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Columbia Gas Budget Plan worth it?


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my mom does it, said at the end of the year if it ends up being more/less than the plan, you pay the difference or get a refund.


i actually just switched to it at my last bill. it was only like $34 but to do the budget they said $55/mo. you can actually do like 10% more if you want, so i did. it'll be $60/mo and i wont have to worry about fluctuating bills all winter


plus, i beleive she said they'll actually send you the bill with "actual use" so you can see what it would've been off the plan

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I just read somewhere that they were doing away with the budget program by the end of next year. Apparently they have put new devices on everyones meters so all they have to do is drive by in a van and your meter wirelesly send your gas usage to the van. This apparently is much more acurate than the buget program.
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They usually estimate every other month or two months in a row then actually show up and check your meter to see how much to actually charge you. They fucked mine up real bad at one point, for two or three months in a row. They were charging me $400 a month a couple months in a row, which was WAY more than it should have been. So then they credited my account ahead for a bit, but it still really hurt because if I didn't pay their totally wrong estimate, then I was making late payments and could have been shut off. So after calling and bitching, I changed mine to a budget so there are no surprises.


So no, budget and estimate are two totally different things.

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