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Black iPhone 5 (scuff gate)


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I see people buying the old iphone cable to new iphone cable adapter



Yo dawg, i heard you like proprietary connectors



The thing is tho, you can get full chargers for a buck or two. These itards are buying 3 adapter things for 23..

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My G2 is "old technology" and does just fine. Has internet, navigation, all the apps I could ever want, texts just fine, and it even makes phone calls!!!


I don't understand the obsession with spending a ton of cash on these hipster phones

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why spend money on cars if you are going to go that route, its something us techie people like to do is have the newest and greatest. Its something to play with to keep our minds off of the incredibly boring every day life and keep us occupied. Wait maybe that is just me....crap. Forever alone
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I thought you flea bags told me AT&T had LTE here?


AT&T official date is 4th quarter.


At the Apple store today was a AT&T rep and he said they are shooting for around Thanksgiving time.


This new iPhone is nice I like it. The Apple store was awesome and sold me 1 after I got the run around with Best Buy Reynoldsburg. I guess they lost my pre-order for 1 of my phones. Still waiting on the 2nd one but im going to keep that pre-order since I have a bunch of BB gift cards.


Unless one of you guys wanna buy 150 bucks in BB cards lol.


I don't know about you guys but man I really like those new Earpods. I have some odd ear issues and cant stand in ears.


The sound is adequate for me and I can hardly feel them in my ears.

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why spend money on cars if you are going to go that route, its something us techie people like to do is have the newest and greatest. Its something to play with to keep our minds off of the incredibly boring every day life and keep us occupied. Wait maybe that is just me....crap. Forever alone


From what I have seen, real techie people don't get iphones.


I just picked up a new RazorMAX, was considering the iphone-had a good friend ask "Of all the people who recommended the iphone, how many would you consider "computer savy"....The answer was ZERO.


Reality bites! Enjoy your trendy inferior hipster phone.

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