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Easy Voting Ballot Guide


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Didn't see this posted anywhere so I thought I would throw it up.

Obviously, regardless of how you vote, being well educated about the subjects is the important part and I'd say for the most part CR is better versed than the common man. But... in case you want a bit more information on the smaller issues:

It's partnered with the Dispatch, you put in your address it gives you your ballot and pretty balanced info.

Then you can have them email you your selections so you could in theory use it while your voting. Only downside is the email could really use a short-hand version.


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You know, I filled out and printed a ballot guide for when I went to early vote on Saturday since it's pretty much impossible to remember all of the elections/items, and I was surprised to see that I was the only person out of probably a hundred that had one. I feel like I voted quickly too since I had all of my selections printed out but almost everybody voted much much faster than me.


The only conclusion I can draw is that most people voted straight party lines, or even worse, just voted without knowing crap about anything.


Of course they could just all have had bad ass memories and be super quick at working the machine but I doubt it.

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