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So, most of you are aware tht I have turned into a part time farmer and that my wife and I have a garden that we knew ahead of time was going to be way too much food for just us at soe point. Well, now is the time. We have various and sundry tomatos, our peppers are beginning to show, and we have some other vittles as well (Eggplant, Zucchini, Peaches, Corn....)


We have decided to sell our organic garden veggies for $2 per pound across the board. Again, everything in our garden is organic and we try to use heirloom varieties as often as possible. All of this is going to be on an "as available" schedule. We will also be selling various homemade jams, jelly's, and sauces made from the yields of the garden. Last year our hot pepper jelly was the hit of all of our friends parties around christmas time, so be looking for that. Right now, I have peach bellini jam, habanero peach jam sweetened with brown sugar, and canned herb tomatos. We also have sun dried tomatos available for $5 per bag.


Anyone who is interested is welcome to contact me to see what we have on hand, and set up a time to pick out what you like. Thanks!

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You should load up the car and bring them to cars and coffee.. We could rename it "ColumbusCarsCoffeeAndVeggies.NET"


I would totally buy some veggies from you.. But arranging a time to meet up is hard right now..

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Guys, I'll be knee deep in veggies from now until probably late October, so you most likely will have some opportunity.


Evan, we have some HUGE tomatos. They don't look all round and perfect, because they are heirloom and not GMO, but the flavor is amazing. Wendy and I had some unreal BLT's yesterday for lunch.


Bringing some to C and C is not a bad idea. I think I may just do that, actually.

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Alright dudes, I was at C & C with my wares this morning, and did a little business. Nice meeting you and your family, John, let me know how you like that spaghetti squash and Jam.


Wife just finished canning about 8 quarts of Roasted Chipotle Salsa. Dope. We still have the Peach Habanero goodness, and Peach Bellini Jam. Eggplants, Tomatos, Zucchinni.

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