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I got married on Friday, got a call at 1030 hours Friday morning from a neighbor I am friends with saying my garage door and my front door are open. No one was supposed to be there so he entered the house and called CPD for me. I busted ass home and found all three tv's gone, Xbox/PS3, her nook, both laptop, kinect sensor, luggage, my dirty clothes hamper, my watch winder and 6 watches all gone. Her jewelry and our wedding gifts remain.



CPD seems to think they gained access via our sliding glass back door bouncing it off track or un locked. Backed a car into our garage an closed the door and loaded it up and drove off. They where there for some time and all indications is they where going to come back again. Non of my firearms or knives are gone so the ATF won't be involved.

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I got married on Friday, got a call at 1030 hours Friday morning from a neighbor I am friends with saying my garage door and my front door are open. No one was supposed to be there so he entered the house and called CPD for me. I busted ass home and found all three tv's gone, Xbox/PS3, her nook, both laptop, kinect sensor, luggage, my dirty clothes hamper, my watch winder and 6 watches all gone. Her jewelry and our wedding gifts remain.



CPD seems to think they gained access via our sliding glass back door bouncing it off track or un locked. Backed a car into our garage an closed the door and loaded it up and drove off. They where there for some time and all indications is they where going to come back again. Non of my firearms or knives are gone so the ATF won't be involved.


That sucks. I'm sure the biggest thing the took from you is your peace of mind. I really hope that CPD and/or Karma gets them back.

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I got married on Friday, got a call at 1030 hours Friday morning from a neighbor I am friends with saying my garage door and my front door are open. No one was supposed to be there so he entered the house and called CPD for me. I busted ass home and found all three tv's gone, Xbox/PS3, her nook, both laptop, kinect sensor, luggage, my dirty clothes hamper, my watch winder and 6 watches all gone. Her jewelry and our wedding gifts remain.



CPD seems to think they gained access via our sliding glass back door bouncing it off track or un locked. Backed a car into our garage an closed the door and loaded it up and drove off. They where there for some time and all indications is they where going to come back again. Non of my firearms or knives are gone so the ATF won't be involved.



Well, it could have been worse! You and the Misses are safe.


People think I am paranoid. I love House Alarms, and hope it never goes off!




PS - Get a house-Sitter is you are leaving for Honeymoon shortly ;)

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Sorry to hear man. Does suck and what's worse is I have a hunch Killjoy is right...someone had to know you weren't going to be there. Just seems way to cooincidental to be an accident.


I had a guy I worked with who had something similar. Family was going on vacation, kids were in high school, talked about it and somewhere along the line someone else made note, got details and bam, white van was seen by neighbors pulling in garage but no one called or got any other information as it didn't seem too out of place as again, they actually pulled into the garage. Most don't expect that to happen.


Good luck. I hope they find the bastards.

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Did you announce it anywhere that you would be out of town? Thats a big no-no, also always have a house sitter. Let me know if i can be of assistance in anyway mike.


Congrats on the wedding!


Especially on Facebook. I see that announced WAY too often.

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