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I'm saving this date time and post.... As this is the least you have ever typed.


you're welcome for my continued reading lessons. I'm 87% serious in that one of this nations problems is people have short attention span theater syndrome. Again, we get what we ask for, Obama in office.

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you're welcome for my continued reading lessons. I'm 87% serious in that one of this nations problems is people have short attention span theater syndrome.


It doesn't help that your posts are a billion words long repeating the same shit over & over & over. We get it, you hate Obama, you hate poor people, you hate anyone that doesn't make 90k a year, you hate everything inside 270, your on a racing forum but race nothing, and your highlight is bantering on cr.

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It doesn't help that your posts are a billion words long repeating the same shit over & over & over. We get it, you hate Obama, you hate poor people, you hate anyone that doesn't make 90k a year, you hate everything inside 270, your on a racing forum but race nothing, and your highlight is bantering on cr.


it's clear you don't get it, especially if you follow my posts.


I don't hate Obama, I completely disagree with his policies

I don't hate poor people, I don't like those that sponge or take no responsibility

I don't hate based on income

I live inside 270

I've raced cars long ago before many here were even driving

Your highlights here are entertaining too.

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it's clear you don't get it, especially if you follow my posts.


I don't hate Obama, I completely disagree with his policies

I don't hate poor people, I don't like those that sponge or take no responsibility

I don't hate based on income

I live inside 270

I've raced cars long ago before many here were even driving

Your highlights here are entertaining too.


"Fuck Obama" is my new watermark :fuckyeah:



Irony at its finest

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Irony at its finest


It's called t-ball. I set the ball there perfectly for you. Nice hit.


I make epic threads, you just type forever and ever and ever and ever and fucking ever.


now that's classic internet banter lingo and irony. let me guess, you're voting for Obama too.

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It's called t-ball. I set the ball there perfectly for you. Nice hit.




now that's classic internet banter lingo and irony. let me guess, you're voting for Obama too.



Very much so. No I'm not going to go into some 50 paragraph rant about why I am or why you shouldn't or shouldn't. I'm not a fan of "mitt".

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Quoting yourself in your sig is proof that you fail at life


Go fall on a turkey baster full of bull jizz


I also talk in 3rd person about how awesome I am, spend 20 mins a day complementing myself, and post on fb how great I am... Then like my own post.


And on a scale of 1- idgaf, I fall heavily on the end of idgaf





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Very much so. No I'm not going to go into some 50 paragraph rant about why I am or why you shouldn't or shouldn't. I'm not a fan of "mitt".


So you have no interest in sharing what it is about Obama you like or Mitt that you don't yet you post in a debate thread on that very topic :confused: Such a lack of detail will get you crucified by many here. Just as the GOP Fans.

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I also talk in 3rd person about how awesome I am, spend 20 mins a day complementing myself, and post on fb how great I am... Then like my own post.


And on a scale of 1- idgaf, I fall heavily on the end of idgaf







So awesome I quote myself

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So you have no interest in sharing what it is about Obama you like or Mitt that you don't yet you post in a debate thread on that very topic :confused: Such a lack of detail will get you crucified by many here. Just as the GOP Fans.


I came in here to read and browse, but after 3 PGs of your 5 paragraph essays everyother posts, I wAnt to uppercut the elderly before there Medicare gets taken away by mittens.

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I love how when Romney won, most liberals, even in the media, readily accepted that Obama failed to give it his best and analyzed what he could have done better and what he should do to prepare for the next debate.


Now... look at how conservatives, especially in the media, are reacting to their wonderboy getting his comeuppance when his lies are finally getting called out... they are complaining about Biden being too forceful, making Ryan the victim of some bitter old man. They can't admit that they came in second place during this debate and they can't bring themselves to admit that they need to change their strategy for the next debate.


This is how people who also cast themselves as victims act; they always sing the same tune because they refuse to face the reality of their failures. This is why the GOP will fail for the rest of the campaign trail.


One of the main reasons the GOP is such a successful political brand is because they never, ever acknowledge that they were wrong. They have a lunatic's certainty. It doesn't matter how badly they were defeated; they will stand up and brazenly tell you that they won. In a way, that's the core dynamic of politics in America. Democrats are looking for policy solutions and admit their own mistakes; they want to come to a compromise to find something that works. Republicans want political power and nothing but; they don't care about anything but being winners.

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I wAnt to uppercut the elderly before insolvency date for Medicare which is coming sooner than later


Fixed and in the end Romney's changes will cost me far less than full fledged Obamacare.


I've worked with doctors and in the medical arena for nearly 20 years and have 3 MD's in our family. It's crystal clear what Obama proposes will insure that the field of doctors taking Medicare patients will not only be far, far smaller, thus choices limited and ultimately forcing seniors into the Obamacare Medicaid program. FAIL. Then if my parents and those wanting to go elsewhere will have to do so just the same only with entirely all their money. I'll let the doctors like Kirk here chime in to fill you in more if you don't believe me.


Just watch what happens if/when Obamacare hits us full force. I'll bet 90% or better on this board will eventually be on his Gov't insurance plans waiting in lines for average at best care. I lived in Toronto for several years and was lucky enough to have options here in the states while those around me suffer through their system.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I love how when Romney won, most liberals, even in the media, readily accepted that Obama failed to give it his best and analyzed what he could have done better and what he should do to prepare for the next debate.


Now... look at how conservatives, especially in the media, are reacting to their wonderboy getting his comeuppance when his lies are finally getting called out... they are complaining about Biden being too forceful, making Ryan the victim of some bitter old man. They can't admit that they came in second place during this debate and they can't bring themselves to admit that they need to change their strategy for the next debate.


This is how people who also cast themselves as victims act; they always sing the same tune because they refuse to face the reality of their failures. This is why the GOP will fail for the rest of the campaign trail.


One of the main reasons the GOP is such a successful political brand is because they never, ever acknowledge that they were wrong. They have a lunatic's certainty. It doesn't matter how badly they were defeated; they will stand up and brazenly tell you that they won. In a way, that's the core dynamic of politics in America. Democrats are looking for policy solutions and admit their own mistakes; they want to come to a compromise to find something that works. Republicans want political power and nothing but; they don't care about anything but being winners.




not sure if trolling or just fucking stupid. not sure which debate you watched last night but at no point could anyone say Biden won and most polls back that up today. Biden didnt debate and didnt show the "flaws and lies" of the R/R ticket. he looked like a low class piece of shit, talking over his opponent and just flat out rude. tried way to hard to be billy big balls and talked about a bunch of nothing and no record to debate. Then topped it off with no giving thanks to Ryan at the end.


Romney can call out Obama in his debate, he is the challenger. He isn't the sitting POTUS. Romney didn't cut obama off like biden did to ryan, nor was he rude. sure he tried to have the last word per se but there is nothing wrong with that. As a sitting POTUS you should expect your challenger to you know, challenge your record and why you should be re-elected. Romney doesnt have to go into full detail in these debates. HE just have to convince the american people he has a better plan and different and effective to the failed policy and do nothin that currently in office.

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not sure if trolling or just fucking stupid. not sure which debate you watched last night but at no point could anyone say Biden won and most polls back that up today. Biden didnt debate and didnt show the "flaws and lies" of the R/R ticket. he looked like a low class piece of shit, talking over his opponent and just flat out rude. tried way to hard to be billy big balls and talked about a bunch of nothing and no record to debate. Then topped it off with no giving thanks to Ryan at the end.


You just proved my point



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Meh! This is one guy. 50% to 31% is the majority. This was a debate people and that's just what happened last night. Biden was clearly more aggressive. There are no rules that say you get your 2 minutes before I can say my peace. Biden gave facts, Ryan pointed out it's all the democrats fault. Mitt paid 14% in taxes, Ryan asked for stimulus money, Ryan made it clear him and his family uses SS and medicare. Mitt wanted to let GM crash, wanted to let the housing market bust, etc. Like Mitt, Ryan was asked their plan instead of continuously knocking the democrats and yet again there was no answer. It also really bothers me how they want to tell a female what they can do with their bodies. Regardless of which side you're on, it's not the right of anyone to tell someone else what to do when it comes to their body.



This is why the other guy is the only guy who can intellectually argue for the democrats.. The above is loaded with BS, and regurgitated propaganda shit...


The 14% tax thing... At one point Biden said it was the "47%" who paid more than him in taxes.... This is both false from a percentage point and obviously from a dollars point... For the second time, the "47%" pays a very SMALL percentage in taxes, much none at all. Biden and the liberals like to smear that to play on ignorant people's emotions, the guy I quoted above clearly had his emotions stirred instead of his head.

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Do you know why the democrats plan is to attack the r/r plan instead of say what they will do? Or even go into any detail on what they have done?


There is no way around it, the economy has not recovered under their lead, they hide unemployment numbers by ignoring the reduction is due to Americans who have given up and no longer hunting... Reliance on govt has skyrocketed (see # of people on food stamps/ govt support) debt has gone through the roof (mostly from the 111th congress), and foreign affairs is horrendous.


I think the thing that irritated me the most during the debate was Biden saying they have "repaired our alliances" while arguing foreign affairs. Anyone with a brain and paying attention to world affairs had to say "what?!??!?!?!?!?!" That was the most bold lie ever said, that or he is smoking crack. Definitely the statement that irritated me the most.

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