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Should we expect another weapons ban.....


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After this CO movie incident? There's a lot of gun control talk on the webz right now. About mail ordering such items...I guess this guy had 90 deliveries from weapons dealers over a small amount of time. Saying it's too easy to obtain things.
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I know I don't want to see another situation like when Obama came in office. There wasn't an AR-15 part to be found.



That'll probably happen again as we get closer to election season, or post election, regardless of who wins. There is speculation that Obama would use 2nd term to do a gun ban, despite him saying in the past that he doesn't want involved with gun culture. Romney has a supposed negative gun stance, but again, you can only speculate what will happen. It's the same thing that drives gas prices up that'll happen here. If you got spare cash go pick up some cheap ARs, you'll make money.

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The whole incident or rather the news stories of it aren't going to us any favors. IMO nothing gets Americans more fired up than a shooting involving body armor and AR's. That right there sealed the weeks news stories/quotas for good ratings.


That said, I'm not an AR Owner but may soon become one just to have one for when prices go up.

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I think we'll be fine. We (the gun community) have been doing quite well over the past several years. I think more and more people are realizing that you cannot legislate this kind of stuff out of existence. There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to curtail the issue. I mean, he bought over 6,000 rounds of ammo (from what I heard) yet killed 'only' 12 people. What arbitrary number do we place on restriction? Is it OK to be able to purchase 5,000 rounds of ammo at one time and only kill 10 people, yet 6,000 rounds and 12 people is too much? Same concept as magazine restrictions. Killing 31 people is OK, but 32 people crosses the line?


Regardless, crazy is crazy and no amount of legislation is going to stop that.

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Besides, violent crime has been going down while firearm ownership has been going up. States allowing CCW have made things even better. It's just a media shitstorm for the sake of ratings. No one will give a fuck in another week.


Firearms regulation wont stop anything. California, NJ, NY, should of learned this by now. Poor economy (guy couldnt find job), lack of social wellness programs, etc, are what drive people to insanity and make them shoot up movie theaters. His mom said she wasn't surprised to hear the kid did this, and limiting access to firearms wouldn't have stopped him. Fixing problems with our society is what will solve the problem.

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I think we'll be fine. We (the gun community) have been doing quite well over the past several years. I think more and more people are realizing that you cannot legislate this kind of stuff out of existence. There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to curtail the issue. I mean, he bought over 6,000 rounds of ammo (from what I heard) yet killed 'only' 12 people. What arbitrary number do we place on restriction? Is it OK to be able to purchase 5,000 rounds of ammo at one time and only kill 10 people, yet 6,000 rounds and 12 people is too much? Same concept as magazine restrictions. Killing 31 people is OK, but 32 people crosses the line?


Regardless, crazy is crazy and no amount of legislation is going to stop that.



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maybe they are gonna restrict the hell out of assult rifles :lolguy:


seriously though, I've been reading a lot on facebook aboit how they should hold the guilty accountable and punish them instead if the rest of america whom are innocent. I agree with that.

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The ban is a coming.....


"A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals -- that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities"

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The ban is a coming.....


"A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals -- that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities"


A ban will not happen, it would get ugly quick and they know this.

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If anyone on the conservative side had any balls, they would propose (in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling on health care) that everyone needs to fulfill their Second Amendment duty and participate as part of each state's militia by purchasing a weapon and taking their concealed carry class.


If you choose not to, you will be "taxed" for not participating. If a couple of folks had weapons in the theater, or if criminals knew there were good odds there would be someone carrying wherever they go - it would deter these acts.


But like I said - first you would need a politician with balls (oxymoron - or at least the moron part)

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If you choose not to, you will be "taxed" for not participating. If a couple of folks had weapons in the theater, or if criminals knew there were good odds there would be someone carrying wherever they go - it would deter these acts.


In what universe would regular civilians firing upon a body-armored, assault rifle-wielding psychopath in a dark theater full of tear gas be a good idea????


I'm all for gun ownership, but no number of CCW heroes in that theater would've been a good idea. What if a legal gun owner opened fire on that idiot and hit another child...your daughter maybe?

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In what universe would regular civilians firing upon a body-armored, assault rifle-wielding psychopath in a dark theater full of tear gas be a good idea????


I'm all for gun ownership, but no number of CCW heroes in that theater would've been a good idea. What if a legal gun owner opened fire on that idiot and hit another child...your daughter maybe?


A properly trained CCW owner likely would NOT hit a child. He wouldn't fire if he couldn't properly acquire his target.


Also, even if he did (and this is sad to admit) but the loss of one to possibly save many others is unfortunately part of the price of life.

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In what universe would regular civilians firing upon a body-armored, assault rifle-wielding psychopath in a dark theater full of tear gas be a good idea????


I'm all for gun ownership, but no number of CCW heroes in that theater would've been a good idea. What if a legal gun owner opened fire on that idiot and hit another child...your daughter maybe?


A properly trained CCW owner likely would NOT hit a child. He wouldn't fire if he couldn't properly acquire his target.


Also, even if he did (and this is sad to admit) but the loss of one to possibly save many others is unfortunately part of the price of life.



A properly trained CCW owner likely would NOT hit a child. He wouldn't fire if he couldn't properly acquire his target.


Firing on an untrained individual who's:

a) probably never taken a hit by a bullet in body armor

b) would still die from a head shot

c) might not have tried if he knew the odds were good A or B would happen

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I am wondering if Obama is getting a kickback from all the gun manufacturers. Just make an innocuous comment, and watch the sales records break. We will see how this affects his re-election.
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If anyone on the conservative side had any balls, they would propose (in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling on health care) that everyone needs to fulfill their Second Amendment duty and participate as part of each state's militia by purchasing a weapon and taking their concealed carry class.


If you choose not to, you will be "taxed" for not participating. If a couple of folks had weapons in the theater, or if criminals knew there were good odds there would be someone carrying wherever they go - it would deter these acts.


But like I said - first you would need a politician with balls (oxymoron - or at least the moron part)


I heard on fb that sweden did this and violent crimes dropped. I do however understand that not everything on the internet is true. that being said maybe someone could chime in and either confirm or deny.

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