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Computer Problems - Possible Graphics Card Issue


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Ive been having a problem recently with my computer and what i believe is graphic card problems. When the computer goes to sleep and wakes up it wont send any video signal, and the monitor will just sit there and say "No Signal". Ill go to restart the computer and sometimes it will boot up fine and other times when it boots up it will boost up but the monitor will have weird artifacts on it and do shit like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Bios$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and just boot up normally, and will put $$$$ signs wherever there should be a blank space and when it does this it will have artifacts if it boots to windows and act funny if it even makes it there. It will get stuck on the Windows screen sometimes, and then will get stuck on the Welcome screen sometimes. Also, when it boots up like this , if i do dxdiag under Display it will show no graphics card. Then other times it will boot up completely fine.


Anyone else think my Graphics Card is taking a shit? Or could this be hard drive related having issues, or possible BIOS?



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It's either dead, dying, or not seated properly on the motherboard. Before you replace it, try a different monitor, and a different cable to the monitor. Sometimes you'll be surprised. Sounds like one I had years back though that wasn't seated all the way, I think that was an AGP card :lol:
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It's either dead, dying, or not seated properly on the motherboard. Before you replace it, try a different monitor, and a different cable to the monitor. Sometimes you'll be surprised. Sounds like one I had years back though that wasn't seated all the way, I think that was an AGP card :lol:


I dont have another mobo that i can try it on, or another digital cord for the monitor. Ill just try to reseat it and make sure its all the way pushed into the mobo.


make sure its cleaned out as well like the fan is spinning if it has one and no large dust bunnies


Im going to pull it out and make sure its seated all the way, and when i do that ill clean out the fan on it and make sure everything looks good.



Should i clean the gold pins on the graphics card where it goes into the mobo at with rubbing alcohol? That wont damage it will it? (Only reason i thought of this is because i used to do this with my NES games.)




EDIT: Something that i think is weird that no one touched on yet, is that even if the PC is running fine, when it goes to sleep it will give the "No Signal" message on my monitor, like once the computer goes to sleep the graphics card wont turn back on.


I need to rip the computer apart and do some digging and make sure everything is connected 100% still.

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Had this happen a couple years ago when one of the VRAM chips went and cooked itself. All sorts of curious visual artifacts came to my screen. There's also a separate issue where multi-head setups will sometimes wake up some, but not all, of your screens. Half the time it seems that every screen wakes up except the one that has the login prompt. Just type your password and hit enter, and when you log back in, it'll wake up as well.
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