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Ambassador Killed


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And take money out of the oil tycoons pockets?




You have high hopes my friend, high hopes.


So true. We have the solutions and ability to solve our dependence on oil. We just wont utilize it. Cause it wont make the right people in power money



I need to focus on buying more guns and ammo. Maybe get a bunker built.

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With the current situation and talks over Israel and Iran. The US must tread lightly.


Oh yeah, we really can't rock the boat to hard. The last thing we need is Iran to get the bright idea to pick a fight with Israel, and Israel gets the bright idea to turn Iran into a big glowing hole in the ground.



Would you atleast lower gas prices??? I have yet to hear a candidate say anything in relation to this. The first person who says I'm cutting gas prices gets my vote. Idgaf if it's hitler and bin ladens baby. I just want $2.00 gas back


I would lower gas prices, legalize pot (uncle sugar would be gettin his cut on that :gabe: ) and return this country to it's glory days. God, Guns, Guts, and Gory my friends, this is what the US was founded on. You don't like it, go to a place where slackers and hippy types are welcome.

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Oh yeah, we really can't rock the boat to hard. The last thing we need is Iran to get the bright idea to pick a fight with Israel, and Israel gets the bright idea to turn Iran into a big glowing hole in the ground.





I would lower gas prices, legalize pot (uncle sugar would be gettin his cut on that :gabe: ) and return this country to it's glory days. God, Guns, Guts, and Gory my friends, this is what the US was founded on. You don't like it, go to a place where slackers and hippy types are welcome.


Its not just Iran you have to worry about, i don't think Israel wants anything to do with Iran. Which is why they will not go in without backing from the US. China and Russia have announced they will back Iran if the US gets involved.


Do we want to get involved with that over the slaying of a US ambassador? There's so many things we need to clean up before we start kicking down doors.

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Yes, because kneejerk invasions without the approval of a budget-conscious Congress went over SO well in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Obama's in a bit of a pickle here; invade and the Republican Congress will jump down his throat for throwing money at a country we have no interest in. Don't invade and the Republican candidates will jump down his throat for being weak on foreign policy.


We won't invade, because at the moment a majority of voters care more about stopping government spending (including military) than nuking the Middle East.



EDIT: Let's take a moment to appreciate the stupidity of this situation. Islamic protesters riled up over a video portraying Islam as violent respond by....murdering people. I wonder if there's a word for "irony" in Arabic.

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Oh yeah, we really can't rock the boat to hard. The last thing we need is Iran to get the bright idea to pick a fight with Israel, and Israel gets the bright idea to turn Iran into a big glowing hole in the ground.





I would lower gas prices, legalize pot (uncle sugar would be gettin his cut on that :gabe: ) and return this country to it's glory days. God, Guns, Guts, and Gory my friends, this is what the US was founded on. You don't like it, go to a place where slackers and hippy types are welcome.


you have my vote

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And take money out of the oil tycoons pockets?




You have high hopes my friend, high hopes.


Yes I do. Fuck big oil tycoons. Also corporations are not human beings so stop treating them like they are. INB4 the law says otherwise. Fuck the law while we are at it.

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Oh yeah, we really can't rock the boat to hard. The last thing we need is Iran to get the bright idea to pick a fight with Israel, and Israel gets the bright idea to turn Iran into a big glowing hole in the ground.





I would lower gas prices, legalize pot (uncle sugar would be gettin his cut on that :gabe: ) and return this country to it's glory days. God, Guns, Guts, and Gory my friends, this is what the US was founded on. You don't like it, go to a place where slackers and hippy types are welcome.



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Its not just Iran you have to worry about, i don't think Israel wants anything to do with Iran. Which is why they will not go in without backing from the US. China and Russia have announced they will back Iran if the US gets involved.


Do we want to get involved with that over the slaying of a US ambassador? There's so many things we need to clean up before we start kicking down doors.



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Yes, because kneejerk invasions without the approval of a budget-conscious Congress went over SO well in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Obama's in a bit of a pickle here; invade and the Republican Congress will jump down his throat for throwing money at a country we have no interest in. Don't invade and the Republican candidates will jump down his throat for being weak on foreign policy.


We won't invade, because at the moment a majority of voters care more about stopping government spending (including military) than nuking the Middle East.


All of this....

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Its not just Iran you have to worry about, i don't think Israel wants anything to do with Iran. Which is why they will not go in without backing from the US. China and Russia have announced they will back Iran if the US gets involved.


Do we want to get involved with that over the slaying of a US ambassador? There's so many things we need to clean up before we start kicking down doors.


I agree, but we need moar war, so the defense types can keep their contracts, and political types keep their cash flow going.


There was a really good special on frontline about how big a business war and the NSA really are, scary as hell.


We need more material for additional Modern Warfare games. We stop blowing places up what are ghey going to do next? MW4: Detroit Rock City?

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I agree, but we need moar war, so the defense types can keep their contracts, and political types keep their cash flow going.


There was a really good special on frontline about how big a business war and the NSA really are, scary as hell.


We need more material for additional Modern Warfare games. We stop blowing places up what are ghey going to do next? MW4: Detroit Rock City?


I understand that, war is big money.


But we need to choose the wars we engage in wisely. Going to war that could potentially bring enemy troops to US soil is not a smart decision.


Mexico WILL back russia, russia will send ground forces to the US.


China just finished 2 HUGE ships, wonder what those naval ships are for?


No longer are we the only nation with a strong navy/ airforce. Going to war with any country that can mobilize their military is not a smart decision right now. Bringing war to US soil will certainly destroy our economy. Kind of going backwards from what war generally does. We send over our military, American citizens go to war and are comfortable here in the US away from war.

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Get our noses out of international affairs beyond trade. Lets do what's best for Americans for once. Not Israel, not the military industrial complex, not for destabilizing "democratic" nation-building. Democracy in lands full of insane, religiously-ignorant, pieces of excrement only creates a government full of elected officials that are insane, and religiously-ignorant. Hamas anyone? Democracy can only work for the people(more importantly, the person) confined by a bill of rights/constitution that limits government powers, and recognizes individual rights. Unchecked democracy is no better than a dictatorship, and these people aren't ready, and do not want it.
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Get our noses out of international affairs beyond trade. Lets do what's best for Americans for once. Not Israel, not the military industrial complex, not for destabilizing "democratic" nation-building. Democracy in lands full of insane, religiously-ignorant, pieces of excrement only creates a government full of elected officials that are insane, and religiously-ignorant. Hamas anyone? Democracy can only work for the people(more importantly, the person) confined by a bill of rights/constitution that limits government powers, and recognizes individual rights. Unchecked democracy is no better than a dictatorship, and these people aren't ready, and do not want it.


That's what checks and balances are set in place for........ o wait.

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Would you atleast lower gas prices??? I have yet to hear a candidate say anything in relation to this. The first person who says I'm cutting gas prices gets my vote. Idgaf if it's hitler and bin ladens baby. I just want $2.00 gas back


Let's spell this one out for you, ever heard of how Canada has decided to tap its oil reserves and wanted to build a pipeline into the US? Guess who said no? President Obama. He doesn't give two shits how high gas prices get.

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EDIT: Let's take a moment to appreciate the stupidity of this situation. Islamic protesters riled up over a video portraying Islam as violent respond by....murdering people. I wonder if there's a word for "irony" in Arabic.


I'm recalling a cartoonist in Europe who had drawn a few funnies that many Muslims found offensive. At a protest a person held a sign that read something along the lines of 'let those who would call Islam violent be beheaded.' That's the level of stupid we are dealing with.

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Who are you geopolitical experts suggesting we "invade". The Libyan rebels who rise to power was assisted by US drones?


That "apology" was issued by the Cairo embassy before the attacks. The state department did not approve it and it has since been disavowed by the administration. The very new democratically elected leadership of Libya has condemned the attack that killed the ambassador.

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I'm recalling a cartoonist in Europe who had drawn a few funnies that many Muslims found offensive. At a protest a person held a sign that read something along the lines of 'let those who would call Islam violent be beheaded.' That's the level of stupid we are dealing with.


Religious Extremists: Doing busywork for an insecure god since 400BC.

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Let's spell this one out for you, ever heard of how Canada has decided to tap its oil reserves and wanted to build a pipeline into the US? Guess who said no? President Obama. He doesn't give two shits how high gas prices get.


Oil is a global commodity. Unless you believe the US planned to socialize the commodity, that oil would be sold to the highest bidder. The high bid is determined by a commodities market that is influenced by global supply. The oil sands represents not only a drop in the bucket but it is not light sweet crude, it is sandy and difficult to refine.


How does it work in your world?

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