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Anyone use preworkout drinks?


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So when i cycle i traditionally ride w nw into the wind. By the time i turn around, even with the wind to my back, i'm pretty spent. After a short recovery i ride even harder on the way back as the tailwind encourages you to move out.


...point being...


I like to put an "N.O. Xplode" style drink in my 1st water bottle, drink it on the 1st 1/2 of the ride so when i make the turn the energy drink hits me and is sustained for the 45min-1hr ride back.


I've never found one i really like and want to stick with. Plus i'm tired of trying shit GNC has to offer. I'm looking for something that boosts energy and prevents dead legs/muscle fatigue during.


In reality i assume most of the prework out stuff is shit. I don't expect it to make that much of a difference but lets see what CR's gurus have to say.


In addition to drink additives..

I stretch pre and post ride, try to stay hydrated and do a warm up mile before i start the ride.

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I use MP Assault. I have also used c4 and it works really well also. The only reason that I chose Assult over c4 is because of the creatine already in Assault. You can get both from GNC which is over priced, bodybuilding.com or Vince's muscle shop off sawmill rd. Vinces is much cheaper than CNG. Both of these products will give you a tingling sensation in your face for the first 15 min or so but dont give you the jitters or shakes.
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Drinks, no. whenever i ride, i have a PB&J sandwich about an hour before my start time, and carry water for the 1st half and sometimes gatorade for the last half. Seems to be working. im up to doing 22+mph avg group rides, something i wouldnt have dreamed up last year
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I wouldn't recommend pre-workout drinks prior to long rides. They generally dehydrate you (at least they do me) I drink them prior to lifting by I am able to continuously hydrate as I work out. I would do as Evan said and make sure to eat something with some Fiber or carbs to help with your lack of energy.
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Drinks, no. whenever i ride, i have a PB&J sandwich about an hour before my start time, and carry water for the 1st half and sometimes gatorade for the last half. Seems to be working. im up to doing 22+mph avg group rides, something i wouldnt have dreamed up last year


for sure. drinks, pills and supplements are no match for hard work, frequency and persistence. With as busy as i've been this summer im stuck at an 18mph avg.

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I wouldn't recommend pre-workout drinks prior to long rides. They generally dehydrate you (at least they do me) I drink them prior to lifting by I am able to continuously hydrate as I work out. I would do as Evan said and make sure to eat something with some Fiber or carbs to help with your lack of energy.


to be clear i'm not "hitting the wall". I'm looking more for a muscle wash if that makes sense.

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to be clear i'm not "hitting the wall". I'm looking more for a muscle wash if that makes sense.


I don't think I follow. Any who I use Cellucor C4 and it has been by far the best thing I have ever used and I have tried all kinds of shit.



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I don't think I follow. Any who I use Cellucor C4 and it has been by far the best thing I have ever used and I have tried all kinds of shit.




So when you hit the wall your whole body feels weaker...to maintain the same pace or weight you were at the beginning is exponentially harder. From what i understand hitting the wall is your body running out of readily available carbs/sugars (coupled with an increased difficulty to contract and relax muscles)and starts to utalize fat as an energy source. Fat is a lower octane fuel compared to readily available carbs and thats where the decrease in energy feeling comes from. Kind of like switching over from 111 to 87.


What im experiencing isn't a systemic fatigue, its more of a "ive been riding into the wind for a while and my legs are starting to burn up". Previous drinks have allowed me to feel like i have fresh legs for the ride back. Thats what im looking for.

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I just drink lots of water n gatorrade. Dont rely on energy drinks to keep you going bro. Only use them in last ditch efforts and only rarely.


word. Its crazy frustrating to see where you had progressed in years previous by this time in fall compared to this year. :(


enough talk, im hitting the streets.

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Every try the gels/shot blocks? Most of the gel packs taste like shit, IMHO, I like Cliff shot blocks. I eat some, and some real food (often part of a cliff bar) 10-20 minutes before a ride and stop occasionally throughout to eat (and drink) some more depending on ride length. I find just eating those shots/gel packs by themselves can sometimes upset my stomach a bit.
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I meant to add, i usually take a couple packs of shot bloks with meamd eat a few every 10-15 miles. If 18 is on a solo ride, thats decent. I havent done a solo ride since probably april, and i was at 17.7ish. I wonder what id be at now. I get up front of the group and can usually hold 20-21 for a couple miles before dropping back to recover. I need to get stronger because it takes little to hit my max HR
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I meant to add, i usually take a couple packs of shot bloks with meamd eat a few every 10-15 miles. If 18 is on a solo ride, thats decent. I havent done a solo ride since probably april, and i was at 17.7ish. I wonder what id be at now. I get up front of the group and can usually hold 20-21 for a couple miles before dropping back to recover. I need to get stronger because it takes little to hit my max HR


Solo rides are how you get strong and gain endurance. group rides are easier but faster.

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Solo rides are how you get strong and gain endurance. group rides are easier but faster.


true, to a point. hell, my first group ride i did this year, at the time, was the hardest ride of my life so far, and it was 50ish miles, maybe 800' of elevation, at an 18.2 average. i could feel congestion in my chest the rest of the day, couldnt breathe for shit. now, i can go out, do 4mph faster and feel pretty damn good. here's my personal best this year




rode tonight, about 32 miles, watched one buddy of mine pass a few of us on the left, another guy and him rubbed tires and he went down (the guy who was not passing, just riding). i watched him slide across the road and almost hit his bike sliding down the road. shit sucked to watch.

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they're not...endurance sports like that, you have to constantly eat to have calories to burn. on a pro level, i think i saw that those guys riding the pro tours usually eat like 7k calories a day...even as a casual rider like myself, i have no problem eating 1000 calories worth of clif bars, PB&J, and other snacks while riding, and most of our rides are in the 40-60mi range...a few are longer, and i'll eat accordingly. if i dont eat, i can feel it pretty soon after im out of food fuel
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You can try to take a banana with you on your ride. The PB&J is great also. Your clean carbs are your energy source, which is really what you need. I eat a Banana an hour before I hit the gym. I only take a pre-workout drink to get those 1 or 2 extra reps in when I am lifting and no matter what I take, its pretty much worn off about 3/4 of the way in to my workout. They are only good for about an hour.


Why not eat a PB&J about an hour before you go for your ride, then eat your banana a little before your half way mark. That should give you some sustainable energy.


If your looking for something that you can drink. Take a look at Carbo Gain. This is basically high quality, fast acting carbs in a powder form. I put mine in with my protein drink but a lot of people mix it with fruit juice. This may be that mid way carb up that you need.


You can also try L-Carnitine or Glutamine.

L-Carnitine is going to help with the transfer of fat in to fuel. Not the best fuel to use but it may help you some, ecspecially if your trying to loose some weight.

Glutamine is going to help with muscle recovery.


I have used all of these things personally and I know for a fact that they all work.

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