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Miata Owners - Advice Please

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Please school me on reliability, comfort, known issues, if my 6'2" self will fit, etc.


We're going to sell off the Wife's old Saturn soon in favor of something a little more sporty and with a manual transmission. We originally planned to get her a Legacy GT (or similar sporty midsize) because we do intend to have kids eventually, but that's on hold for now until we're settled into a new house. We have no car payments and I'd like to keep it that way for another couple of years.


Anywho, at this point I'm thinking just a cheap, reliable-ish roadster could be "fun" enough for her over the next couple of years and they're cheap enough we can just about jump right into one without pulling much out of savings. I'm not sure I like the idea of convertible without a rollbar, but it appears those can be had for around $300.


Also, I'm not that concerned about winter driving. She can always take the Jeep to work since I work from home anyway.

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I had a first generation MX5 and loved it, but got a lot of crap about driving a chicks car. Drove mine up to about 100K without any issues then caught the Wankle fever. I miss the ability to drop the top in 1 second (Sun roof is not the same thing).


Items I remember when I had mine:

Timing belt

Any maintenance records (Proof the previous owner maintained the car)

Tops are expensive (Inspect or expect a $5 - 700 expense)

If they have the optional hard top even better

Also read up on the Miata / MX forums (Yes their are ones on the internet other than CR)







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I had a first generation MX5 and loved it, but got a lot of crap about driving a chicks car. Drove mine up to about 100K without any issues then caught the Wankle fever. I miss the ability to drop the top in 1 second (Sun roof is not the same thing).


Items I remember when I had mine:

Timing belt

Any maintenance records (Proof the previous owner maintained the car)

Tops are expensive (Inspect or expect a $5 - 700 expense)

If they have the optional hard top even better

Also read up on the Miata / MX forums (Yes their are ones on the internet other than CR)







Thanks for the insight/tips.


I have begun reading up on the Miata forums already, just looking for some frst-hand reviews (suchs as yours).

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Obviously I think they are great little cars, go sit in a few and see if you can live with how small they are. I'm 5' 10" and it really has its small moments for me, but I live with it fine. The cars are really bulletproof, do the maintanence like you should and they run forever, timing belt, oil/fluid changes, ect. There are many racers who seek out higher mileage cars because the bottom ends make the most power at 100k miles. Drivetrains are built well for stock power and stand up to most mods without blowing up, something that can't be said for most GM cars. Had the 91 I sold ben in better shape (rust) I'd have just stuck to racing it because I loved the car. My Mazdaspeed Miata is an absolute blast, a little tighter interior then the first gen, but a well put together factory toy.


I could care less about a rollbar but thats just me, tops are important when looking at them, if you can get the hardtop you're so much better off and keep in mind that hardtops go for $1k-$1200 used so you will pay for it in the cost of a car. Lots of aftermarket, lots of used parts out there since there was so many of them made. The best part is how it is RWD and handles like nothing else for the money. Mine handles better in the rain then my Camaro in the dry, my 91 on Blizzaks handled better in the snow then anything else I've ever driven on all seasons.

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