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Texas Dad beats his Daughter's Rapist to Death


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Dad is a hero. I would not charge either.


Dunno about Hero...maybe regular human being doing what most regular human beings would do.


Hero is a term that gets tossed around wayyyy to often.

Edited by RC K9
caint spell yo
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Just because this guy rid us of a complete tool in this very specific situation, hardly means it's time to open the floodgates of vigilante law. Sure, in certain open and shut cases with undeniable DNA evidence, we should be executing the scumbags, rapists, and psycho-murderers post-fucking-haste. It needs to be through the courts though, courts that require evidence, and testing. Anything else has way too much potential for abuse either purposeful(setups or lies to support actions) or accidental(mistaken identity, or even bystander casualties). The system needs adjusting no doubt, such as the above-listed. However even the system we have now, unfortunately convicts innocent men and women on occasion. The rate is by all accounts quite low, but still existent. You could bet we'd see a lot more problems, and fuck-ups with lynch mobs and public hangings.


Also I'm going to get my gun-nut message in since I can. Don't shit on constitutional rights for trial and punishment. Our little forum tends to be pretty pro-2A, and I love that, but we can't complain about super-lefties trying to bypass the Second, then try and suggest the same for a different amendment.


Lastly none of the above has anything to do with the case of a father, hearing his daughter screaming for help, and then doing what had to be done. The man died from the injuries he received trying to commit a grievous and terrible crime against an innocent child. No premeditation occurred that we are aware of, and you have the right to defend your child. I know at least in Ohio you can meet sexual assault with deadly force by law. Done deal. Justice served.



I want my vigalante name to be "The Pudgy"

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Plus one for killing rapists, the additional facts like that it was a child only makes me wish he would have died slower. I would enjoy urinating on his grave and believe that any estate or property owned by the sick bastard should be ceased, auctioned and placed into a trust or college fund for the victim. HOpefully she was young enough for this to not completety ruin her life but I hope this makes more fathers cross that line the future. I agreed with the use of law abiding citizen tactics just prefer them to only be used on those would hurt others not cowards who turn there back. This is another reason why we should shut the border.
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It just proves that although not all but some Mexicans are willing to do the small effort to legally come here to rape, molest, kidnapped or murder. I personally say get the fuck out of my country (clayton bigsby). Plenty of bad shit going on in mexico they need to try to fix. Our fore fathers didnt just jump up in leave when they had to fight to make our country grand. I'm not usualyy the guy I sound like here but I feel for this guy, now hes gonna be reaching for his piece or boxing gloves lol everything he sese a Mexican look at his daughter.
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Legal, illegal, Mexican, American. Has nothing to do with being a pedophile. That's not an issue of race or nationality. If you are honestly implying what I think you are, I'm not even sure how one could begin to postulate such a theory.


Can you provide data to show legal immigrants are committing violent crimes at a higher rate than the general citizenry?

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I can although when you mention legal the numbers drop by a significant percentage. I really dont give a fuck enough to post the link, mainly because I specifically never said all mexicans are bad infact alot of them are badass workers. I also said shut the border as a vague topic as in all foreign entry. What im really saying is our country will create or impose laws or policys based on one incident. This is something if anything of issues that needs addressed. While i didnt come out and keep up the stereo type i Will say after working with hundreds of Mexicans when I was younger the males young and old were always perverted and after young/underage girls at the work place. My manager was fired for molesting a minor. If shutting our borders resulted in one less rape I would be for that policy. If we shut the borders other countrys would work too match us because there would be no running away from the chaos. And your statement about race affecting who is a jerry sandusky depends on what you define as right and wrong but some cultures seem to better accept robbing the cradle and hanging with micheal Jackson.
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Race plays a big role in whos a pedofile. In the u.s. white males significantly out number other groups for those type of crimes. Sick and disturbing but I'm about the facts and what comes infront of my two eyes, every day is a game of chance. We have stereo types to have a better shot at predicting threats. If your wanna trust everyone out there I suggest you keep your karma clean for best of luck.
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Stereotypes are there for reason. Thats how I know not to leave my kids alone with priests or old football coaches. Now if you would excuse me Im going to go drink the malt liquor I purchased with the money from the food stamps I sold.
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I'm not exactly sure where to begin, so I suppose I'll just do my best.


I can although when you mention legal the numbers drop by a significant percentage.
Not sure what other numbers would apply. I asked for legal numbers since that is what's specifically in question. Also, you directly allude to some degree of legal criminality as concerning via a previous statement, the following quoted.


It just proves that although not all but some Mexicans are willing to do the small effort to legally come here to rape, molest, kidnapped or murder.


I am simply asking whether the legal immigrant is more likely, less likely, or plain similarly likely to commit a violent crime compared to his non-immigrant counterpart. For the record I am firmly against illegal immigration, though as I previously typed out before in another thread, the demand is there. They come to supply. Seek out the employer who hires the illegal to stamp out the problem.


While i didnt come out and keep up the stereo type i Will say after working with hundreds of Mexicans when I was younger the males young and old were always perverted and after young/underage girls at the work place.
Have you ever witnessed or even known of a male of any other race besides hispanic/latino making objectionable remarks about younger or even underage females? Have you ever known/heard of a man of another race besides hispanic/latino that has been removed from his position of employment for soliciting, or even molesting a co-worker? Have you ever found your way into a Jailbait thread? God knows I have, and I'm not even Mexican. Here's the actual problem. Even if you answer yes to all of the above, "anecdotal evidence" is almost always the most lousy kind, and lends itself all too easy to confirmation bias.


If shutting our borders resulted in one less rape I would be for that policy. If we shut the borders other countrys would work too match us because there would be no running away from the chaos.
So we should shut down the entire border(as if that is so feasible, and easily accomplished, like shutting a closet door), to prevent a possible crime that within a margin of predictability will occur, and throw the baby out with the bathwater as some would say? Just curious if you are alleging that there is no other possible redeeming factor to the legal immigrants that come into the country. What about rapists that are natural citizens?


And your statement about race affecting who is a jerry sandusky depends on what you define as right and wrong but some cultures seem to better accept robbing the cradle and hanging with micheal Jackson.
So you can provide me with numbers pertaining to a specific modern race, or even modern nationality of peoples that are more typically child-molesting rapists? I don't personally feel that that has anything to do with what I feel is subjectively right or wrong. For shits and giggles, let's just say under anyone under 14 counts as a child. Just for the record the reason I stated "modern" in the above was because I am aware that most older cultures were quite lax in their age requirements for sexual relationships.


Race plays a big role in whos a pedofile. In the u.s. white males significantly out number other groups for those type of crimes. Sick and disturbing but I'm about the facts and what comes infront of my two eyes, every day is a game of chance.


Well, white people do largely outnumber everyone else in the United States, so it's pretty much expected that certain things will skew significantly in their/our direction. More white people, more white pedophiles. Also pedophiles generally target people they know, which is why you are far more likely to be targeted by an Uncle, or family friend than any stranger on the street. Again, same rule, more white Uncles, more white pedophiles. So what I'm actually curious about is whether the rate of pedophilia, or pederasty is higher in one regionally dominant race over another regionally dominant race(or are there more white Child-molesters in the USA, than Chinese-molesters in China). Unfortunately such statistics would be very difficult both to gather, and analyze. I would hypothesize that the rates would not be alarmingly one-sided in relatively comparable societies.


We have stereo types to have a better shot at predicting threats. If your wanna trust everyone out there I suggest you keep your karma clean for best of luck.
I stereotype all the time, we all do. If anything I trust almost no one because I accept the probability of me meeting someone genuinely awful while relatively low, is still above the threshold beyond which I maintain a high level of skepticism, as if you couldn't tell from all the questions I'm asking you. Stereotyping, and judging are two completely different things though. If five black guys are walking towards me dressed like thugs at night, I am going to feel uncomfortable because of the stereotypes presented against(and in some cases well-earned) young black males dressed like thugs. However that's not the same thing as me saying that black males simply shouldn't be allowed on the same street.
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That was way top long to read dude. You seem serious, i wanna clarify I was trashed when i typed all the above and wanna clarify I made a serious mistake when I said white people are bad lmfao. I can kinda see ur point that he didnt need to come here to rape people, i just really wish he hadn't. Same principle as a couple bad Muslims shit on all the others in that faith. Unfortunately that unmeasureable percentage of Extremeists gets all people in there practice a serious dose of stereotypical treatment complimented with filthy looks, and rough treatment.
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That was way top long to read dude. You seem serious, i wanna clarify I was trashed when i typed all the above and wanna clarify I made a serious mistake when I said white people are bad lmfao. I can kinda see ur point that he didnt need to come here to rape people, i just really wish he hadn't. Same principle as a couple bad Muslims shit on all the others in that faith. Unfortunately that unmeasureable percentage of Extremeists gets all people in there practice a serious dose of stereotypical treatment complimented with filthy looks, and rough treatment.


I'm not that serious, it's the internet after all, so don't take anything I say too personally. That's why I tried to pepper a few cheesy jokes in my reply. Anyways we're on the same wavelength about the dead child-rapist.

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Makes me think if a "had it coming" clause could be made by law. Similar to "battered wife syndrome", it could be used to nullify any criminal charges if a jury agreed that it applied. Would have to be restricted to so-called crimes of passion, so that it couldn't be used for retribution later.
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