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da fuq???


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I don't want to live in this world any more




these motherfuckers are getting a t.v. show?

i feel some of my brain cells dying, from just watching that preview




The south is America's repetitive joke that was never funny



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WTF is wrong with people these days. TLC The Learning Channel! This show is not going to teach anyone anything!


I always thought that once I had children I would let them watch Discovery, TLC, History, & Science as those channels were fairly education for me growing up.


Now it looks like they are going for profit over their original mission statement.


I give up. Looks like Science channel and AMC is all I have left. I wish I could just buy those channels al la carte.

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yes, I'm was just joking around.


:dumb: You must have missed the memo.

















































































Nobody drives it now.

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