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holy crap, that dude is totally a post whore.....

Top Posters In 4-2009 (Total Posters: 324) # User Posts In 4-2009 Total Posts Join Date 1 NinjaNick 377 7237 12-22-2006 2 DollFace 342 535 03-14-2009 3 that dude 323 1902 01-11-2009 4 FocusDave01 290 392 03-24-2009 5 kawi kid 264 7353 02-26-2008 6 JRMMiii 171 2697 01-24-2008 7 cmoosego 170 2111 06-06-2008 8 CBRzach 163 279 03-04-2009 9 V4junkie 154 390 02-18-2009 10 jagr 149 3451 07-26-2008

black, meet kettle.

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does anyone else have a problem sending PM's????? it times out for me and I refresh and it sends 2....I'm thinking i'm not the only one because ppl are sending me double pm's.

I've never heard of any problems like that. Anybody else having this happen?

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