S!


My point is, whenever you take an animal and subject it to living in a "human world", it's your responsibility to do what's best for that animal just as you would a kid.


Just throwing that out there. Don't be that owner where people dread coming over your house because your dog acts like a retard.

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Mine will go in the water, just not really to the point of swimming. She likes to just walk around and jump and play. Now my other (girlfriend's: dad was a pure Siberian Husky, mom is a Beagle/some kind of hound mix) pup loves to swim around.
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bwhahahaah That had to fuckin suck.


Also, I'm glad we got some realistic people in here with good dog experience to help with the process. All too often people don't take pets seriously enough. Props to the OP for asking for advice, etc, as well.


yeah i figure its the smart way to do this.


If you are deadset on getting a dog, I would highly advise you take it to National K9 for a eval and training. Don't be like 99% of the rest of amercian dog owners, let the dog do what it wants, when it wants, then when it's 3yrs old show up to a training saying "fix my dog." You don't need to "fix" anything if it's all adressed from the first moment.


"ohhh silly sparky. I can't open the door without him bolting out. Ha ha, he is so dumb and silly." Yeah, its funny until your dog does it then gets nailed by a car. And who's fault is that? The owners. I was at the OSU vetinary clinic once when this girl walked in crying and holding a lifeless schnauzer. Yup, dog ran out in the road and got hit. And whos fault is that? Not the dogs...not the driver's...yup, you guessed it, the OWNER'S!


My point is, whenever you take an animal and subject it to living in a "human world", it's your responsibility to do what's best for that animal just as you would a kid.


Just throwing that out there. Don't be that owner where people dread coming over your house because your dog acts like a retard.


where is that at? im looking into them now and trying to find a good place to get a siberian husky.

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There is a Husky rescue in NW Ohio you may contact.




Our dog is a Husky mix. He was crate trained and ultimately housebroken within a few weeks of getting him at 12 weeks old. Our only complaint is that he sheds A LOT. Like several others in this thread we bought a Dyson and it has served us well. He is also very vocal, not only with actual barking, but "talking". He "talks to us with a howling-like voice, which is pretty hysterical. He's pretty awesome. He is almost 9 now, so he is getting up there in age, but he has adapted well to our two year old girl, who recently stuck her babydoll in his collar for him to carry around. He growled the whole time in protest, but sat there the whole time and let he do what she wanted.

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There is a Husky rescue in NW Ohio you may contact.




Our dog is a Husky mix. He was crate trained and ultimately housebroken within a few weeks of getting him at 12 weeks old. Our only complaint is that he sheds A LOT. Like several others in this thread we bought a Dyson and it has served us well. He is also very vocal, not only with actual barking, but "talking". He "talks to us with a howling-like voice, which is pretty hysterical. He's pretty awesome. He is almost 9 now, so he is getting up there in age, but he has adapted well to our two year old girl, who recently stuck her babydoll in his collar for him to carry around. He growled the whole time in protest, but sat there the whole time and let he do what she wanted.


mine does the "talking" thing to. When mine sleeps at night, he always either goes in his crate or under the bed. when he goes to one of those spots, he thinks its time for you to stfu and if you dont, he will continually moan at you like your getting on his nerves lmao.

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well i drove a little over 300 miles today starting at 9 am looking around at dogs and puppy's. then last min when i had just about given up i found this girl on craigslist in Lancaster and back on the road we went. pulled up and got out of the car and she ran right up to us. basically was love at first sight. she is lab mix. mother was a full blooded black lab. father is un know. maybe retriever or chow? not sure.


she picked her own name. while at pets mart getting puppy food, a bed for her, some toys and a leash and collar she bite onto a Harley collar thus her name. Harliegh. she is 6 weeks old we were told and loves to play. she is passed out in her bed and i am puppy proofing the house now. laptop cords, phone cords ect. lots to do. this is my first puppy so big learning curve for me. So far she loves the 2 cats and they are taking to her pretty well. They are starting to play together. i know its not a husky but after seeing a few of them and spending some time with them we decided we should really wait on a husky. im very happy with her. Will be making her a vet appointment on Monday for something this week for her to get a check up and her first round of shots.



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well i drove a little over 300 miles today starting at 9 am looking around at dogs and puppy's. then last min when i had just about given up i found this girl on craigslist in Lancaster and back on the road we went. pulled up and got out of the car and she ran right up to us. basically was love at first sight. she is lab mix. mother was a full blooded black lab. father is un know. maybe retriever or chow? not sure.


she picked her own name. while at pets mart getting puppy food, a bed for her, some toys and a leash and collar she bite onto a Harley collar thus her name. Harliegh. she is 6 weeks old we were told and loves to play. she is passed out in her bed and i am puppy proofing the house now. laptop cords, phone cords ect. lots to do. this is my first puppy so big learning curve for me. So far she loves the 2 cats and they are taking to her pretty well. They are starting to play together. i know its not a husky but after seeing a few of them and spending some time with them we decided we should really wait on a husky. im very happy with her. Will be making her a vet appointment on Monday for something this week for her to get a check up and her first round of shots.



8 weeks is the recommended age at which they should be selling puppies...


Labs tend to be very mouthy as puppies, so get ready for some chewed up things and bites on the hand. This is not a cute little activity, make sure to correct/redirect the energy into something better.

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8 weeks is the recommended age at which they should be selling puppies...


Labs tend to be very mouthy as puppies, so get ready for some chewed up things and bites on the hand. This is not a cute little activity, make sure to correct/redirect the energy into something better.


Haha, I was just about to comment on this, as well. But a bit differently.


I can almost guarantee that puppy is at least 8 wks not 6, which is fine. ;)


That's a cute little girl. Earlier in the thread, someone called Lab, too. lol

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Congrats man. I have a lab/retreiver mix that looks the same except for solid white. She is 2 years old now and also named Harley because she picked her own collar out. She learns very easy. Only bad habit she ever had was she liked to try to eat my wifes hair or pull it. Also once she began to sleep with my she would bite my fucking face if she wanted out of bed, but she grew out of that after about a month.
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Congrats man. I have a lab/retreiver mix that looks the same except for solid white. She is 2 years old now and also named Harley because she picked her own collar out. She learns very easy. Only bad habit she ever had was she liked to try to eat my wifes hair or pull it. Also once she began to sleep with my she would bite my fucking face if she wanted out of bed, but she grew out of that after about a month.


yeah, she keeps me on a my feet right now lol. ill get a few motor pictures of her tomm.

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My only complaint about my lab is that she fucking pants constantly. We have the A/C set at 65* in my house and she still pants. It annoying if your trying to sleep and she crawls into bed and rocks the entire bed.


This could be a temporary thing. My husky did this for a short while when we first got her. Kind of a nervous, getting used to the new surroundings type thing.

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8 weeks is the recommended age at which they should be selling puppies...


Labs tend to be very mouthy as puppies, so get ready for some chewed up things and bites on the hand. This is not a cute little activity, make sure to correct/redirect the energy into something better.



Yup. Pups taken from mom younger than 8wks typically have a weaker immune system and scocial skills with dogs/other people are lacking compared to what they would normally be.


Not saying its a huge deal, like you are going to have an unhealthy fear biter or anything, just something that needs to be considered in the future when getting a dog.


Most backyard breeders will tell you 5-6wks is fine and they do it all the time, most specific/responsible breeders will not even considering letting a puppy go before 8wks. Motivation is different. The tailer park redneck husky breeder just wants the money and to get them out as pups are not easy or cheap to properly raise, the real breeders don't make any money, they do it because they love the breed...its a hobby for them more than a business.

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