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Need advice fighting tow company


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i dont live in a bad neighborhood no. but i still wouldnt want to live somewhere unprotected. esp when i get voice mails from people like aj saying hes going to kick my door in and cave my face in..... ( :lol: ) i still have that vm til this day.... i do go to some sketchy places from time to time that require me to have said weapon, idk about most of you but some of the street racing ive seen can turn ugly quickly..I.E Cleveland meet last yr.sawmill meet this year when the kid tried to fite everyone, who was the person everyone called??? me. hell sometimes i just like to go shooting. i dont need anyones approval for what i do, im a grown man and id say im doing pretty well for myself at this point.



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I know your thinking about going after shamrock for what they did and I don't fault you for that. Just some food for thought though, what happens if the whole gun thing is brought up in court? My thought is that the judge may frown upon that. Maybe you could possibly catch jail time idk. I'm not trying to be a Dick or anything, I am however somewhat a pessimist sometimes. Either way you choose to go, i wish you the best of luck.


the cop didnt say anything to shamrock about me or what he did w/ the gun. if anything comes out of this besides small claims the issue of a gun would never be brought up as it wouldnt be relvant to them "stealing my car" and breaking into it

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dont you have a family and kids?...


Yep I sure do. And regardless of the situation, I will always teach my kids to not allow anyone to walk on them. I may handle my situations a little more drastic than most people but I can hold my head high and know that I am not some bitch that will be taken advantage of. A lot of people just go cry in a corner and take it. Those people are the reason why companies like this continue to operate the way that they do. If more people stood up for themselves than a lot of shit like this would not happen. People can say what the want but this is how I handle things and its how I have handled things my entire life and I am doing just fine. Have I had issues arise from this that caused me grief? Sure. Was the grief worth me knowing that I stood up for what I thought was right and making my point? Sure was.

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And regardless of the situation, I will always teach my kids to not allow anyone to walk on them.


I'm all for standing up for yourself, but I hope you're simultaneously teaching them humility and open-mindedness, or your children may be headed for something terrible, like a career in politics.

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Phil, I have to give you props on maintaining your composure. Im not very level headed in situations like that and my anger gets the best of me. I would have done something drastic and ended up in jail.


thanks girlfriend, you know how real life is. some of these folks never have any issues and their lives are super perfect.

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Yep I sure do. And regardless of the situation, I will always teach my kids to not allow anyone to walk on them. I may handle my situations a little more drastic than most people but I can hold my head high and know that I am not some bitch that will be taken advantage of. A lot of people just go cry in a corner and take it. Those people are the reason why companies like this continue to operate the way that they do. If more people stood up for themselves than a lot of shit like this would not happen. People can say what the want but this is how I handle things and its how I have handled things my entire life and I am doing just fine. Have I had issues arise from this that caused me grief? Sure. Was the grief worth me knowing that I stood up for what I thought was right and making my point? Sure was.


By you going to jail over a situation like this would be absolutely foolish and would only teach your kids how NOT to act.


Pay the $150, take them to court, get thousands in return.


Getting emotional does nothing but make you look weak.

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Do you ask this same question to everyone who goes to get a ccw? I am curious, not everyone goes through or is put into any of the situations that you just described but yet they have their ccw just to have it.


Right, and I understand that, and yes, I ask them the same questions... A GOOD friend of mine went and got his CCW, and I asked him nearly the same questions... end result is, he 9 itmes out of 10 leaves the gun at home in the pop-open safe next to his bed, carries it with him on the occasions he thinks it might be warranted. I guess maybe I have been lucky in my lifetime and have never been in a situation to say "man I wish I would have had a gun". But then you have the horrifc incidents like at VT, and colorado that make you think you need to carry all the time... I dunno. The topic goes well outside of this thread.


BUt I pointed to Phil specifically because he puts himself at extra risk, since he does not, and cannot have, a CCW. He VERY easily could have found himself in jail yesterday, with a potential prison cell waiting.



I am NOT saying Phil is an idiot, and shouldnt carry a gun... I just wanted to know his reasoning. He seems by all accounts to be reasonably responsible and capable of making smart decisions.

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I'm all for standing up for yourself, but I hope you're simultaneously teaching them humility and open-mindedness, or your children may be headed for something terrible, like a career in politics.


Absolutely and there is a big difference between humility and allowing yourself to be walked on.


thanks girlfriend, you know how real life is. some of these folks never have any issues and their lives are super perfect.


Its almost comical.


By you going to jail over a situation like this would be absolutely foolish and would only teach your kids how NOT to act.


Pay the $150, take them to court, get thousands in return.


Getting emotional does nothing but make you look weak.


Or get fucked over straight to your face, walk away like a bitch and deal with how that makes you feel.

Try to take them to court and because our system is so fucked up, you end up paying thousands in attorney fees and ending up on the loosing end, feeling even more taken advantage of before.


Things like this happen to good people all the time so my approach is more like this. Wrong or right, this would have been my approach.


After they admitted that they were wrong and were still gonna charge me, I would make sure that is really the direction they wanted to go in. Then I would either tear that place apart, beat the shit out of the tow truck driver or ran out to my car and drove that mother fucker in to the building or in to the side of one of their tow trucks.


I have done all of the above, just not with a tow company. Like I said, I am a little extreme in situations like that but thats what makes me feel better. f Im getting fucked over then so are you. I hate being taken advantage of and walked on. And when you do it to my face with a smile on and acknowledge that your doing that, well then thats where I draw the line.


I would be 100% ok with spending a night or 2 in county over something like this. I dont want to go to jail but if I have to then thats the price I am willing to pay for standing up for myself and what I believe is right.

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