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Seriously? Thats crazy.


I am not talking about taking cars randomly. I am saying that if the car may have skipped state or moved and another repo company has a repo order I can contact the person who issued the order and get a repo order to take the vehicle.


So yes it scans for those.

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You've never seen the cameras on LEO vehicles? Really? Most of the Sheriffs and many of the CPD vehicles have them on the back so that they can scan traffic in both directions. They cruze parking lots, streets, etc...and it runs plates for them against a slew of violations from expired tags to stolen vehicles.


Here's an example set up to scan traffic in both directions, two cameras on one side, one on the other. CPD and FCS are set up the same.




Never pay attention to the police to be honest. I just glance at the cruisers just another car on the street too me.

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You're injecting way too much emotion into the situation. This isn''t about emotion. Rules are rules and responsibilities are black and white. The gray area that you mention surrounds all of us in life but it doesn't cover up or negate the fact that people need to put priorities in place and honestly, if they are strapped for cash, then they should be going around putting themselves in these situations. Take responsibility in life, act responsibly and don't pull this bullshit when it's your turn to pay. This shit doesn't just happen to them it happens because of them. I'm sorry I'm so blunt. I empathize only so far. Being laid off or sick doesn't negate the importance of acting responsibly and avoiding the ticket or fine nor does it serve as a crutch to not pay the bill when it's due. Sorry. That's life.




To you're point I'll the percentage you speak of as good honest people lack something of what counts when they go around not paying their fines. They may be nice but they are not honest if they drive the city to extremes to collect a fine they themselves are not being responsible for paying. Agian, I don't have sympathy there and you won't change that.




The likelihood of that is very slim to none. By the time the collections reaches this point, I think it's pretty fair to say they have exhausted all means to get the money from these people and know who they are and where they are. I've yet to see anyone knock on my door demanding I pay a bill that I didn't incur. Sure, I've gotten a collection call for someone with my same last name, but never a knock on my door. In the very slim chance in hell it happens, oh well. Again, that's life. Cities can't operate on the premise of avoiding the rare instances or operate on exceptions.




The comments on their site and yahoo and other "public" hold very little credibility with me. If a cop showed up at my job right now today to clarify a business matter it would be pretty easy to work through. There's no "publicity" other than a little bit of rumor mill BS. In my case my boss would say it was likely Tim Speeding down 270 and the cop finally caught up :gabe: If there's even a shade of something really being wrong, then that's on me for having that "shade" of perception in other peoples mind. AGain, depends on what image and life you lead. For me, not a worry in the world. To others that possibly could have a worry, then they likely brought that on themselves.




Not here. If you don't pay parking tickets or traffic fines, etc....I say have at it. THe BS that debt collectors must follow is exactly that...BS. I hope the city found a way around all of it. Efficient collection and move on.




My wife worked for the prosecutors office and I've had plenty of experience with the legal system including ride alongs. That's not what we're talking here. Simple show up, collect money and or process the debtor into the system as noramlly would be done by an LEO.




Been there done that many times. I worked in IT and have been behind the scenes of the processes and systems invovled too. However, again, this is simple collections not arresting of every single person involved. If that was the case, there would be a task force involved liken when they go around rounding up all the deadbeat dads.




and you've done a fine job. the 10tv.com board posters would be proud.




Perhaps, but right now we don't need them to do that as their skill set and authority and impact of showing up to collect a debt is all we really need them for now.



There's no greater exposure to the police making a mistake here than any ohter situation they are involved in during the course of their days. They could easily come to my work assuming they are arresting a guy in a similar vehicle with a plate simliar to mine. Again, odds are slim and no greater than any other task in their daily routine. To effectively sue and win a case just as in any other situation that faces them, there would have to be proof of negligence on their part.




Again, what people way about their role while on the job means nothing. They don't get their directives and key job accountabilities from what you or I say or what posters on 10tv think. Noise, that's all that the spewing of opinions on them is.



Ahhhhhhhh :)


No emotion here really. Life is life and most people understand that there is a place between A and Z. Maybe yours is just more straight forward than the average Joe's. Im not trying to change your mind, just pointing out that life in the real world is not that way. This is why they make exceptions for just about everything. This is why laws get rewritten and changed. I could keep going but I think you see what I am saying.


Again I am sure the majority of them are "Just going around not paying their fines", but I am also sure that many of them have also fallen on hard times as most of the people in our country have over the last 10 years. You are probably an exception to that given your views.


The likelihood of that is slim huh? Here is a quote from 10tv's website.


"No, everyone should be held accountable for their actions. Its just that I personally have dealt with the pataskala police department and I know how they operate first hand. I was forced to move from the city I grew up in because of their harrassment. I also had to play phone tag between the clerk of courts and one of the sergents because they insisted I had a warrant for outstanding fines when I did not owe any. The clerk of courts eventually had to call them and tell them herself that I did not owe anything. There is a long laundry list of whats wrong with this particular police department and it would be worth 10tv doing an investigative story on them. "


I am sure that holds very little credibility with you because that is outside of the perfectly square box that you seem to exist in and it could not possibly ever happen in your world :).


Maybe you need to do some research on some of these shady debt collection agencies and how many of them have been sued and or fined by the feds. Really? Their mandates are BS?


A task force in Pataskala, really? BUWAHAHAHA. I am pretty sure they would get laughed at when they ask the feds to join their task force.


Ohhh, we need them to do as their skillset and authority allows? And when and where did they receive their debt collection training? I think you missed the hoop on that one and proved my point exactly. This is not part of their skillset. Just like fixing sewers is not part of their skillset. This is precisely why we have different departments and job titles within our local govt. Hence, Police Officers should not be out collecting debts.



It must be nice to live in such a perfect world :).

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Ahhhhhhhh :)


No emotion here really. Life is life and most people understand that there is a place between A and Z....just pointing out that life in the real world is not that way. This is why they make exceptions for just about everything.


Our definitions of the real world are likely the same, it just seems your expectations including some kind of exception for people who don't pay their bills but have a great story to tell. Sorry, but we all have baggage that impacts our lives, I just happen to not try and use that baggage as an excuse not to pay money I own on traffic related violations.


My wife saw it all the time and more baggage than you know as she practiced for years in bankruptcy and familiy law. The two consistent things even the poorest bastard down to the shitty parents will always budget for are Cell Phone and Cable TV. But hey, fuck the city and their parking fines. People CHOOSE not to pay these fines. No sympathy. That horse is dead.


Again I am sure the majority of them are "Just going around not paying their fines", but I am also sure that many of them have also fallen on hard times as most of the people in our country have over the last 10 years. You are probably an exception to that given your views.


Again, their issues over the past 10 years have Zero bearing on not paying a traffic violation. Please stop trying to justify their position. People make choices and they need to own up to them. No one cares if they are sick or lost a job. Then drive within the law and do what needs done to pay the bills you own. it won't kill them to skip a few meals to pay a traffic ticket. Fuck, most people in this country are fat anyway. It just might just be the best thing that happens to them.


The likelihood of that is slim huh? Here is a quote from 10tv's website.


"No, everyone should be held accountable for their actions. Its just that I personally have dealt with the pataskala police department and I know how they operate first hand. I was forced to move from the city I grew up in because of their harrassment. I also had to play phone tag between the clerk of courts and one of the sergents because they insisted I had a warrant for outstanding fines when I did not owe any. The clerk of courts eventually had to call them and tell them herself that I did not owe anything. There is a long laundry list of whats wrong with this particular police department and it would be worth 10tv doing an investigative story on them. "


^^ great story, but I doubt they were forced to move, they chose to and that doing so wasn't going to stop "the harassment". Certainly more to this story that isn't likely show in his post. Colorful though.


I am sure that holds very little credibility with you because that is outside of the perfectly square box that you seem to exist in and it could not possibly ever happen in your world.


Credibility is in the facts and details, none of which is present thus the viability or lack of this story can't be proven. To say it's a true story as told isn't feasible. Until then, it's just a random story on the internet. Good reads though.


Maybe you need to do some research on some of these shady debt collection agencies and how many of them have been sued and or fined by the feds. Really? Their mandates are BS?


My point is the cops don't need to go through any red tape. Johnny Crack Head hasn't paid 14 parking violations; Here's his home addy and his workplace addy. Go collect payment or arrest him. Pretty simple.


A task force in Pataskala, really? BUWAHAHAHA. I am pretty sure they would get laughed at when they ask the feds to join their task force.


I agree...my point was these aren't such big deals, time consuming events or anything that would warrant more than an officer driving to a place of residence or employment. Simple stuff.


Ohhh, we need them to do as their skillset and authority allows?


The skill set of professionally approaching a situation whereby a citizen is in violation of a law and payment of a city mandated fine; a situation that could turn ugly. I think they are well skilled to deal with that.


And when and where did they receive their debt collection training?


"sir, we are here at your home on behalf of the courts to collect these fines for 14 overdue tickets. Fines that you have repeatedly avoided paying. That or we are going to take you to our fine facility downtown and lock you up. How would you like to proceed?" Not much debt collection training needed at this point.


I don't think too many people are expecting a LEO to come knocking so yes, it's just the muscle the city needs when letters and phone calls aren't doing the trick. Kudos to to those who put the idea in motion.


It must be nice to live in such a perfect world :).


My world is one where I am a normal accountable and responsible person that pays the bills I incur, including any parking or speed violations. That's my world. Why should we make exceptions and lower our expectations for those that can't do that? Dumb.


Contrast that with a life where where people take their parking tickets and court ordered fines and toss them in the trash with the expectation that some collection agency no one gives a shit about will just simply continue to annoy them? I say rock their world and send an LEO after them to not only collect but send a message that deadbeats aren't allowed in their community.

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Ahhhhhhhh :)




Our definitions of the real world are likely the same, it just seems your expectations including some kind of exception for people who don't pay their bills but have a great story to tell. Sorry, but we all have baggage that impacts our lives, I just happen to not try and use that baggage as an excuse not to pay money I own on traffic related violations.


My wife saw it all the time and more baggage than you know as she practiced for years in bankruptcy and familiy law. The two consistent things even the poorest bastard down to the shitty parents will always budget for are Cell Phone and Cable TV. But hey, fuck the city and their parking fines. People CHOOSE not to pay these fines. No sympathy. That horse is dead.




Again, their issues over the past 10 years have Zero bearing on not paying a traffic violation. Please stop trying to justify their position. People make choices and they need to own up to them. No one cares if they are sick or lost a job. Then drive within the law and do what needs done to pay the bills you own. it won't kill them to skip a few meals to pay a traffic ticket. Fuck, most people in this country are fat anyway. It just might just be the best thing that happens to them.




^^ great story, but I doubt they were forced to move, they chose to and that doing so wasn't going to stop "the harassment". Certainly more to this story that isn't likely show in his post. Colorful though.




Credibility is in the facts and details, none of which is present thus the viability or lack of this story can't be proven. To say it's a true story as told isn't feasible. Until then, it's just a random story on the internet. Good reads though.




My point is the cops don't need to go through any red tape. Johnny Crack Head hasn't paid 14 parking violations; Here's his home addy and his workplace addy. Go collect payment or arrest him. Pretty simple.




I agree...my point was these aren't such big deals, time consuming events or anything that would warrant more than an officer driving to a place of residence or employment. Simple stuff.




The skill set of professionally approaching a situation whereby a citizen is in violation of a law and payment of a city mandated fine; a situation that could turn ugly. I think they are well skilled to deal with that.




"sir, we are here at your home on behalf of the courts to collect these fines for 14 overdue tickets. Fines that you have repeatedly avoided paying. That or we are going to take you to our fine facility downtown and lock you up. How would you like to proceed?" Not much debt collection training needed at this point.


I don't think too many people are expecting a LEO to come knocking so yes, it's just the muscle the city needs when letters and phone calls aren't doing the trick. Kudos to to those who put the idea in motion.




My world is one where I am a normal accountable and responsible person that pays the bills I incur, including any parking or speed violations. That's my world. Why should we make exceptions and lower our expectations for those that can't do that? Dumb.


Contrast that with a life where where people take their parking tickets and court ordered fines and toss them in the trash with the expectation that some collection agency no one gives a shit about will just simply continue to annoy them? I say rock their world and send an LEO after them to not only collect but send a message that deadbeats aren't allowed in their community.


Im not trying to justify anything for the majority of those people. What I am arguing is that not all of those people are scumbags and some of them have probably fallen on hard times or have extenuating circumstances. Shit happens in this world, good and bad. And when the bad comes around its nice to have some understanding. There is nothing worse than being kicked when your already down.


The better question is how can we help get these people in a position where they can be upstanding and get their lives back together. Having the ability to work with people in situations like this are for the benefit of all of us. That is one less person that we may be able to get of welfare or whatever the case may be.


I have seen both sides of the fence and I have existed on both sides of the fence so I know how hard it can be.


Your Johnny Crack Head with a long criminal history is the other side of the spectrum and more than likely is wanted for more than just fines. I guess we are just looking at this from 2 totally different angles. I know both types of these people personally and we are talking about 2 different things here.


So collection agents should start carrying guns now because "situations may turn ugly"?


You wont change my view that PD's should not be involved in debt collection.


Debt collectors go through training at thier jobs and in most cases have to know all of the federal laws and restrictions on debt collection. This is to prevent fines from the government and lawsuits.


Its muscle the city needs? Are they loan sharks now?


I understand what you are getting at and I have seen the people who are buying filet Mignon on their welfare cards. I have seen all the foreigners that come to the US and go straight on welfare and get special small business loans, while Americans get shunned. I have a certain level of bitterness about stuff like that. I also don't believe that everyone is like that. I have honestly seen a lot of good upstanding people who are just down on their luck.

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Im not trying to justify anything for the majority of those people. What I am arguing is that not all of those people are scumbags and some of them have probably fallen on hard times or have extenuating circumstances. Shit happens in this world, good and bad. And when the bad comes around its nice to have some understanding. There is nothing worse than being kicked when your already down


I never used teh word scumbag. I said deadbeats. I can appreciate what you're trying to say but as much as you don't like police collecting money for the city, I'm 100x that in terms of not wanting my municipality to inject the drama of other peoples hard times and situations when it comes to collecting fines they owe and brought upon themselves. No one is kicking them when they are down, The kick they are feeling in terms of a fine being collected was brought upon by their own actions as is any situation they are in financially. Until people face that and OWN IT, this world will continue to expect handouts. Time to rid the world of expectations like that.


The better question is how can we help get these people in a position where they can be upstanding and get their lives back together. Having the ability to work with people in situations like this are for the benefit of all of us. That is one less person that we may be able to get of welfare or whatever the case may be


There are zillions of programs out there to help people. This country is fucking filled with them. However, dragging out their responsibility to pay a fine isn't one of them. If you really want to help someone in a bad situation, make them take the first step and help themselves. Start by being accountable and responsible. If you aren't either one or both of those, you're done as no one will employ you.


Your Johnny Crack Head with a long criminal history is the other side of the spectrum and more than likely is wanted for more than just fines. I guess we are just looking at this from 2 totally different angles. I know both types of these people personally and we are talking about 2 different things here


Yes, both different situations with one common theme, they are skipping out on fines, so one is just as bad as the other in that respect. Just because someone doesn't do crack doesn't earn them a brownie point. The world has enough "at leasters". "At least he doesn't do crack like the other side of the spectrum"......again, not a good starting point.


So collection agents should start carrying guns now because "situations may turn ugly"?


No because most collectoin agecies are just filled with drones on a phone playing tough guy. However, talk to a repo man and I bet they carry.


You wont change my view that PD's should not be involved in debt collection


No trying to change your view on who is collecting. Perhaps though you'll begin to see the need for accountability and responsibility and the lack there of in society that's responsible for situations like this where cities need to actually employ such a tactic. Who's ultimately responsible for this? The deadbeats not paying.....


Its muscle the city needs? Are they loan sharks now?


They have muscle, just need to flex it. Time for the deadbeats to pay up and stop treating the city like they treat their own personal finances....something they can just ignore and hope goes away.


I have honestly seen a lot of good upstanding people who are just down on their luck.


Me too and we've all likely had hard times, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world should pay for those hard times or simple forgo any of the financial hardships that people brought upon themselves. In this case the city is using an existing available resources to solve a problem that other resources aren't able to achieve. They aren't asking for your opinion or permission nor should they have to. The majority of responsible citizens just want the deadbeats delt with and will likely fully support that. Those that don't usually have a reason why and it's clearly sided more in favor of supporting those not paying than the majority that do.

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I never used teh word scumbag. I said deadbeats. I can appreciate what you're trying to say but as much as you don't like police collecting money for the city, I'm 100x that in terms of not wanting my municipality to inject the drama of other peoples hard times and situations when it comes to collecting fines they owe and brought upon themselves. No one is kicking them when they are down, The kick they are feeling in terms of a fine being collected was brought upon by their own actions as is any situation they are in financially. Until people face that and OWN IT, this world will continue to expect handouts. Time to rid the world of expectations like that.




There are zillions of programs out there to help people. This country is fucking filled with them. However, dragging out their responsibility to pay a fine isn't one of them. If you really want to help someone in a bad situation, make them take the first step and help themselves. Start by being accountable and responsible. If you aren't either one or both of those, you're done as no one will employ you.




Yes, both different situations with one common theme, they are skipping out on fines, so one is just as bad as the other in that respect. Just because someone doesn't do crack doesn't earn them a brownie point. The world has enough "at leasters". "At least he doesn't do crack like the other side of the spectrum"......again, not a good starting point.




No because most collectoin agecies are just filled with drones on a phone playing tough guy. However, talk to a repo man and I bet they carry.




No trying to change your view on who is collecting. Perhaps though you'll begin to see the need for accountability and responsibility and the lack there of in society that's responsible for situations like this where cities need to actually employ such a tactic. Who's ultimately responsible for this? The deadbeats not paying.....




They have muscle, just need to flex it. Time for the deadbeats to pay up and stop treating the city like they treat their own personal finances....something they can just ignore and hope goes away.




Me too and we've all likely had hard times, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world should pay for those hard times or simple forgo any of the financial hardships that people brought upon themselves. In this case the city is using an existing available resources to solve a problem that other resources aren't able to achieve. They aren't asking for your opinion or permission nor should they have to. The majority of responsible citizens just want the deadbeats delt with and will likely fully support that. Those that don't usually have a reason why and it's clearly sided more in favor of supporting those not paying than the majority that do.


How is it that the fines that they brought on themselves are effecting anyone but themselves? This was not money that the city had to shell out. This is free money coming to the city. If anything, they are losing money trying to collect on these.


I agree with accountability and responsibility and owning up to your own actions and I raise my kids with these values. There are things in life that you can't foresee happening and people do get down on their luck. Not being able to pay fines does not make them irresponsible people in all cases.


Good luck trying to rid the world of expectations of hand outs. Like it or not, this is the world that we live in now. I don't necessarily agree with that but I know that I cant change it either. And letting a person set up a payment plan or differ payments on a fine temporarily is not a hand out and in most cases they are paying additional fees to do this.


Im stunned by the fact that you can say "Hey take that father of 4 who was laid off 6 months ago and can't find a decent job but has been working at McDonald's to feed his family and don't give him any opportunity or work with him in any way. As a matter of fact if you wanna help him then make him be more responsible. Make him help himself". That's honestly the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. He is obviously trying to help himself by working a meager job because that's all that he can get.


I know several repo men who DO NOT carry.


Deadbeats need to pay up and stop treating the city like their own personal finances? Again tell me exactly how the city is out anything here? Its not like this was a loan that is not being paid and the city is out money.


Financial hardships are not always brought on by an individual. There is usually extenuating circumstances.


Oh so your saying its ok that we pay for a service but we should not have any say in to what we are paying for? So the next time you go to buy a car, your ok with them giving you whatever they think you should have?


The majority of citizens just want the deadbeats dealt with until they are in a similar situation. Most of the people that say stuff like that are the first ones crying for help when they face similar situations.


You must have come from a privileged home and never seen the flip side of things. I know a lot of good, honest, responsible people that struggle every day.


My dad is a perfect example of this. He worked for AT&T for 35 years. They moved his Job to Indy about 10 years ago. He had a heart attack about 5 years ago and then his position that moved to Indy was terminated and he was forced to retire. He works full time at an insurance company now. His wife has also fallen ill and has been unable to work. They have spent all of their savings. They have lost almost everything and are on the verge of bankruptcy. He calls my sister crying because he needs to borrow money to pay his water bill. He stopped taking his heart medication because he can't afford it. This guy supported his family his entire life and now he is in this position in which he had no control over.


This must be all his fault and he is just a deadbeat looking for a handout.


See your views on life are not realistic at all.

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How is it that the fines that they brought on themselves are effecting anyone but themselves? This was not money that the city had to shell out. This is free money coming to the city. If anything, they are losing money trying to collect on these.


It's not FREE money. That's money that the city collects and goes towards their bottom line that in turn covers the budget overall. That budget is what the residents living their count on the city to use in order to function daily thus when people don't pay their fines they are withholding earned income the city uses. Not sure about you but if you withhold my income because you're not paying me, I'm pretty sure you're going to piss me off. City is pissed off. Be glad it's only a cop showing up to collect. If you owed anyone on CR money and refused to pay, it would likely not be pretty.


There are things in life that you can't foresee happening and people do get down on their luck. Not being able to pay fines does not make them irresponsible people in all cases


Not being able to manage ones money especially to a point where you can't pay a fine YOU incurred by wrongdoing does = irrisponsibility. I'm sorry but thier situaiton alone proves that they failed to plan and manage their money effectively when they weren't on hard times. So we can agree to disagree but I stand by the premise that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. These people achieved just what they looked out for....failing.


Good luck trying to rid the world of expectations of hand outs. Like it or not, this is the world that we live in now. I don't necessarily agree with that but I know that I cant change it either. And letting a person set up a payment plan or differ payments on a fine temporarily is not a hand out and in most cases they are paying additional fees to do this.


Luck doesn't play into it much. I like the old saying that you strive for perfection and settle for excellence. Thus while I don't realisitcally think we'll rid the world of handouts I do believe in the above and to achieve that goal you don't allow people to do any less. Allowing them to skate on fines and responsibilities won't help them achieve anything. Sure, you can cut people breaks but the city on fines that are outstanding isn't where that happens. There is no welfare bucket for people to dip into to pay traffic tickets. :dumb:


Im stunned by the fact that you can say "Hey take that father of 4 who was laid off 6 months ago and can't find a decent job but has been working at McDonald's to feed his family and don't give him any opportunity or work with him in any way.


You're stunned that there's not a seperate welfare or charity bucket for people to pay their traffic or court violoations with? How about you lead the charge down capital hill with that one. I bet Obama would love it. :dumb: Breaks for that father exist all over but don't expect the city to work with you on paying a fine for being stupid and incurring the fine to begin with.


As a matter of fact if you wanna help him then make him be more responsible. Make him help himself". That's honestly the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. He is obviously trying to help himself by working a meager job because that's all that he can get.


And that's why so many people on welfare and who are milking the system and all the charity programs out work so hard to get off said programs so quickly right? I'll play devils advocate....tell your father of 4 working at McD's to pay his fine and yeah, feel the pain a little bit more. We all do; I don't like paying speeding tickets, it hurts, but I do that before I go tossing them in the trash and going to buy smokes and then I don't go getting all boo-hoo pissed when the city comes looking for their money.


Deadbeats need to pay up and stop treating the city like their own personal finances? Again tell me exactly how the city is out anything here? Its not like this was a loan that is not being paid and the city is out money.


It's income owed to the city that they are now out. It's equiv. to the gov't saying oh well we're not paying welfare or unemployement this month because we're out of money. Sorry but tough. That's exactly what these deadbeats are telling the city. Sorry but I just don't have your money that you're expecting.


Financial hardships are not always brought on by an individual. There is usually extenuating circumstances.


True, but the aftermath is entirely foreseeable and avoidable. People fail to plan and thus plan to fail. As you said, tons of people have bad shit happen to them. The ones who make it through are the ones who planned well while they did have a job. These people skipping out on their fines had money at some point prior to the hardship you're using as their excuse. I'm sorry but it's not the city's fault that they didn't plan to have to pay a speeding ticket. Who's guillty of incurring the fine to begin with? AGain, not the city. Is what they are doing fair to those of us that do pay our fines?


Oh so your saying its ok that we pay for a service but we should not have any say in to what we are paying for? So the next time you go to buy a car, your ok with them giving you whatever they think you should have?


Poor analogy. If you don't like the way the Police run their office, then take it to the voting booth or town hall meetings. Write the Mayor, etc.....but so far as how the day to day runs, no, you're not the boss of the Police Chief.


The majority of citizens just want the deadbeats dealt with until they are in a similar situation. Most of the people that say stuff like that are the first ones crying for help when they face similar situations.


I'll only speak for myself and say no I don't want to be treated differently. I pay my debts incurred and I plan for tough times by saving and investing. You can make $8hr and save. It's called paying yourself first and living within or below your means. We live below ours. Well below. Those that do cry and moan as you say are not being accountable and will not earn any trust or respect from the greater population as a whole nor can they go around saying they are accountable or responsible if they bitch. Deadbeats in the making?


You must have come from a privileged home and never seen the flip side of things. I know a lot of good, honest, responsible people that struggle every day.


Very good family growing up but at age 19 worked my ass off in college and bought my first townhome with my sister. At 24 bought my second property with my then girlfriend/wife, lived there on near nothing while she went to law school in the evenings and I worked bell to bell days. The rest is history. WE made our income and what we have today. No hand outs here man.


My dad is a perfect example of this. He worked for AT&T for 35 years. They moved his Job to Indy about 10 years ago. He had a heart attack about 5 years ago and then his position that moved to Indy was terminated and he was forced to retire. He works full time at an insurance company now. His wife has also fallen ill and has been unable to work. They have spent all of their savings. They have lost almost everything and are on the verge of bankruptcy. He calls my sister crying because he needs to borrow money to pay his water bill. He stopped taking his heart medication because he can't afford it. This guy supported his family his entire life and now he is in this position in which he had no control over.


Sorry to hear about the above man and I won't judge and I won't comment further on a situation that's not mine. Too far OT and too personal and not my place.


This must be all his fault and he is just a deadbeat looking for a handout


I'll leave it at this given my previous comment. I'm sure there were multiple optoins and roads to go down in your fathers life that could have taken him to perhaps this same place but also many others too. There's never just one and only one path and end results. In the end he ended up where he is. Over a sad beer I'd share mine with one of my family members that the road went a different way and now things are fine. It wasn't easy but it is doable.


I firmly believe that people need to begin to accept that while things do happen to us, what you make of them happens because of us. Each of us is absolutely in control of our lives and while yours may end different than mine, you control what it looks like for you. And when the inevitable shit does happen you don't go around avoiding the responsibilities. Back OT...that's what these people are doing.


Things don't happen overnight either. I went from 19 to 42 in what seems like a week. I wish I had more time to save more and do more, but as a family the wife and I regroup on a very regular basis to make sure we're on track with our goals, adjust where needed and enjoy things regardless.


See your views on life are not realistic at all.


That's the spirit! :no: There's really only one thing I can say to such a comment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It's not FREE money. That's money that the city collects and goes towards their bottom line that in turn covers the budget overall. That budget is what the residents living their count on the city to use in order to function daily thus when people don't pay their fines they are withholding earned income the city uses. Not sure about you but if you withhold my income because you're not paying me, I'm pretty sure you're going to piss me off. City is pissed off. Be glad it's only a cop showing up to collect. If you owed anyone on CR money and refused to pay, it would likely not be pretty.




Not being able to manage ones money especially to a point where you can't pay a fine YOU incurred by wrongdoing does = irrisponsibility. I'm sorry but thier situaiton alone proves that they failed to plan and manage their money effectively when they weren't on hard times. So we can agree to disagree but I stand by the premise that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. These people achieved just what they looked out for....failing.




Luck doesn't play into it much. I like the old saying that you strive for perfection and settle for excellence. Thus while I don't realisitcally think we'll rid the world of handouts I do believe in the above and to achieve that goal you don't allow people to do any less. Allowing them to skate on fines and responsibilities won't help them achieve anything. Sure, you can cut people breaks but the city on fines that are outstanding isn't where that happens. There is no welfare bucket for people to dip into to pay traffic tickets. :dumb:




You're stunned that there's not a seperate welfare or charity bucket for people to pay their traffic or court violoations with? How about you lead the charge down capital hill with that one. I bet Obama would love it. :dumb: Breaks for that father exist all over but don't expect the city to work with you on paying a fine for being stupid and incurring the fine to begin with.




And that's why so many people on welfare and who are milking the system and all the charity programs out work so hard to get off said programs so quickly right? I'll play devils advocate....tell your father of 4 working at McD's to pay his fine and yeah, feel the pain a little bit more. We all do; I don't like paying speeding tickets, it hurts, but I do that before I go tossing them in the trash and going to buy smokes and then I don't go getting all boo-hoo pissed when the city comes looking for their money.




It's income owed to the city that they are now out. It's equiv. to the gov't saying oh well we're not paying welfare or unemployement this month because we're out of money. Sorry but tough. That's exactly what these deadbeats are telling the city. Sorry but I just don't have your money that you're expecting.




True, but the aftermath is entirely foreseeable and avoidable. People fail to plan and thus plan to fail. As you said, tons of people have bad shit happen to them. The ones who make it through are the ones who planned well while they did have a job. These people skipping out on their fines had money at some point prior to the hardship you're using as their excuse. I'm sorry but it's not the city's fault that they didn't plan to have to pay a speeding ticket. Who's guillty of incurring the fine to begin with? AGain, not the city. Is what they are doing fair to those of us that do pay our fines?




Poor analogy. If you don't like the way the Police run their office, then take it to the voting booth or town hall meetings. Write the Mayor, etc.....but so far as how the day to day runs, no, you're not the boss of the Police Chief.




I'll only speak for myself and say no I don't want to be treated differently. I pay my debts incurred and I plan for tough times by saving and investing. You can make $8hr and save. It's called paying yourself first and living within or below your means. We live below ours. Well below. Those that do cry and moan as you say are not being accountable and will not earn any trust or respect from the greater population as a whole nor can they go around saying they are accountable or responsible if they bitch. Deadbeats in the making?




Very good family growing up but at age 19 worked my ass off in college and bought my first townhome with my sister. At 24 bought my second property with my then girlfriend/wife, lived there on near nothing while she went to law school in the evenings and I worked bell to bell days. The rest is history. WE made our income and what we have today. No hand outs here man.




Sorry to hear about the above man and I won't judge and I won't comment further on a situation that's not mine. Too far OT and too personal and not my place.




I'll leave it at this given my previous comment. I'm sure there were multiple optoins and roads to go down in your fathers life that could have taken him to perhaps this same place but also many others too. There's never just one and only one path and end results. In the end he ended up where he is. Over a sad beer I'd share mine with one of my family members that the road went a different way and now things are fine. It wasn't easy but it is doable.


I firmly believe that people need to begin to accept that while things do happen to us, what you make of them happens because of us. Each of us is absolutely in control of our lives and while yours may end different than mine, you control what it looks like for you. And when the inevitable shit does happen you don't go around avoiding the responsibilities. Back OT...that's what these people are doing.


Things don't happen overnight either. I went from 19 to 42 in what seems like a week. I wish I had more time to save more and do more, but as a family the wife and I regroup on a very regular basis to make sure we're on track with our goals, adjust where needed and enjoy things regardless.




That's the spirit! :no: There's really only one thing I can say to such a comment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Usually money like this goes towards new uniforms and new equipment such as their armored vehicles and tactical weapons. Payroll does not come out of this. You can not take an unknow and budget off of it. It may fill some gaps but it is not where the majority of the money comes from. You are comparing apples to oranges now. CR debt and ticket fines are two totally different things.


So if you get hit by a drunk driver and your laid up in the hospital in a coma for months and you recieve a ticket for an equipment failure, say for a muffler or cracked windshield or something, and you cant pay on time because your in a coma, that makes you irresponsible? I know its far fetched but this is just for arguments sake. Everything that you are trying to paint here is not rational at all. If you fail to plan. Who the F&^* plans to get hit by a drunk and end up in a coma?


Even is some of the best case scenarios, life savings can be drained at the blink of an eye due to something like this. What if your a diabetic and you own your own business and can't get insurance because of your pre existing condition. How can you control things like that.


Like I have said before your trying to paint a perfect world here and that is not reality.


Nobody ever said anything about letting anyone skate on anything. Helping people out and giving them alternatives is not a hand out.


You totally went the wrong direction about charity and traffic tickets, and most cities do offer payment arrangements on fines.


No people are on welfare and milking the system because our system allows that. There are no checks and balances in place and many unscrouplulous people have figured that out. Sometimes generations of families live off the system because they have been allowed to. Its not from cutting people breaks and setting up arrangements for people.


Im sure that hypothetical father of 4 is already feeling the pain. Do you really believe that is the way to teach people? Kick them while they are down? Totally dominate them and force them in to compliance. And how do you know he is buying smokes? What if he doesnt smoke. Not everyone fits your stereotypes. And that is exactly what you are doing. Your sterotyping an entire group of people. I have been around the block. Actually I grew up on the block so to speak and I have seen every scam and game known to man be played, so I am not gullable about that. I know it happens. I know it happens a lot. But I also know that not everyone is playing games.


I dont like speeding tickets either and I man up and pay mine every time but not everyone has that ability. And we are talking about fines across the board, not just speeding tickets.


No it is not the same thing as welfare payments. Not even in the same ballpark. What if that person had not ran that stop sign? The city was never going to see that money. So how are they out anything?



I think your wrong about people failing to plan and the only people who made it through bad times were those who planned. I have never planned for any of my bad times and I have always made it through and yes sometimes with help from others and sometimes on my own but I have never planned for any of it to happen. Most people dont plan for the unseen.


It was a great analogy actually. And why are you saying to take my opinion to the pool or voting booth, when you have said that we dont have the right or the option to weigh in on these matters? My point exactly, we do have a say.


I am glad that you did well for yourself at a young age and have been able to sustain. I was broought up in the hood. I was around nothing but gangsters and drug dealers most of my life. I have worked since I was 14, I had my 1st apartment when I was 17. I worked my ass off for everything that I have a swell and I never recieved a hand out either. I have done everything on my own. But I dont look down on people in unfortunate circumstances. I have seen the good and the bad from people and I know that there is a difference. You just cant lump everyone in to 1 category and slap a lable on them.


I dont mind about you commenting about my dad. If I did, then I would have never put it out there as a scenario. I personally dont speak with him but it is not because of what he is going through now. Im just trying to point out that things happen and you cant plan for everything. And honestly some people just dont have the means to plan for things. they are doing everything they can just to get through each day.


Whats wrong with showing a little humainty to people? I mean what if that is a turning point for someone. What if that little bit of help makes them turn their life around?


Like I said before. There is A and there is Z and everything in the middle is gray. I think your views are more slanted towards A and mine are in the gray.


:) :):)

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Usually money like this goes towards new uniforms and new equipment such as their armored vehicles and tactical weapons. Payroll does not come out of this. You can not take an unknow and budget off of it. It may fill some gaps but it is not where the majority of the money comes from. .


In the end of every budget there's a bottom right corner with a double line under it and it's either positive or negative. This money irregardless of where it's applied is rightfully owed and impacts that bottom line.


So if you get hit by a drunk driver and your laid up in the hospital in a coma for months and you recieve a ticket for an equipment failure, say for a muffler or cracked windshield or something, and you cant pay on time because your in a coma, that makes you irresponsible? I know its far fetched but this is just for arguments sake.
For arguments sake if the bill was delivered to my home which the fine likely would be if it's not built into some type of court appearance/case that would end up resulting, my wife or very likely the attorney we would have on the case would pay the fine. Too deep of an example as it could go a number of ways, but bottom line, the bill would be paid.


Everything that you are trying to paint here is not rational at all. If you fail to plan. Who the F&^* plans to get hit by a drunk and end up in a coma?
No one plans to get hit by a drunk, but if you're properly insured as any responsible person should be, then it's not going to be an issue. If while you're working and not injured you're not saving 6-9 months of emergency money in case you're laid up or fired, then you're not planning. Does that make sense? If your life is so fucked up that you have no one there to pay a bill for you is that the city's issue?


Even is some of the best case scenarios, life savings can be drained at the blink of an eye due to something like this. What if your a diabetic and you own your own business and can't get insurance because of your pre existing condition. How can you control things like that.
If you are faced with huge amounts of medical bills for a life altering experience you should meet with an attorney to discuss options. Again, there are options than just avoiding paying the debt you owe. In most every case medical providers will be more than flexible with your debt and more so if you approach the situation correctly. I was 24 and broke two vertebrae and blew L5S1 in my lower back and made 24 payments to Riverside to cover bills while my wife was in law school and we ate our share of hamburger helper. I still have the final paid bill as a memento. $18,500 roughly.


If you own your own insurance and are diagnosed with diabetes you're existing plan will cover you, they aren't going to just drop you. If you're a current diabetic and want to open your own business, then you better make that a focal point of your business plan when it comes to coverage and preparing for future needs. Note the work plan. Step one in either case I would contact the American Diabetes Association. They absolutely have resources and help available. They can put you in touch with an insurance company or other official who can help you get the coverage needed. I know because I currently work in the field of insurance and we often deal with Diabetes.


Like I have said before your trying to paint a perfect world here and that is not reality. Nobody ever said anything about letting anyone skate on anything. Helping people out and giving them alternatives is not a hand out.
Last time I got a ticket there were phone numbers to call to make arrangements for payment. In the cases we're discussing where LEO's are being sent to collect, it's pretty clear no one owing the money has made arrangements for payment or to discussed things as they wouldn't be in this spot if they had. They have had plenty of alternatives presented. Again, what they chose to do was not pay. Thus what they are faced with is because of them not something happening to them.


You totally went the wrong direction about charity and traffic tickets, and most cities do offer payment arrangements on fines.
So what's the role of the deadbeats in this case is it relates to arranging for a payment plan? Do you think its safe to say they didn't follow through? Brother can't spare $10 a week to pay a fine? :dumb:


No people are on welfare and milking the system because our system allows that. There are no checks and balances in place and many unscrouplulous people have figured that out. Sometimes generations of families live off the system because they have been allowed to. Its not from cutting people breaks and setting up arrangements for people.
Exactly the system is fucked up, but you can't blame the system except it's built on a bit too much honor and trust. The real point of blame are the deadbeats taking advantage of said system. In terms of payment arrangements, again, what's the role of the guy holding the bill for a handful of parking tickets? You're implying the city needs to reach out to him to make payments? Really? Tell him to put on his Big-Boy-Pants and make that call and stick to the agreed payment plan. The city has no role in that other than collecting.


Im sure that hypothetical father of 4 is already feeling the pain. Do you really believe that is the way to teach people? Kick them while they are down? Totally dominate them and force them in to compliance.
The last time I felt pain whether it was in my foot or my pocketbook, I sought out the source and made arrangements to make that pain go away. I don't recall ignoring it. Doesn't sound like the folks we've been talking about have made any arrangements because if they had they wouldn't be worried about an LEO knocking on their door. That or they did make the arrangements and never held to their side of the agreement.


I'm not sure where you find force and dominance injected into an LEO collecting a bill. If they can't pay and the paperwork says take them to jail, then that's their issue. I'd pay the bill. It's all a part of accountability. I believe here it's appropriate to say you have to pay to play. They chose to play, got a fine and now it's time to man-up. Who made that choice....oh yeah.....the deadbeat.


And how do you know he is buying smokes? What if he doesnt smoke. Not everyone fits your stereotypes. And that is exactly what you are doing. Your sterotyping an entire group of people.
You're right, I don't know. Let's just say the next $25 per week taken from whatever their money goes towards should go to pay the fine or the cops will come knocking. 2-3 days without food won't kill the average deadbeat. They'll live. If that shocks you or them, then don't fuck up in traffic. One more time for the masses; Pay the bills you create for yourself.


I have been around the block. Actually I grew up on the block so to speak and I have seen every scam and game known to man be played, so I am not gullable about that. I know it happens. I know it happens a lot. But I also know that not everyone is playing games.
I'm sure you've learned a lot then. Likely that while not everyone plays games, but those same people don't likely plan very well if they end up with a LEO asking them to pay the fine they have had outstanding for quite a long time.


I dont like speeding tickets either and I man up and pay mine every time but not everyone has that ability. And we are talking about fines across the board, not just speeding tickets.
If people don't have the money then they need to be extra careful. Ever see that purple mustang with yellow stripes and 4 Mexicans in it driving 34mph in a 35mph zone and never changing lanes. That's because they don't want to come close to being stopped. They are being extra careful. You fill in why. :gabe:


No it is not the same thing as welfare payments. Not even in the same ballpark. What if that person had not ran that stop sign? The city was never going to see that money. So how are they out anything?
It's money owed/expected to be paid just the same. The city is entitled to collect. If you don't agree then don't drive on public roads and put yourself at risk.


I think your wrong about people failing to plan and the only people who made it through bad times were those who planned. I have never planned for any of my bad times and I have always made it through and yes sometimes with help from others and sometimes on my own but I have never planned for any of it to happen. Most people dont plan for the unseen.
I never intended to imply ONLY those who plan make it through. However they make it through much easier with a plan. Perhaps those you hang out with don't plan, but I can say with pretty strong assurance the wife and I and most all the folks we are close to plan. We have 401k's investments, savings, HSA, insurance, yadda, yadda.... normal stuff. We pay ourselves first and usually the most all while living below our means to do so. Everyone can do it, it's a choice and for us we may be a little extreme, but I enjoy going on several vacations/trips per year and not worrying about owing money on a car or replacing a furnace if we need to.


why are you saying to take my opinion to the pool or voting booth, when you have said that we dont have the right or the option to weigh in on these matters? My point exactly, we do have a say.
Then go vote vs post on 10tv.com. It goes farther.


I dont look down on people in unfortunate circumstances. I have seen the good and the bad from people and I know that there is a difference. You just cant lump everyone in to 1 category and slap a lable on them.
My view and opinions on people are based on the situations they are in. I can make cursory opinions on what likely led them there but I look at the facts. Facts don't lie. They aren't paying their bills or taking responsibility for their actions.


Trust and respect is earned through a number of things and the above doesn't instill it. Read the book The SPEED of Trust or google the 13 behaviors that build both. I make my judgements based on them. I wouldn't call it looking down, I call it not trusting or respecting them based on their actions or in-actions, nothing more.


And honestly some people just dont have the means to plan for things. they are doing everything they can just to get through each day.
I understand, but because they can't pay doesn't negate their responsibility to do so. Obviously they aren't trying or even communicating with the the city as they are being chased down for payment.


Whats wrong with showing a little humainty to people? I mean what if that is a turning point for someone. What if that little bit of help makes them turn their life around?
Again, tons and tons of outreach and assistance programs out there. It's up to them to work through them and get their life back on track. I'm sorry, but if you don't have the money to pay a simple fine for a traffic violation, then buy a bike and don't take the risk. Yeah, I"m being serious because that means you don't likely have the required car insurance and we don't need you on the road.
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How is it that the fines that they brought on themselves are effecting anyone but themselves? This was not money that the city had to shell out. This is free money coming to the city. If anything, they are losing money trying to collect on these.


I agree with accountability and responsibility and owning up to your own actions and I raise my kids with these values. There are things in life that you can't foresee happening and people do get down on their luck. Not being able to pay fines does not make them irresponsible people in all cases.


Good luck trying to rid the world of expectations of hand outs. Like it or not, this is the world that we live in now. I don't necessarily agree with that but I know that I cant change it either. And letting a person set up a payment plan or differ payments on a fine temporarily is not a hand out and in most cases they are paying additional fees to do this.


Im stunned by the fact that you can say "Hey take that father of 4 who was laid off 6 months ago and can't find a decent job but has been working at McDonald's to feed his family and don't give him any opportunity or work with him in any way. As a matter of fact if you wanna help him then make him be more responsible. Make him help himself". That's honestly the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. He is obviously trying to help himself by working a meager job because that's all that he can get.


I know several repo men who DO NOT carry.


Deadbeats need to pay up and stop treating the city like their own personal finances? Again tell me exactly how the city is out anything here? Its not like this was a loan that is not being paid and the city is out money.


Financial hardships are not always brought on by an individual. There is usually extenuating circumstances.


Oh so your saying its ok that we pay for a service but we should not have any say in to what we are paying for? So the next time you go to buy a car, your ok with them giving you whatever they think you should have?


The majority of citizens just want the deadbeats dealt with until they are in a similar situation. Most of the people that say stuff like that are the first ones crying for help when they face similar situations.


You must have come from a privileged home and never seen the flip side of things. I know a lot of good, honest, responsible people that struggle every day.


My dad is a perfect example of this. He worked for AT&T for 35 years. They moved his Job to Indy about 10 years ago. He had a heart attack about 5 years ago and then his position that moved to Indy was terminated and he was forced to retire. He works full time at an insurance company now. His wife has also fallen ill and has been unable to work. They have spent all of their savings. They have lost almost everything and are on the verge of bankruptcy. He calls my sister crying because he needs to borrow money to pay his water bill. He stopped taking his heart medication because he can't afford it. This guy supported his family his entire life and now he is in this position in which he had no control over.


This must be all his fault and he is just a deadbeat looking for a handout.


See your views on life are not realistic at all.


If my dad had to stop taking heart medication because he couldnt afford it and this is what he needs to live a longer life I would make changes in my life to help him out. I probably would sell my all my hobby cars and sso that I could help him live a little longer. Thats just me though.

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