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Tablet Opinions


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Hey everyone i am looking to get a tablet for my photography company. I am looking for pro's con's opinions. I need to get something like this because setting up my laptop is kind of tough on the spot and it would be easier if i could : 1) have a tablet for them to sign a release form on the tablet and 2) have a SD slot for them to view the pictures just shot.


It would be helpful to have a HDMI port for possible viewing on the fly through a LCD tv or sorts. Then it would also be good if it had a USB port for off loading pictures onto. Need your help with a 7" be ok ? i think a 10" would be better but i am only looking to spend $75-$150 for this. Is used ok? or new only?



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Being able to sign a release form immediately made me think of the Galaxy Note 10.1, and it has a SD card slot.




In your price range, you have to go with the Nexus 7 which is $199. Used would be ok if you can find one.

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My kindle fire and the ipad BOTH have an app called Easy Relese or something like that.. it has a few kinds of contracts. Model release, family/cildren/ weddings.. all you can sign with a finger.


That being said.. the ipad mini will be out soon and is slated to be comparably priced to the fire... you can get SD readers from places like photojojo


I dont know anything about the other tables so i cant say anything about them :)

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Only tablet I know of that has a full size SD card slot and a regular HDMI port is the Toshiba Thrive. I have one and it is a nice tablet. My only complaint is no ICS yet..although it is supposed to arrive by the end of the year. Pretty sure you are looking at around $250ish for one though.
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I shoot wirelessly to the iPad 3 using an Eye-Fi SD card all the time. Trish already mentioned the release forms. I picked up 3 family shoots this week while on vacation just by using it in a public setting. My wife was holding the tablet at the picnic table as she ate lunch while I was shooting the kids playing in the river here in TN. Other people saw my work and what I was doing. Both grabbed their tablets from their cars and asked if i could take some shots for them yeah...I out on my selling cap........Tetethered right to them and shot their family on the spot, got cash in hand and walked away with basically free horseback riding sessions for us all :)


Setting all this up will be way over you target dollar but if you're going to run a photography business I wouldn't skimp. I'm biased though as my business is on-site work only.

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To help you and others: To make the Eye-Fi work:


You just need to put your iPad and Eye-Fi SD Card on the same wireless network. I carry a 4G Verizon Card in my Bag or can tether my iPhone 4s when needed.


You can also Jailbrake your iDevice and use MyWi too. I'll let you research that if applicable. I do like that as if you're remote like I was and don't have ANY Signal, it doesn't matter.

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I shoot wirelessly to the iPad 3 all the time. Trish already mentioned the release forms. I picked up 3 family shoots this week while on vacation just by using it in a public setting. My wife was holding the tablet at the picnic table as she ate lunch while I was shooting the kids playing in the river here in TN.


Other people saw my work and what I was doing. Both grabbed their tablets from their cars and yeah....I tethered right to them and shot their family on the spot, got cash in hand and walked away with basically free horseback riding sessions for us all :)




Seriously though, that does sound cool.

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The New iPad would be my first choice and I mine every day.


1. Superior screen resolution which is great for displaying photos and video.

2. TIm's idea of using an Eye-Fi SD card works great.

3. You can add an external SD camera card adapter which works great as well.

4. The Camera card adapter also enables you to quickly and easily bring in other non photo files such as PDF's. I use a really small portable battery powered scanner and they work great together which comes in handy while I am on the go.

5. eSign by Landtech is a handy app for having clients and customers sign releases, contracts and disclosures.

6. You can display photos and play your iPad directly on a TV with their adapter.


Hope this helps and good luck with your new venture.

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Seriously though, that does sound cool.


I leverage that cool factor at shoot and settings like this just for that reason. When people have money in hand and see something cool it peaks interest. Sprinkle a little salesman on it and you can capitalize nicely. :) I had to be a little careful though as some of the venues down here have photogs on site and I didn't want to get into a situation with a park ranger either. However, they were far and few between most of the time.

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To help you and others: To make the Eye-Fi work:


You just need to put your iPad and Eye-Fi SD Card on the same wireless network. I carry a 4G Verizon Card in my Bag or can tether my iPhone 4s when needed.


You can also Jailbrake your iDevice and use MyWi too. I'll let you research that if applicable. I do like that as if you're remote like I was and don't have ANY Signal, it doesn't matter.


The firmware update allows all X2s to enable "direct mode" which establishes its own wireless hotspot. It only works for transferring pics, not internet browsing, but it does work quite well.


No jailbreak or mifi necessary.

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The firmware update allows all X2s to enable "direct mode" which establishes its own wireless hotspot. It only works for transferring pics, not internet browsing, but it does work quite well.


No jailbreak or mifi necessary.


I saw this last night as Ben and I exchanged some messages. I've just not done it or used it as what I have set up works and is in place. I contract out a decent bit of my shoots to photogs, many of whom use the device and card and equiment I provide and I have very little interest in changing it mid-busy season. I do plan on playing with it a bit more this week as the idea intrigues me. Time just isn't my friend.

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Yeah you should totally do the iPad. First off go and spend $500, it's only almost 5 times your budget but it's worth it cause it doesn't have any of the features your want, you have to then spend MORE money to add those.
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Yeah you should totally do the iPad. First off go and spend $500, it's only almost 5 times your budget but it's worth it cause it doesn't have any of the features your want, you have to then spend MORE money to add those.


It does everything he wants and is well worth the investment. Hell, if he can't earn the cost associated with all this back on one shoot, then hang it up now. This isn't a personal investment and thus the delta of dollars spent are small.


The iPad 3 will allow for him to:


View and sign releases

  • iPads are easy to use and users/customers will recognize them instantly. Also, there's no need to train others who may be using them (Again, I contract out work and most every photog I use takes my gear and has zero issues)
  • There's no need for an SD slot, do it all wirelessly.
  • No need for an HDMI Slot, just buy an HDMI Cable adapter, I do presentations every day using my iPad either wirelessly or via cable where needed.
  • No USB Slot needed, again, wireless is easy, but there are adapters available if that's what you insist on.
  • Refurbished units are available if price is a concern, but again, is this a business or a hobby? If $500 on an iPad and technology is a concern, I would question the business plan. I have 20x that in gear just for my use let alone what I have others using and $500-$1000 isn't anything at all to invest in equipment.
    Just last week I bought another wide angle lens for a shoot that I have a guy in Cali doing in two weeks and I'm tired of shipping hardware. Costs are all relative to the return you'll have from it. The nice thing about creative work like this is each gig is unique to a point and yet the gear gets used over and over again paying for itself in very short order.

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It does everything he wants and is well worth the investment. Hell, if he can't earn the cost associated with all this back on one shoot, then hang it up now. This isn't a personal investment and thus the delta of dollars spent are small.


The iPad 3 will allow for him to:


View and sign releases

  • iPads are easy to use and users/customers will recognize them instantly. Also, there's no need to train others who may be using them (Again, I contract out work and most every photog I use takes my gear and has zero issues)
  • There's no need for an SD slot, do it all wirelessly.
  • No need for an HDMI Slot, just buy an HDMI Cable adapter, I do presentations every day using my iPad either wirelessly or via cable where needed.
  • No USB Slot needed, again, wireless is easy, but there are adapters available if that's what you insist on.
  • Refurbished units are available if price is a concern, but again, is this a business or a hobby? If $500 on an iPad and technology is a concern, I would question the business plan. I have 20x that in gear just for my use let alone what I have others using and $500-$1000 isn't anything at all to invest in equipment.
    Just last week I bought another wide angle lens for a shoot that I have a guy in Cali doing in two weeks and I'm tired of shipping hardware. Costs are all relative to the return you'll have from it. The nice thing about creative work like this is each gig is unique to a point and yet the gear gets used over and over again paying for itself in very short order.


Fair enough, I can agree with that, mostly.





  • iPads are easy to use and users/customers will recognize them instantly. Also, there's no need to train others who may be using them (Again, I contract out work and most every photog I use takes my gear and has zero issues) It's a rectangle just like any other tablet, it has also been said that Android, especially 4.0 and up is easier to use. Since Android is the mostly used mobile OS in the world (56% vs 22%), it should be familiar to most.

  • There's no need for an SD slot, do it all wirelessly. Agree.
  • No need for an HDMI Slot, just buy an HDMI Cable adapter, I do presentations every day using my iPad either wirelessly or via cable where needed. Agree
  • No USB Slot needed, again, wireless is easy, but there are adapters available if that's what you insist on. Agree, but if that's what you insist on, there are plenty of tablets with it built in.
  • Refurbished units are available if price is a concern, but again, is this a business or a hobby? If $500 on an iPad and technology is a concern, I would question the business plan. I have 20x that in gear just for my use let alone what I have others using and $500-$1000 isn't anything at all to invest in equipment. Sure, but why spend more for the sake of spending more when you can have a product that is just as good, if not better and fills your needs more for less.

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iPads are easy to use and users/customers will recognize them instantly. Also, there's no need to train others who may be using them (Again, I contract out work and most every photog I use takes my gear and has zero issues) It's a rectangle just like any other tablet, it has also been said that Android, especially 4.0 and up is easier to use. Since Android is the mostly used mobile OS in the world (56% vs 22%), it should be familiar to most.
Meh....Android OS may be more popular but IMO I think the general public relates more to the term and seeing iPad much like they do calling soft drinks Coke or Pepsi or tissues Kleenex. I know that nearly 100% of my customers see my iPad they know instantly what it is vs if they saw any of the other various (there are too many) other tablets on the market. They see the device not the OS. An iPad is an iPad, an Android....fuck, there's too many different models to support and for people know them all. I've seen people ask others "is that a tablet?" and then I more frequently see people say "oh...that's an iPad....cool"


The OS in terms of ease of use, no way do I want my contract workers seeing an android OS and messing with it. You know as well as anyone if given the chance to mess with a setting people will. Even you said Androids way more ways to customize their OS vs Apple. That's not what we want. (although now we've taken this conversation well beyond what the OP is likely going to do with the device. ) I'm simply saying that with my contract employees and assistants, I don't want complicated or options for them to mess with. iOS is pretty simple and IMO that's why it works so well and has such a large following.


In summary, to me having a customer get it and have in an instant "I know what that is I'm using/viewing" take on things is very critical in business. Zero thought is given to the technology when they see an iPad. Customers just know it. If they even remotely have to think about it, it takes away from my making money. Like it or not or believe it or not, there is a coolness factor and sense of comfort when a client sees an iPad vs any number of the other available devices from God knows how many makers.


No USB Slot needed, again, wireless is easy, but there are adapters available if that's what you insist on. Agree, but if that's what you insist on, there are plenty of tablets with it built in.

meh....again, USB is old school and just one more thing to carry and potentially lose or misplace. Believe me, photogs have enough crap and I can say from experience, I hate carrying any small items like that. There was just recently a comment from the Olympics about Lens caps and their use / non-use. One of the reasons stems from them being another small items to account for.


  • Refurbished units are available if price is a concern, but again, is this a business or a hobby? If $500 on an iPad and technology is a concern, I would question the business plan. I have 20x that in gear just for my use let alone what I have others using and $500-$1000 isn't anything at all to invest in equipment. Sure, but why spend more for the sake of spending more when you can have a product that is just as good, if not better and fills your needs more for less.

You're not spending for the sake of spending. Insert iPad vs Other devices argument here. (I chose Apple for my reasons) In the end, my point is the difference in price is near meaningless in the grand scheme. The OP will just have to decide if the iPad vs other device is where they wish to go. I wouldn't at all base it on one single/the initial investment.


To the OP, my insight on running this endeavor as a business is to ditch the dirt low budget target now or you're just asking for trouble. Especially if that's all you have right now. Save until you have more. Insert a business plan along with the appropriate business insurance with a workable amount of capital before you go any further. Especially insurance.


The potential for a law suite exists on more than one level as it's not just about happy or unhappy customers or stolen/damaged gear. The minute a piece of gear damages something, ruins a moment, someone trips over a cord or something you bring, you're exposed.


Does my Gabe meter read full yet? :gabe:

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The OS in terms of ease of use, no way do I want my contract workers seeing an android OS and messing with it.


They will just be signing forms and looking at photos right? Customer will never know the difference, so sign like you normally would, and swipe left or right and pinch to zoom photos on either device.


Don't quote me on this, but I'm 90% sure that Google mentioned the reason they (and Amazon and Barnes and Noble) chose a 7" display was because studies showed that it is the most comfortable/practical/preferred size. So holding it with one hand while signing would be easier, and it's also something you could carry in your pants pocket and pull out for the customer right away.

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They will just be signing forms and looking at photos right? Customer will never know the difference, so sign like you normally would, and swipe left or right and pinch to zoom photos on either device


Don't quote me on this, but I'm 90% sure that Google mentioned the reason they (and Amazon and Barnes and Noble) chose a 7" display was because studies showed that it is the most comfortable/practical/preferred size. So holding it with one hand while signing would be easier, and it's also something you could carry in your pants pocket and pull out for the customer right away.


Can't speak to the 7" size analysys but I can say I would much rather have the resolution and size of an iPad 3 to show photos. It allows for larger than 5x7 photos, not quite 8x10 but still very impactfull in front of a client.


I also have my units calibrated with the same Spyder3 unit I use at home so they match my monitors and printers. I can assure customers that again like it or not, Apple's Retina Display is not only one of the best but what they are seeing is what the final output is going to be. Apple has built a lot of press around that display and I can easily play off that and deliver those results.


Believe me, I run a business behind it and am not just in a fan-boy mode here. The toughest part about a small business that runs on referrals only is that you have to deliver and play off what's already out there. iPads are solid marketing tools that consumers relate to better than any tablet I see out there and the market in photography is a solid player with lots of well integrated products for use on it too. All that does matter.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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