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Romney in Etna (Licking County)


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women have had equal rights since the 1800's


abortion shouldn't be decided by the feds


the environment is being well taken care of, and getting better.


clean energy is a long term goal that's trying to be used to fix a short term problem, which is ruining its chances at a long term solution and ruining our short term energy needs


but more importantly, we have millions of people not working. This is ruining the fabric of our country. Until we get people back to work there will continue to be despair, frustration, and class warfare. Everyone is happy when there is opportunity - even if someone is working a shit job but they think they have a chance to move up, they are happy. They are energetic. They are healthy. They have the chance to care about social issues. Why would a homeless person give two fucks about abortion? Why would the person who owns a home in a neighborhood that's lost half of its value from foreclosures and now has drug dealing thieves and looters for (renting) neighbors care that the $40,000 Chevy Volt doesn't use any gas and is good for the environment when they are stuck driving a $500 car just to try and survive until they are able to get their credit card debt and mortgage paid down to the point where they can stay afloat? Why would someone who finished their bachelors degree in finance just in time for the banks to collapse, and is now working at Starbucks for 8 bucks an hour but still owe $50,000 in student loans give a shit that women earn 5% less than men, not taking into account education or experience?


Please explain these things to me because I honestly don't understand.


At least if I'm allowed to keep my guns I can have some protection against the desperate criminals out there. There would be far less of them if they had job opportunities.


So, Here's how I'm going to put it.


Shit is WAY better now then it was in 08. I've got openings @ chase right now I can't fill for jobs that pay damn good money, I'm sorry that there's less and less Grunt work out there for lower end people. Lets face it Manufacturing is not coming back to america... The cost is to high. What we really need to start looking at is the Global economy because the worlds allot smaller then it used to be. We live in a age of global communications and a global market place.


Being that I Personally Suffered HUGE Strife due to the economy and I burned through every cent I had. Lived with my Parents and once I got somethings back under control I put 3 different family members to work to keep them from losing there homes(Renting but they were broke and they had kids).


These people where more then willing to work but couldn't find work to do. Do you know what it feels like to lose everything you have really? Cars You toys . Sale off everything you had including an item you spend YEARS building just so you could try and keep health insurance on my me and my wife???


So don't give my hypothetical sob stories because I lived it.



and NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR GOD DAMN GUNS.... You know who profited the most from Obama going into office? The ammo and gun companies because of fear mongering that never came to fruition. *BTW my item was my AK47 that I built myself and took years to do.



Mike you know I have a ton of respect for you and I do respect your opinion but You act like I don't know. I do.

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Where in my examples did I say people don't want to work? Yes, there are people out there like that, but they won't work regardless of what shape the economy was in. I personally was in better shape in 2008, I have the same job but since then I've had years where my company has given out no raises, gas prices are up, FOOD prices are way up (something no one ever mentions, and has been totally manipulated by the government for decades), my payroll deductions have gone up because my insurance costs more, and to boot my deductibles and copays have more than doubled. Without changing jobs, my paycheck has gotten SMALLER even though we've had massive inflation. So yeah, I was better off in 2008, before Obamacare took over. Obama promised there would be no taxes on the middle class. The only way Obamacare survived the Supreme Court was by being declared a tax. The Obama administration made no attempt to argue that declaration, which is as good as admitted they lied about no new taxes.


I know your wife has had a lot of issues lately, and I'm not trying to take away from that or what you have gone through, but through all of this can you honestly say that any part of Obamacare truly helped your situation in any way? Is there anything that it made more difficult?

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You're in denial. Why do you suppose business is great for a credit company? :gabe:




Nurk you really chose the wrong methd to respond. Since in the past 60 years obama has had the smallest spending increase of any president for 60 years. Meaning that no president has actually dropped this number. So if thats your sole basis on voting romney you should really flip that vote to obama because romney doesn't have a plan on fixing the economy he has some catches phrases he's spewed.

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Obama has added over $4T to the national debt. /nuff said. Time for him to go.


He's about to crush us with his fucked up health care reform which has already increased taxes, is about to add more taxes to us come January 1, and will pile on more costs and debt over the years.

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Obama has added over $4T to the national debt. /nuff said. Time for him to go.


He's about to crush us with his fucked up health care reform which has already increased taxes, is about to add more taxes to us come January 1, and will pile on more costs and debt over the years.


PDQGP are you stupid or unable to read? What part of SMALLEST INCREASE IN 60 YEARS are you missing? And please tell me why the healthcare reform is going to destroy us??? Stop throwing terms around with out facts your a smart guy ... Use your brain

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PDQGP are you stupid or unable to read? What part of SMALLEST INCREASE IN 60 YEARS are you missing? And please tell me why the healthcare reform is going to destroy us??? Stop throwing terms around with out facts your a smart guy ... Use your brain


that's funny because it's pretty well known that he blew the doors off the budget in his first year alone.


In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillion. That price tag came with a $1.4 trillion deficit, nearly $1 trillion more than last 2008 under Bush. The overall budget was about a half-trillion more than Bush's for 2008, his final full fiscal year in office.


I remember the last debt increase back and forth debate because it was his second and gave him the two largest in history. The man can't seem to get enough blank checks. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/24-trillion-would-be-largest-debt-limit-increase-us-history



In terms of Healthcare, we can debate that in a another thread. Just research how he's funding it.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Again what part of increase are you missing?


So your telling me if Romney comes in he's going to NOT increase the deficit? Are you high?



Every single president has increased spending it just so happens that the dirty liberal has been more CONSERVATIVE in his spending increases then any other recent president!

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Meaning you can't take federal spending into account when making your decision for president. You have to look at the social and science issues in which case Obama is winning because he actually gives a damn about the middle class and seems to have a far bnetter grasp on there needs then Romney... He's already said he doesn't give a flying fuck about soilders and others who are just leeches and don't pay taxes...



Romney's plan as currently outlined Will total fuck the federal governments budget because he's trying cut taxes on the wealthy....... Again we come back to Compounding interestesk mathematics.


If I have EVERYONE a 10% tax break guesse what those does to the high end.... They see a much larger impact.


10% of $100$ is $10

10% of $1000$ is $100

10% of $10000 is $1000

10% of $100000 is $10000


Do you see how this works now?

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Again what part of increase are you missing? I would think someone like you would understand how compounding works.


I'm not missing anything. In the end just like your own personal budget at home it isn't about what you make or what you spend, it's about how much you save. Over the past four years he's spent more than he's made of the gov'ts money thus added to the debt. That's 'nuff said because that really defines how he does business.


So your telling me if Romney comes in he's going to NOT increase the deficit? Are you high?


I'm not the US Gov't budget master but I stand by the fact that he noted if he noted several times if a program adds to the deficit / requires we borrow more money he's going to seriously look at it. Example, the cap on Pell Grants. Sorry, but it's time people pay themselves first and save for their kids college. Unlimited grants are simply adding to the debt and encouraging colleges to raise tuition thus what we have before us, crazy costs associated with schooling, rising debt and kids taking more loans out to pay for school. That is IMO the next crisis to hit.


Every single president has increased spending it just so happens that the dirty liberal has been more CONSERVATIVE in his spending increases then any other recent president!


and I'm a cheap bastard too but if I continue to spend beyond my means, my family will go broke just like the United States is going broke.

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Also at the same time Is it fair that they Pay a smaller percent then I do of there income??? I don't think thats fair at all.


I'm part of that group you talk about and yes, I think it is fair. My wife and I spent 18 years saving and investing her entire income from her law practice to get to where we are and that money is in the market in various forms working for us and driving the economy. From stocks to investment properties to small business. The tax beaks we receive are further incentives for us to not just sit on the money. Capital gains tax breaks are the same for me as they are the very rich. Anyone who thinks taxing us more is a great idea perhaps needs to trim off a bit of fat from the gov't first. They are NO WHERE near being done trimming. Let's chat taxing more once that's all done and even then, let's talk growing the economy first.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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So let's look at how he's spending:


2008: $2.98 trillion

2009: $3.27 trillion

2010: $3.67 trillion (versus $3.46 trillion enacted)

2011: $3.80 trillion (versus $3.60 trillion enacted)

2012: $3.71 trillion (versus $3.65 trillion enacted)

2013: $3.72 trillion


So in every case, the president wanted to spend more money than he ended up getting. Federal spending has flattened under Obama, but that's thanks in part to the efforts of lawmakers, not Obama. He is being limited on what he can continue to spend and again continues to go back with requests to raise that spending and debt ceiling.


In terms of spending the common way to measure federal spending is to compare it to the size of the overall U.S. economy. That at least puts the level into context, helping account for population growth, inflation and other factors that affect spending. Here’s what the White House’s own budget documents show about spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy (gross domestic product):


2008: 20.8 percent

2009: 25.2 percent

2010: 24.1 percent

2011: 24.1 percent

2012: 24.3 percent

2013: 23.3 percent


Federal spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy has hovered around 20 percent, give or take a couple of percentage points for decades. Under Obama, it has hit highs not seen since the end of World War II. In his defense, part of this, is a consequence of the recession, but it is also the result of a sustained higher level of spending.


So again, going back to your personal budget, look at things the same way. Just because you're now gainfully employed, doesn't mean you're on the track to increasing your net-worth. Are you making more AND spending more? Include the increase/decrease in your investments now and look at it.


All of the above is why I support Romney, because he "get's it" and will look at spending and all the related decisions like he would as a business man. When he worked for Bain, he didn't likely get too many chances to go back for blank checks and he sure as hell didn't make it a plan to budget for his clients more than they were brining in.

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So, Here's how I'm going to put it.


Shit is WAY better now then it was in 08. I've got openings @ chase right now I can't fill for jobs that pay damn good money, I'm sorry that there's less and less Grunt work out there for lower end people. Lets face it Manufacturing is not coming back to america... The cost is to high. What we really need to start looking at is the Global economy because the worlds allot smaller then it used to be. We live in a age of global communications and a global market place.


Being that I Personally Suffered HUGE Strife due to the economy and I burned through every cent I had. Lived with my Parents and once I got somethings back under control I put 3 different family members to work to keep them from losing there homes(Renting but they were broke and they had kids).


These people where more then willing to work but couldn't find work to do. Do you know what it feels like to lose everything you have really? Cars You toys . Sale off everything you had including an item you spend YEARS building just so you could try and keep health insurance on my me and my wife???


So don't give my hypothetical sob stories because I lived it.



and NO ONE IS TAKING YOUR GOD DAMN GUNS.... You know who profited the most from Obama going into office? The ammo and gun companies because of fear mongering that never came to fruition. *BTW my item was my AK47 that I built myself and took years to do.



Mike you know I have a ton of respect for you and I do respect your opinion but You act like I don't know. I do.


According to Tim, it is all your own fault, as well as everyone else who has had to struggle :). You, we all failed to plan and its our own damned fault that some of us landed on hard times and we will not get any sympathy from him, so stop blaming the Govt. His life has been perfectly planned from day 1 and he has never been put in a tight spot because he is just that much better than all of us.



"ANYONE who doesn't pay a bill they are RESPONSIBLE for and KNOWINGLY skips out doing so is a fucking deadbeat or lazy ass or both.".

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According to Tim, it is all your own fault, as well as everyone else who has had to struggle :). You, we all failed to plan and its our own damned fault that some of us landed on hard times and we will not get any sympathy from him, so stop blaming the Govt. His life has been perfectly planned from day 1 and he has never been put in a tight spot because he is just that much better than all of us.


We all make our own beds and have the same opportunity to plan and save for said hard times. Actually it IS time to START blaming the gov't and demand more from your fellow Americans. Less bullshit handouts and gov't programs and more self responsibility and less worrying about others and what they have been able to make for themselves.


You don't know the times that my wife/family have faced do you? Nope, so please refrain from thinking you do. I've been through having suffered a broken back in an accident and have also been released from a job due to the company suffering financial issues both during critical times in my career. The difference in my case and yours based on what you've shared is we've planned and continue to plan for the down times and perhaps you didn't or didn't do so enough.


"ANYONE who doesn't pay a bill they are RESPONSIBLE for and KNOWINGLY skips out doing so is a fucking deadbeat or lazy ass or both.".
add in poor planners. Perhaps if the above would save more than they spend or live below their means then they wouldn't be in such a situation. If you're married, have two incomes then you might just benefit from living off just one. It can be done at any level. Unless you believe making more means you gained the ability to spend more or live your life like Obama runs the gov't and figure racking up debt or refinancing is a way of planning for the future.
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We all make our own beds and have the same opportunity to plan and save for said hard times. Actually it IS time to START blaming the gov't and demand more from your fellow Americans. Less bullshit handouts and gov't programs and more self responsibility and less worrying about others and what they have been able to make for themselves.


You don't know the times that my wife/family have faced do you? Nope, so please refrain from thinking you do. I've been through having suffered a broken back in an accident and have also been released from a job due to the company suffering financial issues both during critical times in my career. The difference in my case and yours based on what you've shared is we've planned and continue to plan for the down times and perhaps you didn't or didn't do so enough.


add in poor planners. Perhaps if the above would save more than they spend or live below their means then they wouldn't be in such a situation. If you're married, have two incomes then you might just benefit from living off just one. It can be done at any level. Unless you believe making more means you gained the ability to spend more or live your life like Obama runs the gov't and figure racking up debt or refinancing is a way of planning for the future.



No we dont all have that same opportunity. Your just lost in space if you really believe that bullshit. You spew this holier than thou shit constantly and in all reality, you really dont have a clue whats going on out there. Your stuck in New Albany Lawyer money world and that is all you see. You turn a blind eye to whats really going on out there because that is what fits your lifestyle. Anything outside of what your living is wrong to hear you say it.


Actually, I do believe that you said in a prior post that you would never be in a situation like this. You said that anyone who is, is a deadbeat and it is their own fault because the failed to plan for it and save. Im not assuming anything. Im just going off of what you said. That bootom quote was directly from one of your posts.


I can tell you that we have 2 incomes in this house and if we lost 1 income, we would more than likely loose everything over time. We would be lucky to make it a year.


I agree that the level of handouts is rediculouse but some are needed. Maybe now you see that the gray area is a reality and life is not black and white like you always seem to say it is. The majority of us are living in the gray area.


Im not trying to be a dick but a bunch of stuff you have said in prior posts have just stuck with me. You really need to step outside and look at whats really going on. I just shake my head at some of the shit you say and I am like what the hell is this guy thinking.


I see both sides of life every day. I was brought up in the hood and had to struggle for everything I have. The majority of the people I know never made it out and are still doing the same shit today. I have had family in New Albany since I was a little kid and I have seen it go from a farming town to what it is now. My kids go to New Albany schools and my oldest son has been there since kindergarten and is now a junior in High School. I get to see every day how snobby and stuck up the majority of those people are. I get to see thier view of the world and it sounds just like what is comming out of your mouth half the time. Its just a shame that there are still people out there with that kind of mindset.


Not everyone is bad and looking for a handout. There are a lot of people who were born in to situations or brought up in situations that they can not help. And sometimes life just throws curve balls at us and its a struggle.


I have been laid off probably 5 times in the last 15 years, lost my ass on 2 business's, had 5 kids, divorced once, almost died twice, became a diabetic and have to live off an insulin pump forever and on and on. Guees what? I didnt plan for any of that and Im still doing ok. Planning does help but not everyone has that luxury. Sometimes your income or other life issues just don't allow for it.


Im not voting for Obama either so you cant group me in to that category. I just live in the real world.

Edited by KennyFKINPowerz
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Actually, I do believe that you said in a prior post that you would never be in a situation like this. You said that anyone who is, is a deadbeat and it is their own fault because the failed to plan for it and save. Im not assuming anything. Im just going off of what you said.


In your post in this thread you stated "His life has been perfectly planned from day 1 and he has never been put in a tight spot" and that's not true. We've made it through some tough times. Although I've never been in a position where we negated to pay a debt we owed. Even with my back surgery, we made due and even made payments.


I can tell you that we have 2 incomes in this house and if we lost 1 income, we would more than likely loose everything over time. We would be lucky to make it a year.
It likely goes without saying, but that's a position you need to change. If you don't act on doing so, then I stand by my point that you will have continued to fail to plan and it will be your own fault should you be in a position of hard times again. Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic with tough times as are most people. Just the same though I expect them to be accountable for their own actions and bills.


I agree that the level of handouts is ridiculous but some are needed. Maybe now you see that the gray area is a reality and life is not black and white like you always seem to say it is. The majority of us are living in the gray area.
Some handouts, with manageable times frames are needed but they also need to have some responsibility attached to them so people don't make them a way of life. If we don't encourage and force that change it won't happen and then we are just as guilty.
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In your post in this thread you stated "His life has been perfectly planned from day 1 and he has never been put in a tight spot" and that's not true. We've made it through some tough times. Although I've never been in a position where we negated to pay a debt we owed. Even with my back surgery, we made due and even made payments.


It likely goes without saying, but that's a position you need to change. If you don't act on doing so, then I stand by my point that you will have continued to fail to plan and it will be your own fault should you be in a position of hard times again. Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic with tough times as are most people. Just the same though I expect them to be accountable for their own actions and bills.


Some handouts, with manageable times frames are needed but they also need to have some responsibility attached to them so people don't make them a way of life. If we don't encourage and force that change it won't happen and then we are just as guilty.



HAHAHAHAHAHA "That is a situation that I need to change". I guess its just more of the same BS from you. I work 2 jobs in corporate america and do side work on the side and my wife works full time also. We make pretty good money and we are not in a position to plan for a big crisis. A small amount goes to savings if there is any left and thats about it. Its hardly enough to get us out of trouble if something come up that is long term. And that is my fault? We have 5 kids to support and I dont have the luxury of doing that. Just like most people out there who are supporting a family, making car payments, a mortgage and whatever else you wanna lump in there. Most people are living pay check to pay check. Where is the room for savings there? You just are really that detached from society or you just think your that much better.


I do agree with what you just said about handouts though. I do agree that they need to come with restrictions so that they do not become a way of life. They should not be meant as a support system but as a stepping stone or a temporary life line.

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No we dont all have that same opportunity. Your just lost in space if you really believe that bullshit. You spew this holier than thou shit constantly and in all reality, you really dont have a clue whats going on out there. Your stuck in New Albany Lawyer money world and that is all you see. You turn a blind eye to whats really going on out there because that is what fits your lifestyle. Anything outside of what your living is wrong to hear you say it.


So you never had the opportunity to go to high school?

Never had the opportunity to get GED if you didn't?

You never had the opportunity to suck it up and get good grades to catch a break in tuition?


In the end people in much worse positions than you have made it, so while I'm stuck in my world, you need to get over your own situation and thinking it's the worst out there and that bad things happen to you. Things don't just happen to you they actually happen because of you too. Which world you choose to live in is your choosing.


Actually, I do believe that you said in a prior post that you would never be in a situation like this. You said that anyone who is, is a deadbeat and it is their own fault because the failed to plan for it and save. Im not assuming anything. Im just going off of what you said. That bootom quote was directly from one of your posts.


You're right, I've never skipped on a bill and do believe that it's up to each of us to insure we don't put ourselves in such a position. The conversation we had was regarding a guy getting traffic ticket. They own that not anyone else. If you seriously can't pay a fucking ticket, don't speed. No sympathy on those points.


Im not trying to be a dick but a bunch of stuff you have said in prior posts have just stuck with me. You really need to step outside and look at whats really going on. I just shake my head at some of the shit you say and I am like what the hell is this guy thinking.


Again, much of what we bantered about regarding this issue was related to stupid acts that put people in difficult spots. I remember watching a guy in court one plead with a judge not to take his license and screw up his life like that....and the judge promptly replied that he did that to himself and to not forget it.


I see both sides of life every day. I was brought up in the hood and had to struggle for everything I have. The majority of the people I know never made it out and are still doing the same shit today. I have had family in New Albany since I was a little kid and I have seen it go from a farming town to what it is now. My kids go to New Albany schools and my oldest son has been there since kindergarten and is now a junior in High School. I get to see every day how snobby and stuck up the majority of those people are. I get to see thier view of the world and it sounds just like what is comming out of your mouth half the time. Its just a shame that there are still people out there with that kind of mindset.


My grand father and brought my dad from italy and dug ditches back in his day. My father worked his way up to what he and my mother have. Like you, been there/done that. You'd be surprised. I'm not sure why you think I come off as snobby. I come off as a dick about being accountable, but then that's life. It's what you make of it not what you wait around to have happen that counts.


Not everyone is bad and looking for a handout. There are a lot of people who were born in to situations or brought up in situations that they can not help. And sometimes life just throws curve balls at us and its a struggle.


True, but again, the conversations we've had about this subject were about red light tickets where people put themselves in that position. Just because the city comes knocking for tax dollars doesn't negate the fact that they ran the red light or failed to pay those parking tickets.


I have been laid off probably 5 times in the last 15 years, lost my ass on 2 business's, had 5 kids, divorced once, almost died twice, became a diabetic and have to live off an insulin pump forever and on and on. Guees what? I didnt plan for any of that and Im still doing ok. Planning does help but not everyone has that luxury. Sometimes your income or other life issues just don't allow for it.


Nothing personal as I've noted before to you in my previous posts. Not place to comment on you nor am I. However, how you bounce back from a lay off, choices you made in business, choices to have kids regardless of number and how you handle a relationship are all on you and your choices. Those aren't hard times that just happened to you.


I'm quite certain you didn't plan for any of that. However, that doesn't mean you couldn't have planned better or handled those situations differently. I would hope you lived and learned. You DID have the ability of planning in all of those cases. Planning isn't a luxury either. It's not something that's difficult to obtain. Time & thought is all it is. Last I checked, we're both pissing away time and thought on CR so yes, you do have both just the same as me.


Im not voting for Obama either so you cant group me in to that category. I just live in the real world.


Well good on not voting for him but the choice is all yours. I too live in the real world and just because my life doesn't encompass all that yours doesn't doesn't mean I'm out in left field. I'll gladly argue quite the contrary but don't feel we need to go there.

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I never went to college, my choice. My wife didnt work for 10 years while our kids were little, our choice. We have never purchased a new car. When offered and approved for an $800k home we purchased a $150k home. I worked and made approx. $60k a year(total 5 member income) between a company and my side business. It has been 4 years since my accident and I have not asked the govt for a dime nor have I returned to work and my wife still has no income. We have lived off our savings for 80% of our income. When my wife wanted to start a business we used our own capital. I live in a very decent home. I drive decent cars I paid $500 a piece for years ago. I am pretty much capable of buying anything I reasonably want. If you cant set money aside with all the employment you mentioned you are choosing not to. I sacrificed and at times did without things that I really wanted. I didnt do anything special. I am in a situation I dont wish on anyone. I dont want to pay for others who made poor decisions, should I have to?

If I had not made all the sacrifices and my situation financially deteriorated you better believe part of it would have been my fault.

Edited by wnaplay
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HAHAHAHAHAHA "That is a situation that I need to change". I guess its just more of the same BS from you. I work 2 jobs in corporate america and do side work on the side and my wife works full time also. We make pretty good money and we are not in a position to plan for a big crisis. A small amount goes to savings if there is any left and thats about it. Its hardly enough to get us out of trouble if something come up that is long term. And that is my fault?




So to answer your last questions "And that is my fault?"

I'll answer it with a question....who's fault is it? Why isn't it yours to own?

Do you really not own your own life situation and feel it's all a pity party for you?

Do you really not believe you have options to change your situation?

WOW....I'll leave it at that.


Really, and I'm not being condescending. You need to spend some money and get a life coach. True story and not a shameful thing. There are such things in life and they will help guide you. My wife spent about $3,500 for a personal coach after reaching plateau in her career after about 5 years and it was a tremendous investment that had huge ROI.


We have 5 kids to support and I dont have the luxury of doing that. Just like most people out there who are supporting a family, making car payments, a mortgage and whatever else you wanna lump in there. Most people are living pay check to pay check. Where is the room for savings there? You just are really that detached from society or you just think your that much better.
1), you have to own all that. You lead me to believe through your posts that you don't and that somehow life has happened to you.

2), you're right, your situation isn't any different than the majority of Americans. The difference is in the ones who come out of it on their own move forward and many don't. You choose which group to belong to.


You want savings, I can't create that for you. I will say pay yourself in savings first. If you can't I will tell you that you need to make it so you can, as you don't have the luxury Obama seems to have in a blank checkbook or passing on debt to the next guy. (trying to keep it on topic) Even there both you and him need to begin to make adjustments otherwise, I can assure you nothing will change. Again, a choice for you to make.


I do agree with what you just said about handouts though. I do agree that they need to come with restrictions so that they do not become a way of life. They should not be meant as a support system but as a stepping stone or a temporary life line.
We agree? :yuno: The world just stopped did you feel it? :gabe:
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