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Bye Bye Penn State

El Karacho1647545492

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Are you guys serious?


Who gives a shit about the precedent. We are talking about a santioning body punishing an organization who CHOOSES to be part of the said system.


We aren't talking about constitutional infringments here. If PSU (or any school) doesn't like what is imposed on them, then they can secede.


The fact that we (as a country) have all but abandoned common sense, in lieu of a bunch of contract toting lawers looking for loopholes and technicalities to justify stupidity sickens me.


I heard people on EPSN talking how all colleges could basically say fuck you NCAA were tired of your bullshit, were gonna go on our own and form a new organization so we can have our playoff system, etc.... I don't ever see it happening but could you imagine

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Are you guys serious?


Who gives a shit about the precedent. We are talking about a santioning body punishing an organization who CHOOSES to be part of the said system.


We aren't talking about constitutional infringments here. If PSU (or any school) doesn't like what is imposed on them, then they can secede.


The fact that we (as a country) have all but abandoned common sense, in lieu of a bunch of contract toting lawers looking for loopholes and technicalities to justify stupidity sickens me.


It's a problem because it can affect other institutions down the line. There are proper governing bodies to handle this situation and the NCAA is not the right one at this time. That would be the DoE and the DoJ. Rip away their federal funding for violating the Clery Act and put the criminals in jail.


People lauding this NCAA punishment are praising empty sanctions. The problem was not confined to an athletic department, it was institution wide. What does punishing a football program do? The NCAA saw it as an opportunity at a power grab due to PSU agreeing to it, so they took the opportunity.


No one is saying that PSU shouldn't be punished, but they should be punished correctly, not some stupid symbolic punishment that effectively changes the landscape of college athletics as we know it.

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I heard people on EPSN talking how all colleges could basically say fuck you NCAA were tired of your bullshit, were gonna go on our own and form a new organization so we can have our playoff system, etc.... I don't ever see it happening but could you imagine


With the talk of Superconferences and the BCS running the playoffs, I could see it eventually happening. IMO that's why the NCAA didn't go as far as many expected. They knew that if they gave the actual death penalty WHILE overstepping their scope, that it would cause big problems sooner rather than later.

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This power will not be abused.


Just wanted to quote that for posterity, as I am thinking that we have heard this other times before in our history.


Look, I don't give a single fuck for JoePa or PSU, and I think that lots and lots of people involved in this should be doing time or at least facing down that possibility, but we are discussing, specifically, the power of the NCAA to sanction a football program for breaking the rules laid out in the NCAA bylaws. Of which, NONE that I can see were specifically broken. That PSU was willing to subject itself to punishment by a body that, by it's own regulations, admits that it has no right to administer, is all bad.Do I think that we are going to see a rash of DUI and Gun Infraction related program punishment? No. But the fact that it is a possibility at all is bad for everyone.

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Just wanted to quote that for posterity, as I am thinking that we have heard this other times before in our history.


Look, I don't give a single fuck for JoePa or PSU, and I think that lots and lots of people involved in this should be doing time or at least facing down that possibility, but we are discussing, specifically, the power of the NCAA to sanction a football program for breaking the rules laid out in the NCAA bylaws. Of which, NONE that I can see were specifically broken. That PSU was willing to subject itself to punishment by a body that, by it's own regulations, admits that it has no right to administer, is all bad.Do I think that we are going to see a rash of DUI and Gun Infraction related program punishment? No. But the fact that it is a possibility at all is bad for everyone.


I understand that it's something that has probably been said many times in history then quickly becomes untrue but I just don't see too many things popping up in the future that will fall under the same category as what took place at PSU. And that's the only place I can see this ever being used again. The NCAA's 22 directors or whatever had to vote to give Emmert the power he used this morning. It was unanimous. It's not something he will be able to use whenever he wants, the 22 or whatever number of people will have to be right there with him on it. They felt this PSU situation was bad enough that they had to give Emmert the power to act swiftly and severely. Then PSU was so ashamed and embarrassed that they said, do what you will and get it over with. It was a perfect storm of awful that I can't see repeating itself anytime soon.

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I understand that it's something that has probably been said many times in history then quickly becomes untrue but I just don't see too many things popping up in the future that will fall under the same category as what took place at PSU. And that's the only place I can see this ever being used again. The NCAA's 22 directors or whatever had to vote to give Emmert the power he used this morning. It was unanimous. It's not something he will be able to use whenever he wants, the 22 or whatever number of people will have to be right there with him on it. They felt this PSU situation was bad enough that they had to give Emmert the power to act swiftly and severely. Then PSU was so ashamed and embarrassed that they said, do what you will and get it over with. It was a perfect storm of awful that I can't see repeating itself anytime soon.


That doesn't change the fact that it from here on out changes all appeals.

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I only read a little and not the entire thread......I'm not a sports fan but my thoughts are....this kind of ruling is only going to make schools go through even bigger depths to hide ANY kind of scandal that they can....just my opinion...


I don't see it that way. The OSU thing did that more than this did. OSU kept self-investigating itself and finding more and more little things and self-reporting all of it. And OSU got no leniency whatsoever for all of their "good deeds."


PSU covered up the rape of children for close to a decade to keep the image of its football program and football coach as pristine as possible. And now all of that is gone. The coach is dead and his legacy is destroyed. Everything he did over the last several decades is looked at suspiciously. If they covered this up... what else happened at PSU under King Paterno that was simply brushed aside?


So if you want to cover stuff up, go for it... but if it's this bad and it gets found... all of your accomplishments will be taken away and your program will be destroyed for several years.

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Does this mean the Big Ten is back to 11 teams now that Penn State is going to be irrelevant for awhile?


On a more serious note so what they "vacated" wins by Joe Pa. Thats like getting a divorce and saying that the honeymoon never happened. Everyone knows what the actual games won were and what the record is.


But in the end who cares what happens to the university the kids/people hurt in this scandal is where the focus should be.

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The NCAA acted outside of their bylaws. It's total BS to me. This is a DoE and DOJ issue. Not an NCAA issue.


hear hear...............I wanna crucify them as much as the next guy because what they did was criminal but Penn State didn't cheat or do any wrongdoing that relates to on-field sports fairness and as such, the NCAA really overstepped their bounds. It's rather shameful if you look into it really.


This would be no different than another school harboring a mass murderer on their sports staff and never reporting to the authorities and then getting sanctioned by the NCAA because of that..............How is that not different than what's going on here with PSU?

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Does this mean the Big Ten is back to 11 teams now that Penn State is going to be irrelevant for awhile?


On a more serious note so what they "vacated" wins by Joe Pa. Thats like getting a divorce and saying that the honeymoon never happened. Everyone knows what the actual games won were and what the record is.


But in the end who cares what happens to the university the kids/people hurt in this scandal is where the focus should be.


no, PSU will still have a football team that'll play games but the wins wont count for anything if they do win. Since they vacated the wins that makes Bobby Bowden the all time wins leader at 377??


for everyone wondering what it means about taking the wins away from JoePa is actually nothing, Bobby Bowden said it best when they vacated some of his wins. "they can take my wins away but in the end when I die, they'll still be mine" or something like that.

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Part a lot of people aren't mentioning.


Football at Penn State (just like at OSU) is absolutely fucking huge. It brings in a shit ton of money, a lot of which goes towards keeping the tuition lower for students.


Now that football is essentially nothing at Penn for the next 4 years, the tuition rates are going to take a big raise. Thus, students at the school are getting reamed (pun intended) by the sanction also.

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Part a lot of people aren't mentioning.


Football at Penn State (just like at OSU) is absolutely fucking huge. It brings in a shit ton of money, a lot of which goes towards keeping the tuition lower for students.


Now that football is essentially nothing at Penn for the next 4 years, the tuition rates are going to take a big raise. Thus, students at the school are getting reamed (pun intended) by the sanction also.


The money is totally separate, it won't affect tuition. The money stays in the athletic department.

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