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Movie review: Dark Knight Rises


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First, Handsome Bob does some shit while looking like a steampunk Davy Jones, then Bruce Wayne gets on his game and starts face fucking bitches, then we realized that Matt Modine and Gary Oldman are having some sort of strange old man affair and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the only one who knows, but he can't bring himself to tell Batman because he wants Batman to make love to his butt like he did in the "boys home".


Credits roll, and the audience collectively orgasms.

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Saw it yesterday, the actor pulled Bane off well, still enjoyed the last one with the Joker, I am finding the villains are what make these movies enjoyable...batman sucks, I want more crooks.
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Hopefully when they reboot this series (they will) they use villians that haven't been used before. The list of Rogues for Batman is insane, that is what I sort of liked about this trilogy it introduced you to Ras Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Carmone Falone, The Scarecrow and finally did justice to Bane. For the next go round I hope they do a better Riddler and then some new rogues such as Hugo Strange, Black Mask, Killer Croc ect..
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Killer Croc


even a good director could turn that into a CGI nightmare. I liked the brief appearance of Zsasz in Batman Begins, and in a darker, more violent reboot I think he'd be an awesome nemesis. Like Ra's Al Ghul, Talia, Bane and the Joker, he has little care for human life, making him a good main antagonist (unlike the Nolan Scarecrow, Dent, and Daggett)

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I also felt i was the best of the 3. The eding is one of the best endings to a movie I have seen in a while. People bitching about not enough Batman should go back and watch Batman Begins. Hell there wasn't a ton of Batman in TDK honestly, I wll ask a nerd on superheohype.com to figure out how much batman time there is in the 3 movies and report back lol. The only thing that made the Dark Knight a good movie is Heath Ledger as Joker, I really felt it was a boring movie outside of his screen time. The Two Face bit was rushed and under used, to me it felt like Spiderman 3 with Venom.


I would love to see what Penguin, Riddler and Croc would be like in the Nolan universe. Alot of people were scared that Bane could not be pulled off especially with Tom Hardy playing him as Tom is not paticularly tall, where Bane is supposed to be a giant. However he was pulled off quite nicely. As for Croc some people actually think he was in TDK, the guy who plays Debo in Friday was supposedly Croc. Apparently his character in TDK has scaley skin and thats why they feel he was a nod to Croc, idk people even think The Riddler was given a nod. Apparently one board members name is Mr. Reese and when said fast its Mysteries. There all all sorts of theories about "eater eggs" in the franchise. The latest one I read was bout the 4 boys Blake has help him towards the end, apparently their names are Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damien...3 Robins and Batmans son lol.

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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