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another excel guru question.


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Ok I am trying to find the total number of days between a range of days. The issue is the start date in some cases will be blank due to the nature of things.




- 07/30/12 07/30/12 - - - - - -

- 08/01/12 - - - - - - -

07/17/12 07/19/12 07/19/12 - - - - 07/26/12 07/26/12

- 07/10/12 - - - - - - -

- 07/11/12 07/11/12 - - - - 07/23/12 -

- - - - - - - 07/31/12 -



the data looks like that. so for line 1 the answer I would like retrieved would be 1


line2 to the value I need would be 1


3 would be 9


etc etc.


anyone got any ideas?


the - indicates cells where no date is entered due to that loan not having that type of transaction occurring.

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