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Rick Nash Traded


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Steve Delisle has been announced as the Jackets minor leaguer that went, likely because with the additions they'd be over the 50 contract limit. 3rd round pick will be returned to CBJ should the Rangers make the Stanley Cup Final this upcoming year.


EDIT: Delisle was a 4th rd pick in 2008. 6'6" 233lbs holy crap thats a big boy.

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Im not a big fan of this trade either but we shall see how it turns out. I am just hoping for a decent season. I guess anything could be better than last year though.


I think the problem is not with Howson, as I previously thought, but with ownership. John McConnell is not a hockey person. Read his bio on the site:




Tell me that doesn't read like an advertisement for Worthington Industries. I think he runs an organization full of yes-men and Scott Howson is just another GM who is smart enough to know how to keep his job.

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Not a bad trade IMO. Jackets could have had a better return but Howson blew it. Giving them a 3rd seems a bit stupid. I think the key to the trade will be Erixon. If he lives up to the hype he could be something special.


Now if Howson decides to take his smart pills, he will trade a defenseman or two for some scoring help.

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Not holding my breath.


Honestly can't believe that guy still has a job.


Ownership wants a yes-man and Howson is the guy for the job. J.P. McConnell is a steel guy, not a hockey guy. Mike Priest, the President, is a CPA, not a hockey guy. Nearly everyone at the top of the organization comes from a sales/finance background and has never even picked up a hockey stick. The guys I think should be calling the shots are guys like Todd Sharrock (VP, Public Relations) and Craig Patrick (Senior Advisor, Hockey Ops).


At the end of the day, this franchise is being run as a hometown revenue generator for some good ole' boys who have their roots in Columbus.

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I think the key to the trade will be Erixon. If he lives up to the hype he could be something special.


Or if he lives up to his previous self he'll throw a fit and demand a trade. He's already pouted his way out of Calgary b/c he wanted to play for the Rangers. I honestly think this is the worst part of the trade. I'd rather have JT Miller back in Ohio than Tim Erixon.

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It is bittersweet to see Rick go. Wish we could have worked things out with him, but also understand he wants to win the cup and the team is going to be several more years away from that happening. The Rangers are stacked and should make a very good run next season.


As for what we got in return, time will tell how this goes. With Dubinsky and Anisimov both 20+ goal scorers, combined, they are better since Nash has only had 1 season where he scored more than 40 goals. Plus Erixon is a great up in coming blueliner. Team should be very interesting to watch nex season. Lots of unknowns could lead to a very good season or blow up badly. Again only time will tell. But no matter what, I love the Jackets and will be there for every single game.

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This isn't a super bad deal. I mean, Howson's hands were tied. Nash had a list of teams he wanted to play for and of those, only a couple of them had the assets / cap room to pull it off. The Rangers have always been the obvious choice. Sooner or later Howson had to give in and while yeah, he should have taken that deal at the Trade Deadline, this still isn't a bad deal. Two Top 6 forwards (yes, they had down years last year, but I still think they are Top 6 as I watch the Rangers a lot), one of the best D prospects not playing in the NHL, and another 1st round pick. The Jackets now have three in next year's draft, which is supposed to be very deep. Think 2003 all over again. That should mean either three very good prospects or package one or some or all of them up into legit star players.


Howson's goal all along was two NHL ready forwards, a pick, and a prospect. That's exactly what he got. Of course the two guys he got that are NHL ready aren't stars and are coming off down years. They now boast a very average Top 6, but at least it's a Top 6.


Unfortunately, the Jackets have to look long term. Think "rebuild" yet again. Highly doubtful they can be competitive this coming year, but take those draft picks, hopefully one or both of those goalies they just drafted, Murray, Johnson, Johansen, and in a few years, be very competitive.


I've said this before, I'll say it again: The best thing they could do this next year is finish last again and draft Nathan McKimmon. There's not much else they can do at this point but go for that. And hope the fans stick around, of course... :lol:

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This isn't a super bad deal. I mean, Howson's hands were tied. Nash had a list of teams he wanted to play for and of those, only a couple of them had the assets / cap room to pull it off. The Rangers have always been the obvious choice. Sooner or later Howson had to give in and while yeah, he should have taken that deal at the Trade Deadline, this still isn't a bad deal. Two Top 6 forwards (yes, they had down years last year, but I still think they are Top 6 as I watch the Rangers a lot), one of the best D prospects not playing in the NHL, and another 1st round pick. The Jackets now have three in next year's draft, which is supposed to be very deep. Think 2003 all over again. That should mean either three very good prospects or package one or some or all of them up into legit star players.


Howson's goal all along was two NHL ready forwards, a pick, and a prospect. That's exactly what he got. Of course the two guys he got that are NHL ready aren't stars and are coming off down years. They now boast a very average Top 6, but at least it's a Top 6.


Unfortunately, the Jackets have to look long term. Think "rebuild" yet again. Highly doubtful they can be competitive this coming year, but take those draft picks, hopefully one or both of those goalies they just drafted, Murray, Johnson, Johansen, and in a few years, be very competitive.


I've said this before, I'll say it again: The best thing they could do this next year is finish last again and draft Nathan McKimmon. There's not much else they can do at this point but go for that. And hope the fans stick around, of course... :lol:


Absolutly agree with the 'hands being tied' aspect.


I dont think Howson got fleeced neccessarily. But he definitly set a high bar and i dont think anyone would say that he met that goal.


One thing is for sure that Nash will never be as valued by any other team than he was with the CBJ. I think Howson got a fair deal but not a block buster. I like the theory of scoring by committee and i think we have alot of good pieces to do so. That game plan gives other teams a hard time defending. When you have one all star scoring winger its usually easy to matchup your best D-men on him.


Plus side we will have 3 first round draft picks next year in what is suppose to be a DEEP draft. minus.... most likely LA and NY will go deep into the playoffs so those picks will be late first round. Praying we can trade our three first rounders for Nate McKimmon. Time will tell, alot can change in a year.

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Their gonna suck even worse now......if thats possible




They have completely redesigned the blue line. Look for a much improved CBJ defense to be backing a lot of players that want to see progress.


Now that we have so many players who weren't here last year I'm sure we'll see a completely different attitude from the team overall this year, something you didn't see with Nash these past years.

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They have completely redesigned the blue line. Look for a much improved CBJ defense to be backing a lot of players that want to see progress.


Now that we have so many players who weren't here last year I'm sure we'll see a completely different attitude from the team overall this year, something you didn't see with Nash these past years.


I agree with you on ALMOST everything. Dont forget the fact that goaltending is a HUGE question mark. If Bob can rebound from last year that would be great but if we have a bob/mason controversy and neither are better than the other than the team is screwed.


He never will. No GM in the NHL will take a $3mil/year contract for a guy whose save % is .894 in 46 games. He's a backup at best, and for most teams he'd be an AHLer.


If they absolutly needed to get rid of him we could send him down to the AHL he would have to pass through waivers and maybe... just maybe there's some team out there who's desperate enough to take a chance on him. I think this would be a last case scenario b/c your literally giving him away for nothing, not even a 4th round pick or some bs like that.

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