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man shot in dayton


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Heard a few people died in mexico last night...


just a few




but they're not from America, Ohio or Columbus so they dont matter...right:confused:




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Since i enjoy the privilege of owning fire arms, believe in freedom, patriotism and the right to life and liberty for all. What should we responsible people do to prevent criminals from committing crimes using the very same weapons we protect our-self with?


should we not be the first to speak up about these atrocities?

Edited by Sturg
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More CR threads about it? :confused:


Not quite. there have been a cornucopia of threads about making fire arms illegal. Its painfully apparent that's not what we (CR's collective voice) want. but the problem still exists and Americans are still killed, injured and maimed daily across our great country? This IS the greatest country in the world but we have the highest murder rate in the world? Frankly, as a medic and a nurse, I'm sick of caring for shooting victims. Tired of seeing the ache of death reverberate through the families and firends of those killed. Tired of wheeling bodies to the morgue in this great city, state and country of ours.


CR is full of successful, and even smart, people who are pro gun. Why can't a grass roots solution be hatched here? Is CR full of selfish Americans who don't care about the death of other Americans? I would hate to think so.


We are very good at shooting down ideas but seem unable to produce any? As a gun owning American I'm angered that the very rights we are provided are aiding the death of my fellow Americans.

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Punishing criminals one would think would work, but it largely doesn't as the perps often don't care, or are too dumb. Taking guns away from the general public is evil, and would not stop criminals from obtaining and using firearms. Larger police forces are an arm of the government that specializes in revenue generation more so than crime prevention.


Unfortunately I see very few things one can do beyond being prepared to defend oneself at all times, hoping for the best in people, and planning for the worst.


That sounds awfully deflating, I am truly open to bright ideas.

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Yea punishment doesn't seem to work. I feel like throwing people in jail or prison only makes it worse. Its like throwing mold into a dark moist container and upon opening it up expecting that the situation would have improved.



The best way is to prevent it from happening. Is there a way we could prevent, restrict, the bad guys from getting guns? There are all sorts of successful restrictions in America...cant drive until your 16. You dont hear about to many under age kids driving (except that "its fun to do bad things" guy). Why is it so hard to keep guns out peoples hands who should have them?


How do criminals get a hold of guns anyways?

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Yea punishment doesn't seem to work. I feel like throwing people in jail or prison only makes it worse. Its like throwing mold into a dark moist container and upon opening it up expecting that the situation would have improved.



The best way is to prevent it from happening. Is there a way we could prevent, restrict, the bad guys from getting guns?


How do criminals get a hold of guns anyways?



Firearms restrictions for bad guys already exist. Many just don't listen. They obtain stolen firearms, or straw purchases. Also people who have never committed a crime cross the threshold daily, and would also be unaffected by laws.


So to answer your question. I don't know. :(

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Firearms restrictions for bad guys already exist. Many just don't listen. They obtain stolen firearms, or straw purchases. Also people who have never committed a crime cross the threshold daily, and would also be unaffected by laws.


Right i mean who would expect criminals to listen. And i don't know specifics, but i would assume most criminals don't start out using a fire arm in their first offense.


Why does it go hand in hand that restrictions for criminals means restrictions for law abiding citizens? And there are all kinds of restrictions too. The average guy doesn't need 10 semi auto assault rifles. And if he wants them, great. But he shouldn't he be looked at a little more closely that the regular gun buyer?


common sense would dictate that a guy with 10 assault rifles is more likely to do an under the table sale to someone who shouldnt have a gun than the gun owner who only has 1 or 2.

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Right i mean who would expect criminals to listen. And i don't know specifics, but i would assume most criminals don't start out using a fire arm in their first offense.


Why does it go hand in hand that restrictions for criminals means restrictions for law abiding citizens? And there are all kinds of restrictions too. The average guy doesn't need 10 semi auto assault rifles. And if he wants them, great. But he shouldn't he be looked at a little more closely that the regular gun buyer?


common sense would dictate that a guy with 10 assault rifles is more likely to do an under the table sale to someone who shouldnt have a gun than the gun owner who only has 1 or 2.


It goes hand in hand because the government knows criminals will get firearms regardless, thus making even more restrictions that directly effect criminals pointless. Logically the next step to"keeping them out of criminal hands" tends to be restrictions upon law-abiding citizens. Even though rifles are rarely used in firearms homicides/shootings, something like less than 5%. Seems like a lot of effort for what is in the grand scheme of crime, a small issue. Assault rifle is just a scary word, I prefer "defense rifle". The government already interferes enough in my life in regards to the freedoms I'm suppose to have by right of birth. Plus when the government takes a right, they tend to keep them. Also harder restrictions would do little to curb the James Holmes's of the world, people who have squeaky clean records, and are by all accounts intelligent, albeit disturbed.

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CR is full of successful, and even smart, people who are pro gun. Why can't a grass roots solution be hatched here? Is CR full of selfish Americans who don't care about the death of other Americans? I would hate to think so.




So instead of getting out and doing something...you made a post. I believe this is the irony Doc was pointing out.

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