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LEO kills wrong man after knocking on the wrong door


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in situations where im not expecting someone and there is a kncok at odd hours, i always answer with my weapon but keep it out of sight. I however still agree the deceased appeared to die from a stupid, sensless situation. Another question that goes through my mind is whether the LEO's were in uniform or not.
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Public safety should always be placed above the safety of police. Public gets the benefit of the doubt first. Police can not be above the same laws they enforce and must follow due process. Tyranny exists when the circumstances are reversed.
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The guy had no reason to answer the door armed.


Don't knock on my door in the middle of the night. I DO believe in the right to defend myself.


That's why officers want the benefit of surprise.


LOL. How surprising are they being knocking on a door and waiting for an answer. Not real ninja-esque. Hahahaha!


I have plenty of friends and family in law enforcement. I can see things from there side and I don't want the shit they have to deal with. Being a sideline officer is easy, having someone whip a gun into your face and dealing with that situation in a split second is a whole other story. I'm just glad everyone here knows EXACTLY what should be done sitting behind a PC screen as opposed to a barrel in your face. Just sayin........


I have many friends and fam serving too, and I hear stories. I'm not taking a side because I wasn't there and I'm reading someones take on the situation.


I do believe anyone has a right to be armed at any time in their home. I also agree that he should have announced he was armed as you said, but then again, you claim the police want the benefit of surprise. If someone comes to my door in the middle of the night I want to ensure that I have the benefit of surprise over anyone else.

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The cops are idiots.


In fairness to the idiot cops, if I feel I need to answer my door gun in hand, I'm not answering the door.


^^ this


If the dude had no peep hole then he couldn't do much else other than have the gun at his side which he probably did and one of the cops freaked.



The guy's apartment clearly shown has a huge window right next to the door. Dude should have just looked outside first.


Not saying what the cops did was perfect but in the end, Darwin took this guy and we're all likely better off.


In the end, sure, he has the right to be armed in his own home but if you're going to answer the door with gun pointed, you better be prepared to fire it first. I guess he found out the hard way that he obviously was trying to be more bad-ass then he was able really devliver on as the cops shot first.

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The cops are wrong. Let me tell you why. They did not do their job to insure they were at the right address. They should have VERIFIED the suspect was in the address. If they weren't sure, don't get knocking on doors at 1:30am. This is ALL the LEO faults. That man had NO obligation to announce he was armed behind the door. This is complete bullshit. I hope the family and media get ahold of this story. Maybe then we can forget about this whole trayvon case so Zimmerman can get acquitted.
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This gives me the impression they weren't in uniform. If I look out the window and see the person that knocked isn't someone I know, then I don't open the door. I got tired of salespeople long ago, so I don't even give them the chance. I probably wouldn't open the door to a cop either, I wouldn't want them shooting my dogs.
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Society doesn't fear Law Enforcement and that is the fundamental problem with this country. Nobody accepts personal responsibility and "the man" is always to blame.




No the fundamental problem with this country is people thinking we should fear Law Enforcement.

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Society doesn't fear Law Enforcement and that is the fundamental problem with this country.


Are you sure? Then why do I consistently see people hit their brakes when they see policemen even when they're going under the speed limit?


I'm sure policemen are there to "protect and serve" but I've never had any experience with them that wasn't purely revenue generation/transportation tax/nuisance.

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I disagree, the occupant had the benefit of surprise. He could have checked the door to see who was there easier than the officers could know who was behind the door.


This country puts too much in power in the hands of a criminal when we start picking apart situations like this. Pretty soon, the cops will have to call in advance before trying to arrest a suspect, then everyone will bitch about too many criminals getting away and running free.


I think that is BS. Maybe he was afraid of getting shot through the door as well. The officers had the benefit of surprise as well. Why do you think they waited until the wee hours of the morning to do this when the individual was probably sleeping? They should have announced themselves period. They could have announced themselves from cover if they were that worried. This is just poor tactics on the part of the officers.

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Are you sure? Then why do I consistently see people hit their brakes when they see policemen even when they're going under the speed limit?


I'm sure policemen are there to "protect and serve" but I've never had any experience with them that wasn't purely revenue generation/transportation tax/nuisance.


I think what he was saying is that most of society does fear law enforcement. That is where the problem lies. We should not have to fear law enforcement and the fact that a large portion of society does fear them is a major problem. Our tax money pays their salary to PROTECT and SERVE. Not to harass and shoot and bully people around.


I know many officers from multiple departments and I have been around law enforcement since I was 12 years old. I have experienced both sides of the law and I can tell you first hand that when people say most cops are good and its a small bunch of jerks that give them a bad name, its BS. It is the other way around. Most cops are total dicks and completely abuse their authority. There is a small group of them that do their job and are nice. Look at any forum or read any news article, hell just look at the posts on here. There is a reason why you hear so many bad things about experiences with the cops versus good experiences. I cant tell you how many times I have heard or seen myself about how the cops have mistreated someone or what have you. The majority of society are not criminals, while a small percentage are. So why does the majority of police encounters go bad?

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You hear more bad then good because nobody gets all excited about the good to spread the word. When was the last time someone got on here and made a "Got pulled over and the LEO was super nice and let me off with a warning when I was obviously speeding" thread? It's happened. It's happened to me. People don't complain about the good that happens to them.


The news doesn't get ratings off of "normal, everyday" stories. It's when something negative happens that people get all up in arms. We don't read about or see on TV the millions that live overseas due to what our boys and gals in the service do but if one of them screws up the country is ready to protest the entire military.


As for "read the news or look on forums"? That's where you get credible info?

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The cops are wrong. Let me tell you why. They did not do their job to insure they were at the right address. They should have VERIFIED the suspect was in the address. If they weren't sure, don't get knocking on doors at 1:30am. This is ALL the LEO faults. That man had NO obligation to announce he was armed behind the door. This is complete bullshit. I hope the family and media get ahold of this story. Maybe then we can forget about this whole trayvon case so Zimmerman can get acquitted.

Right or wrong address is really irrelevant. If they are rolling down the road to pick someone up on a warrant and see someone get shot, should they not respond? A guy had a gun, they responded to the situation at hand.

you can't have the benefit of surprise when your not 100% sure the suspect is even in the fucking house....

Maybe they should call ahead from now on and tell all the criminals they are on their way to arrest them. That should make everyone happy in this thread.

Are you sure? Then why do I consistently see people hit their brakes when they see policemen even when they're going under the speed limit?


I'm sure policemen are there to "protect and serve" but I've never had any experience with them that wasn't purely revenue generation/transportation tax/nuisance.

I don't fear law enforcement, I don't break the law. Dumbasses mash their brakes not from fear of the law, but fear of the fine. I'm not saying we should live in fear and tyranny, but the punishment doesn't fit the crime in this country. I've seen some people go to jail over some really stupid shit yet see many a serious criminal walk. Those criminals walk because of stupid situation like this where everyone nit-picks what should have been done and what they did wrong. Nobody ever wants to admit what law enforcement does right. I think it's funny that many who botch, moan and complain are the biggest to whine when something happens to them. They want 300 cops at their place NOW and everything else in the world can stop and wait.

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Right or wrong address is really irrelevant. If they are rolling down the road to pick someone up on a warrant and see someone get shot, should they not respond? A guy had a gun, they responded to the situation at hand.


It couldn't be more relevant. A man is dead because of that mistake. His family probably thinks it's relevant. What is completely irrelevant is hypothetical situations that are totally different and in no way analogous to what occurred, i.e police responding to a situation at hand such as someone being shot. That's not even close to what happened, they didn't respond to a situation, they created one.



Maybe they should call ahead from now on and tell all the criminals they are on their way to arrest them. That should make everyone happy in this thread.


That has nothing to do with going to a wrong address, and shooting a man who is unaware of why you're there and is concerned for his own safety.


I don't fear law enforcement, I don't break the law. Dumbasses mash their brakes not from fear of the law, but fear of the fine. I'm not saying we should live in fear and tyranny, but the punishment doesn't fit the crime in this country. I've seen some people go to jail over some really stupid shit yet see many a serious criminal walk. Those criminals walk because of stupid situation like this where everyone nit-picks what should have been done and what they did wrong. Nobody ever wants to admit what law enforcement does right. I think it's funny that many who botch, moan and complain are the biggest to whine when something happens to them. They want 300 cops at their place NOW and everything else in the world can stop and wait.


Creating anecdotal situations out of thin air and citing individuals who moan and complain when "something happens to them", even though moaning and complaining are both well within one's rights, or the folks that want "300 cops ... now" is literally irrelevant.


Regardless, this isn't someone complaining about a ticket they received, or being mad about police response time. A man, who as far as we know was only guilt of being dumb, is dead.

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And his "dumbness" contributed to his demise. Had he not put himself into that situation, this may not have happened. Law enforcement has no choice but to step into these situations.


I really understand the point, I just don't like the fact that everyone is so quick to always blame law enforcement when BOTH parties were at fault.

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And his "dumbness" contributed to his demise. Had he not put himself into that situation, this may not have happened. Law enforcement has no choice but to step into these situations.


I really understand the point, I just don't like the fact that everyone is so quick to always blame law enforcement when BOTH parties were at fault.


While I agree his "dumbness" was a factor in his death, that doesn't excuse the officers. They were the intruders. They had no business being there, the dead man was not guilty of a crime, and was not a suspect of any kind. It is not illegal to have a gun on you when you open your door. There is no way of knowing if the man actually pointed his gun at the officers. Were the officers in plain clothes? Lots of questions.

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And his "dumbness" contributed to his demise. Had he not put himself into that situation, this may not have happened. Law enforcement has no choice but to step into these situations.


I really understand the point, I just don't like the fact that everyone is so quick to always blame law enforcement when BOTH parties were at fault.


He did not put himself into the situation. The cops instigated the entire situation.


Honestly what would the officers have done had he not answered the door. They seemed convinced that he was 100% the guy they were trying to arrest. Would they have escalated and broke his door down? If he had instead not answered the door and waited until they entered his house.

What then?

Headline "LEO killed while attempting to arrest the wrong man after not identifying themselves correctly and entering his home"

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And his "dumbness" contributed to his demise. Had he not put himself into that situation, this may not have happened. Law enforcement has no choice but to step into these situations.


I really understand the point, I just don't like the fact that everyone is so quick to always blame law enforcement when BOTH parties were at fault.


So what you are saying is these humans should not be charged with manslaughter?

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You hear more bad then good because nobody gets all excited about the good to spread the word. When was the last time someone got on here and made a "Got pulled over and the LEO was super nice and let me off with a warning when I was obviously speeding" thread? It's happened. It's happened to me. People don't complain about the good that happens to them.


The news doesn't get ratings off of "normal, everyday" stories. It's when something negative happens that people get all up in arms. We don't read about or see on TV the millions that live overseas due to what our boys and gals in the service do but if one of them screws up the country is ready to protest the entire military.


As for "read the news or look on forums"? That's where you get credible info?


I agree with this to a certain extent. And I have seen several posts just on this forum where people have admitted guilt and said the officer was professional. I guess I dont see why its so hard for some officers to be that way. That is part of the job. I deal with jerks all day at work but what do you think would happen to me if I went off on one of them?


Oh, so people making random posts about their personal encounters are lies just because its on the news or the internet? Im not saying read everything you believe but there is a lot of true information out there.


Have you ever taken any credible info form this site? Has anyone every helped you in the tech section? Those must be all lies too because its on the internet. Heck I dont even know why we have all of the outlets to spread information because everything is a lie and not credible because it is on the internet.

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While I agree his "dumbness" was a factor in his death, that doesn't excuse the officers. They were the intruders. They had no business being there, the dead man was not guilty of a crime, and was not a suspect of any kind. It is not illegal to have a gun on you when you open your door. There is no way of knowing if the man actually pointed his gun at the officers. Were the officers in plain clothes? Lots of questions.


I don't see it in the same light as you do. They didn't creep in like a burglar, nor kick in the door guns blazing like a robbery. If the man came at the officers brandishing a weapon, they had the right to defend themselves also and this is where I have the issue. Everyone is quick to place full blame on the officers. I am not saying they are 100% in the right, but I don't accept that they are 100% at fault either. BOTH parties are to blame in this situation.

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Have you ever taken any credible info form this site? Has anyone every helped you in the tech section? Those must be all lies too because its on the internet. Heck I dont even know why we have all of the outlets to spread information because everything is a lie and not credible because it is on the internet.


Yes. That is precisely 100% what I meant. :jerkit: LOL :p


Of course there is factual information. In this instance though we read 1 reporters take on the situation that the officers (dead men tell no tales) put forth. As mentioned by someone above, lots of questions. Too much for me to make a snap judgement call.


I wasn't saying that everything is black and white, correct or incorrect. I was relating that reading 1 report, a humans report, may not present all the facts. That's all.

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