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Need help - Spider Id


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I found a spider in my house the other night that looked pretty nasty. I didn't get close enough for a good picture, but it had a nasty set of fangs on it. Needless to say after much deliberation I killed the li'l bastard. (Sorry Christian) It was decided the bottom of a solo cup would end its life, as I didn't want to get my hands near it, and it looked a bit too small to shoot. I was curious to see if any members on here could tell me more about it, so I've attached a picture for review. Sorry for the poor quality, cell phone pic.






TL;DR Is this spider dangerous to have around?

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Are the legs noticably spikey? If not, it's just a common grass spider. Very easy to confuse with a wolf spider if you're not familiar with the various species. One of the big give aways is its abdomen which is thing and drawn out unlike the various wolf spiders.


Like the wolf's, it's venom is not generally considered dangerous to most people.


As someone mentioned above, this time of year it's pretty common for insects to start looking for somewhere warm and safe. I'm finding all kinds of shit in my house, too. I always find them in the same spot to the left of where I sit on the couch. I believe it's due to the variouls aquarium, etc lights that seem to converge on that spot on the floor at night. It seems to eventually attract all the wild bugs running around at night. lol I have a bug catchin' container I use. :p


If the gf isn't paying attention, I'll let some bugs live just to help rid my house of the possibly harmful ones I miss.

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it's just a common grass spider


Pretty sure this is correct. I have, quite literally, thousands of these things in the mulched area around my condo, and if I find one inside, I try to catch it and throw it into the garden. Quick little buggers, but mostly harmless to humans. They typically spin neat funnel webs, and are easy to feed if you have the inclination to keep one in a terrarium or something.

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They typically spin neat funnel webs, and are easy to feed if you have the inclination to keep one in a terrarium or something.




Thanks everyone for the info. after looking at pics online I think Christian and Orion are correct.

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