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Texas Dad beats his Daughter's Rapist to Death


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Oh no, won't someone please think of the disgusting child molester's rights? Someone call the Vatican. Seriously though, from what I'm reading all evidence points to the father's story being true. Horrible for him and his daughter to have to experience. The only possible silver lining I can think of is he likely saved other future victims from the same.


A Texas civil rights leader recently questioned whether the father should have been arrested immediately following the incident and said he might have gone to far due to his “anger.”

“When does it move beyond self-defense,” Jim Harrington asked, director of the Texas Civil Rights Project.

^ Fuck that guy.
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I was thinking after seeing pics from the farm. I'm pretty sure that if it were me, I wouldn't see any point in calling the cops unless the other family members or witnesses were there. Even then, my family, we'd have fed him to the animals. Not sure what kind of DNA would be left in chicken and hog shit, but I'd take my chances.
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I'm gald the rapist is dead....and could really give a fuck less about him.


I have a problem with people taking the law into their own hands. You are not judge jury and executioner...even though the court system we have is fucked.


In this instance one of the dads saving graces is fact that he tired to save this guys life after the beating.

Edited by Sturg
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I'm gald the rapist is dead....and could really give a fuck less about him.


I have a problem with people taking the law into their own hands. You are not judge jury and executioner...even though the court system we have is fucked.


In this instance one of the dads saving graces is fact that he tired to save this guys life after the beating.



I am glad to see your occupation is a "sperm donater" and not a FATHER. Because you fail at it....



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I am glad to see your occupation is a "sperm donater" and not a FATHER. Because you fail at it....




I'm not making a case for the rapist, glad he's dead, one less fucktard to deal with. But what what it comes down to is i dont believe that you can be judge jury and executioner. I'm making a case for State Law and to a lesser extent, civilization.


People will see this verdict and think its OK to beat people to death in "X" circumstance. There is a reason that every law breaker, while scum bags and general shit stains on earth, is not sentenced to death.

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I'm not making a case for the rapist, i'm making a case for the law.


So supporting something that's fucked and wrong is right? The State Law is fucked and wrong.


Opinions vary, but mine is in this case, there is absolutely a right to kill a rapist, especially one that goes after a 5yr old. I stand by the fact that more rapists and murders need to be executed. Especially when caught in the act. No need at all for a trial. That's a tremendous waste of resources.

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I'm not making a case for the rapist, glad he's dead, one less fucktard to deal with. But what what it comes down to is i dont believe that you can be judge jury and executioner. I'm making a case for State Law and to a lesser extent, civilization.



It's Texas Law, not Ohio Law. Texas is a firm believer of an individual's right to protect themselves or family. I'd rather see the dead shit bag, than have Law Enforcement try to enterpret the law. I agree everyone is entitled to due process, but there's certain things that can head to the death express lane. I believe that rape/molestation especially involving children = 2 to the chest, 1 to the head.

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It's Texas Law, not Ohio Law. Texas is a firm believer of an individual's right to protect themselves or family. I'd rather see the dead shit bag, than have Law Enforcement try to enterpret the law. I agree everyone is entitled to due process, but there's certain things that can head to the death express lane. I believe that rape/molestation especially involving children = 2 to the chest, 1 to the head.


For sure, no tears shed over this dirt bag.

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For sure, no tears shed over this dirt bag.


I hear what you mean, if we let others slide, due process fails, we revert back to our days when another Tyrant ruled. Slippery slope of vigilanties dealing their own brand of justice. Something as evident as this case, no judge or jury should be necessary.


There are far worse things fucking our civilization at the moment than a few citizens dealing out a little well served justice.

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Even in Ohio I don't think this would have been a problem. So he beat a guy off his little girl and the result is the dude died. I'm pretty sure that falls under self defence.


Now if you could prove the dude was totally trying to get away and the guy dragged him back into the fight to finish him off that would be different, but I don't think you'd get a jury to convict him.

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So supporting something that's fucked and wrong is right? The State Law is fucked and wrong.


Opinions vary, but mine is in this case, there is absolutely a right to kill a rapist, especially one that goes after a 5yr old. I stand by the fact that more rapists and murders need to be executed. Especially when caught in the act. No need at all for a trial. That's a tremendous waste of resources.


I couldn't agree more. Image all the money that could be saved on not supplying people with everything they need to survive in prison and on court fees. Kill them all!!

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I think more people should take the law into their own hands to be quite honest. I also believe public hangings should be brought back, might get people to stop being such fuck heads




Just because this guy rid us of a complete tool in this very specific situation, hardly means it's time to open the floodgates of vigilante law. Sure, in certain open and shut cases with undeniable DNA evidence, we should be executing the scumbags, rapists, and psycho-murderers post-fucking-haste. It needs to be through the courts though, courts that require evidence, and testing. Anything else has way too much potential for abuse either purposeful(setups or lies to support actions) or accidental(mistaken identity, or even bystander casualties). The system needs adjusting no doubt, such as the above-listed. However even the system we have now, unfortunately convicts innocent men and women on occasion. The rate is by all accounts quite low, but still existent. You could bet we'd see a lot more problems, and fuck-ups with lynch mobs and public hangings.


Also I'm going to get my gun-nut message in since I can. Don't shit on constitutional rights for trial and punishment. Our little forum tends to be pretty pro-2A, and I love that, but we can't complain about super-lefties trying to bypass the Second, then try and suggest the same for a different amendment.


Lastly none of the above has anything to do with the case of a father, hearing his daughter screaming for help, and then doing what had to be done. The man died from the injuries he received trying to commit a grievous and terrible crime against an innocent child. No premeditation occurred that we are aware of, and you have the right to defend your child. I know at least in Ohio you can meet sexual assault with deadly force by law. Done deal. Justice served.

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I once heard a joke that texas has an express line for being put to death. I guess this guy took it serious. I did see the guy on the news, he said he didn't mean to kill him, just to scare the ever living shit out of him. I don't blame him though, I see a guy trying to rape any child, an ass beating will be the least I would do to someone.
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I just an email about this from my brother who lives / retired outside a simliar size town called Weimar, Texas. He's about 35 minutes from where this happened.


Let's just say he could easily afford to live anywhere in the world yet he built his ranch down there for a reason and loves it. Big fish, little pond, Texas laws where donations to the local police agencies goes a long way. I've been with him when he blows by constables and sheriffs down there going well over posted limits in his 911 and they just exchange waves. :cool:

Edited by TTQ B4U
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