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Office Firewall


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Set up a vpn on your home computer, and connect to it using your work computer. This will allow you to use your home connection while at work. Your home computer will need to be running in order for this to work.


I do this to play diablo 3 at work sometimes.




Also, try http://www.anype.com first.

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As someone who has worked in IT security and used that firewall my suggestion is to not try and circumvent it, If caught most companies have a termination policy for actively circumventing a security feature. VPN traffic is typically picked up by the firewall and logme in would for sure leave a trace.


That being said

Buy a tablet/smartphone

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Do your job and don't worry about surfing the net?


Fuck that. I "work" maybe 2 hours a day- of that 2 hours I consider 0 of them actual "work". I used to work- what Sam does is WORK. What I do is fu-fu bullshit in comparison.


Navigating around a firewall sounds like a quick way to find yourself without a job.


Its boystown here. No worries about that. I just got done playing pool if that tells you anything.


Set up a vpn on your home computer, and connect to it using your work computer. This will allow you to use your home connection while at work. Your home computer will need to be running in order for this to work.


I do this to play diablo 3 at work sometimes.




Also, try http://www.anype.com first.


Smart! I have a VPN for work that works the other way- I will try that out-I will talk to IT (one guy, lol) and see if this would piss him off. I am 99.9% sure he wont care too much.

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Also, try http://www.anype.com first.


Tried Pandora- check this out-


Dear Pandora Visitor,


We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.


We believe that you are in Latvia (your IP address appears to be If you believe we have made a mistake, we apologize and ask that you please email us.


If you have been using Pandora, we will keep a record of your existing stations and bookmarked artists and songs, so that when we are able to launch in your country, they will be waiting for you.


We will be notifying listeners as licensing agreements are established in individual countries. If you would like to be notified by email when Pandora is available in your country, please enter your email address below. The pace of global licensing is hard to predict, but we have the ultimate goal of being able to offer our service everywhere.


We share your disappointment and greatly appreciate your understanding.








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If exchange is setup properly you shouldn't need to use outlook web.


Well I mean if his computer needed to be connected to the domain to use outlook with exchange. cause he would be disabling that connection to tether with his phone.

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