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Need advice fighting tow company


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I had black neighbors once.... it was scary.


wtf lol, how is having black neighbors scary? i have white neighbors, middle eastern neighbors, a white neighbor and a somalian neighbor. they are all nice and cool as hell. maybe im just lucky not to see race as an issue and see every person for who they are and not the skin color or nationality. im the dumb one :fa:

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wtf lol, how is having black neighbors scary? i have white neighbors, middle eastern neighbors, a white neighbor and a somalian neighbor. they are all nice and cool as hell. maybe im just lucky not to see race as an issue and see every person for who they are and not the skin color or nationality. im the dumb one :fa:


Seriously? Of all the things I have ever said... you took me srs here?

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I would either tear that place apart, beat the shit out of the tow truck driver or ran out to my car and drove that mother fucker in to the building or in to the side of one of their tow trucks.


I would be 100% ok with spending a night or 2 in county over something like this. I dont want to go to jail but if I have to then thats the price I am willing to pay for standing up for myself and what I believe is right.





How's your record?

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Being serious, I did have some pretty crazy neighbors when I was in college... I lived in the REAL ghetto... I shit you not the house across the street was a drug house, loaded with weapons, but the dudes were pretty cool to talk to actually, but I would hate to be on there bad side... but eventually the house got raided one night at like 2am... which was crazy. The neighbors to our left were more annoying... Their high school aged son would just walk in our house when we are having big parties, drinking beer/alcohol, which in and of itself wasnt 'that' big of an issue, it was moreso the mom coming over yelling at him and dragging him home when she would find out, lol.


You can say you think, that I think, my life is 'perfect' and I live in a bubble... but i bet I have lived in much more sketchy parts of town, been in some pretty adrenaline pumping incidents myself, lol. Though I think the only time I ever have had the 'most' REAL fear for my life was playing basketball when several guns were pulled, but luckily hte only thing shot was a ball... it died at the scene.

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They used to come up to the house and try to get in our trash but momma always used a broom and brushed them off the porch


im not laughing at this..... but i smirked cause your from the middle of no where and there is no black people out there. just dirty white people coming from the coal mines.

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They used to come up to the house and try to get in our trash but momma always used a broom and brushed them off the porch


Shovels work well too. They have various uses, or so I've heard. When wielded by a skilled warrior, nothing can withstand their might.

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How's your record?


Clean as a whistle. Like I said before, reactions like this have caused me some issues in my life but after court costs and attorney fees I have never been found guilty of any charges. I have calmed down a lot as I have gotten older but I still have the same beliefs and will still do what I have to do to stand up for myself and what I believe is right.

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Dude, your statments are contradictory...



Yep I sure do. And regardless of the situation, I will always teach my kids to not allow anyone to walk on them. I may handle my situations a little more drastic than most people but I can hold my head high and know that I am not some bitch that will be taken advantage of. A lot of people just go cry in a corner and take it. Those people are the reason why companies like this continue to operate the way that they do. If more people stood up for themselves than a lot of shit like this would not happen. People can say what the want but this is how I handle things and its how I have handled things my entire life and I am doing just fine. Have I had issues arise from this that caused me grief? Sure. Was the grief worth me knowing that I stood up for what I thought was right and making my point? Sure was.



Clean as a whistle. Like I said before, reactions like this have caused me some issues in my life but after court costs and attorney fees I have never been found guilty of any charges. I have calmed down a lot as I have gotten older but I still have the same beliefs and will still do what I have to do to stand up for myself and what I believe is right.


Or get fucked over straight to your face, walk away like a bitch and deal with how that makes you feel.

Try to take them to court and because our system is so fucked up, you end up paying thousands in attorney fees and ending up on the loosing end, feeling even more taken advantage of before.



So what your saying is your such a hard ass but you feel taken advantage of?

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Dude, your statments are contradictory...











So what your saying is your such a hard ass but you feel taken advantage of?


No they are not at all. It is very simple actually.


I never said I was a hardass. Im just not a bitch and I dont like feeling like I have been taken advantage of. Some people can walk around and be ok with that because they have a different opinion of themselves or that can just shoulder that bitch feeling a little better. I refuse to let anyone make me feel that way, so I handle situations instead of walking away and crying about them later. Pretty simple if you ask me.


I would rather pay for an attorney to fight for my own actions instead of having to pay to fight because I was taken advantage of. If I am gonna pay for an attorney, it is going to be for a good reason and for something that I did.


The way I see it, is if I loose in court, I still got my payback and that makes me feel better than just loosing outright because of something that someone did to me and I just stood in the background shaking my finger at them.

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If I am gonna pay for an attorney, it is going to be for a good reason and for something that I did.


So you would rather pay a shit ton in court costs plus an attorney to HOPEFULLY keep you out of jail for your fuck up, than pay an attorney to get you a decent chunk of money for THEIR fuck up? Yeah, that totally makes sense :rolleyes:


Be smart about it and hit them where it really hurts: their wallet.

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So you would rather pay a shit ton in court costs plus an attorney to HOPEFULLY keep you out of jail for your fuck up, than pay an attorney to get you a decent chunk of money for THEIR fuck up? Yeah, that totally makes sense :rolleyes:


Be smart about it and hit them where it really hurts: their wallet.


How much experience do you have with our court systems?

What happens when you spend all that money to take them to court and you loose over a technicality or something stupid, 0r just because a judge sided with them or whatever the case may be?


Then you lost twice and were taken advantage of twice.


I have seen it happen a million times.


I would rather deal with it my way and then deal with my consequences after the fact.


Like I said, this is not for everyone and this is how I have dealt with my situation my entire life. This has minimized this in my life and it works for me.


I can lay my head on my pillow at night knowing that I am standing up for myself and that makes me feel good.


I'm not the guy thats gonna lay my head on my pillow at night with tears dripping down my face because I didnt stand up for myself.


And obviously they dont give two shits about court and lawsuits because they are continuing those same business practices with a class action suit over their head.

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Shut up you



No they are not at all. It is very simple actually.


I never said I was a hardass. Im just not a bitch and I dont like feeling like I have been taken advantage of. Some people can walk around and be ok with that because they have a different opinion of themselves or that can just shoulder that bitch feeling a little better. I refuse to let anyone make me feel that way, so I handle situations instead of walking away and crying about them later. Pretty simple if you ask me.


I would rather pay for an attorney to fight for my own actions instead of having to pay to fight because I was taken advantage of. If I am gonna pay for an attorney, it is going to be for a good reason and for something that I did.


The way I see it, is if I loose in court, I still got my payback and that makes me feel better than just loosing outright because of something that someone did to me and I just stood in the background shaking my finger at them.

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Obviously it depends on the circumstances, but usually if you have a good lawyer, you're golden.


If you're hell bent on destroying their property, go there at night and throw a brick through their window or light their shit on fire. At least you'll have a decent chance of not being caught.


I just think in the long run, you're better off taking from their bank account and adding to yours (plus keeping yourself out of jail). Acting like a crazy person and beating up a tow truck driver or driving a car through their building won't change shit.

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Obviously it depends on the circumstances, but usually if you have a good lawyer, you're golden.


If you're hell bent on destroying their property, go there at night and throw a brick through their window or light their shit on fire. At least you'll have a decent chance of not being caught.


I just think in the long run, you're better off taking from their bank account and adding to yours (plus keeping yourself out of jail). Acting like a crazy person and beating up a tow truck driver or driving a car through their building won't change shit.


Now I agree with that part about being smarter about it. Like I said before, I do have some issues with controlling my anger when it gets to that level, so that is probably not to smart on my part and some self control would probably help.

Another part of me want them to know it was me. I want them to watch me do i so they know.

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How much experience do you have with our court systems?

What happens when you spend all that money to take them to court and you loose over a technicality or something stupid, 0r just because a judge sided with them or whatever the case may be?


Then you lost twice and were taken advantage of twice.


I have seen it happen a million times.


I would rather deal with it my way and then deal with my consequences after the fact.


Like I said, this is not for everyone and this is how I have dealt with my situation my entire life. This has minimized this in my life and it works for me.


I can lay my head on my pillow at night knowing that I am standing up for myself and that makes me feel good.


I'm not the guy thats gonna lay my head on my pillow at night with tears dripping down my face because I didnt stand up for myself.



I pray for your children that they don't learn from you. The way you act one day will end up getting you in a place you can't get out of. You let your pride get in the way of what's really important.



But shit, what the fuck do I know? I'm just some uneducated pussy of a man.

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Now I agree with that part about being smarter about it. Like I said before, I do have some issues with controlling my anger when it gets to that level, so that is probably not to smart on my part and some self control would probably help.

Another part of me want them to know it was me. I want them to watch me do it.


this guy is so angry....... if it wasnt for his sloth style movements he may acutally do some damage to someone. after he crushes a bag of wheat thins while watching the baby lol

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I never said I was a hardass. Im just not a bitch and I dont like feeling like I have been taken advantage of. Some people can walk around and be ok with that because they have a different opinion of themselves or that can just shoulder that bitch feeling a little better. I refuse to let anyone make me feel that way, so I handle situations instead of walking away and crying about them later. Pretty simple if you ask me.


Letting other people make you feel like a bitch and act like a dumbass due to deep seeded subconcious self-esteem issues. :dumb:

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I pray for your children that they don't learn from you. The way you act one day will end up getting you in a place you can't get out of. You let your pride get in the way of what's really important.



What the fuck do I know? I'm just some uneducated pussy of a man.


this is all true. you are a proffesional groupie... i kinda want your job :fa:

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