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Romney in Etna (Licking County)


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No we dont all have that same opportunity. Your just lost in space if you really believe that bullshit. You spew this holier than thou shit constantly and in all reality, you really dont have a clue whats going on out there. Your stuck in New Albany Lawyer money world and that is all you see. You turn a blind eye to whats really going on out there because that is what fits your lifestyle. Anything outside of what your living is wrong to hear you say it.


In further follow up since you have shared so much about your life and make it out to be all shit that's happened to you. You do have the same choices and opportunities as me:

  • We both chose to get married. Obviously how we handled the marraige turned out differently. I'm going on 23yrs. You went through a divorce and are #2 ?
  • We both chose to have kids, you had 5, not sure of the timing. My wife & I had 2, 14yrs after getting married and 3 college degrees between us later.
  • We both owned businesses. You had two that didn't work? We had three plus my career and with her retirement, two are still going strong in addition to my full time gig/career.
  • We both own homes. We bought well below our means and worked to pay it off. Not sure where you stand but you mentioned having a mortgage.
  • We both own multiple cars. Can't say about yours outside payments, we own ours and don't plan on making payments any more. Leased early on to mitigated risks and have fun but own now. Nothing fancy as it's not needed.
  • You grew up in the hood and while I was in a middle class are of Cleveland in the 80's I grew up in a family of immigrants who made what they had. My wife's parents were farmers in SE Ohio living off not a lot and even had an out-house.
  • We paid most of her education but do have some student loans for law school left.
  • You have Diabetes, I went through major back surgery.
  • I've never come close to death though so you're one up on me.

In the end, I point all this out because we did / do have the same choices and a lot more in common than you think. Also, since you've shared some personal notes, I thought it only fair to do the same.

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We have 5 kids to support and I dont have the luxury of doing that.


Well certainly you knew how babies were made..

And you made 5 of them...

And want to have a race car on the side..and then complain?





You are a grown man, made choices, and whatever position you are in, good or bad, is of your own doing. Tim made choices in his life, and lives a certain way. You made choices, and you are living your life.


It's your life, you are in control, not whoever is in office or any skygod.

You are empowered to do whatever you want in life. If you want to make $200k/yr and have a 4 nice cars and boat, you can do it, but nobody is going to help you.


You don't know me from Adam, but I'll tell you this, I wasn't born with a Silver Spoon in my mouth, actually the farthest from it. I have literally no "lifelines" I can pull on for financial assistance. Just me and my choices.

I'm not going to pretend to have made all the right choices financially, but I'm living my life happily.



I'm not posting this for political reasons, I try to stay out of threads like this as I usually end up not liking someone I would typically not have a problem with. I just find it funny you to attack Tim as if he is the prince of Kingdom who was just handed everything. He works a job like the rest of us, and takes care of the family he made.




Graham Crackers are delicious.

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I dont fucking get some of you guys. Some of you are so fucking detached that its not even funny.


Not all people make their own choices and in many instances are forced in to a way of life from childhood and dont have the same things available to them that the people on the other side of the tracks have.. It must be nice to sit up on top of your mountain and looking down analyzing situations that you have never been in and then claiming that your way is the way it should be.


Im not saying that I was forced in to a particular lifestyle but I was not handed shit that a lot of people are. I struggled for many many years before I got where I am. There is also a big difference in saying that you came from nothing versus really comming from nothing. I would be willing to bet that the few that are arguing my point have not had to live through a hard life as they were growing up. There is also a hugh difference in education based off of where you are brought up. Schools in the ghetto dont offer the same as schools in the rich neighborhoods. There is a huge huge difference.

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Well certainly you knew how babies were made..

And you made 5 of them...

And want to have a race car on the side..and then complain?





You are a grown man, made choices, and whatever position you are in, good or bad, is of your own doing. Tim made choices in his life, and lives a certain way. You made choices, and you are living your life.


It's your life, you are in control, not whoever is in office or any skygod.

You are empowered to do whatever you want in life. If you want to make $200k/yr and have a 4 nice cars and boat, you can do it, but nobody is going to help you.


You don't know me from Adam, but I'll tell you this, I wasn't born with a Silver Spoon in my mouth, actually the farthest from it. I have literally no "lifelines" I can pull on for financial assistance. Just me and my choices.

I'm not going to pretend to have made all the right choices financially, but I'm living my life happily.



I'm not posting this for political reasons, I try to stay out of threads like this as I usually end up not liking someone I would typically not have a problem with. I just find it funny you to attack Tim as if he is the prince of Kingdom who was just handed everything. He works a job like the rest of us, and takes care of the family he made.




Graham Crackers are delicious.


You are obviously confused here. I didnt complain about anything. I take care of my family very well and I am situated very well in life. I am talking about society in general and there is deffinitly the have's and have not's. I am commenting on Tim's posts and some comments that he has made before. Maybe you should just SHHHHHHHHHH and get busy not liking people. I highly doubt I or anyone else will be bothered by that. Or maybe you can remove Tim's dick from your mouth and dry your face off.


Someone that has not had these types of life experiences or lived through these things should not comment in my opinion because they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Its real easy to see stuff on the news or whatever the case may be and then develop an opinion without knowing whats really behind things.


I would be willing to take both of you to some places and introduce you to some people that would give you a different outlook. Or you may just continue to look down your noses at them and tell them that everything is their fault because that is just the type of individuals that you are.



Its real easy to sit back and say, ummm my wife was a lawyer and she said............

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I dont fucking get some of you guys. Some of you are so fucking detached that its not even funny.


Not all people make their own choices and in many instances are forced in to a way of life from childhood and dont have the same things available to them that the people on the other side of the tracks have.. It must be nice to sit up on top of your mountain and looking down analyzing situations that you have never been in and then claiming that your way is the way it should be.


Im not saying that I was forced in to a particular lifestyle but I was not handed shit that a lot of people are. I struggled for many many years before I got where I am. There is also a big difference in saying that you came from nothing versus really comming from nothing. I would be willing to bet that the few that are arguing my point have not had to live through a hard life as they were growing up. There is also a hugh difference in education based off of where you are brought up. Schools in the ghetto dont offer the same as schools in the rich neighborhoods. There is a huge huge difference.




Dude, Please STOP!!!!

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A hard life or childhood is one thing but once you become an adult you are just as capable as the next guy. At what point does your life actually become your life? Mine started the day I became and adult and was given the freedom to decide everything from that point until the day I die. Sure we all face obstacles and challenges but not necessarily any more or any less than anyone else. There are exceptions to this rule but for most of us we all have the same choices to make. Its the choices we make which determine the type of life we will have. You cant plan for everything and shy of something devistating happening you can have almost the same life as anyone else.
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I couldn't vote for Romney.....

He wasn't with me while I was shootin in the gym... That is all






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A hard life or childhood is one thing but once you become an adult you are just as capable as the next guy. At what point does your life actually become your life? Mine started the day I became and adult and was given the freedom to decide everything from that point until the day I die. Sure we all face obstacles and challenges but not necessarily any more or any less than anyone else. There are exceptions to this rule but for most of us we all have the same choices to make. Its the choices we make which determine the type of life we will have. You cant plan for everything and shy of something devistating happening you can have almost the same life as anyone else.


That is not completly true. If you are brought up your whole life in a certain type of lifestyle and environment then you dont have the skills to do so. You have never had that knowledge instilled in you to do anything different. I know people like this. They dont have the common sense that god gave a goose and they see everything as out of reach or that its for other people.


Its easy to sit back and point a finger and draw conclusions but if you have not gone through it or If you have not been a part of it in some way, then you dont understand it.


Overall I do agree with what you are saying. "There are exceptions". That is what I have been arguing this whole time. Not everyone is a degenerate. There is a gray area.


And what about people with sever handicaps. Can Tim honestly say that they have the same opportunities as everyone else? And since they failed to plan for thier handicap, they are a degenerate.


What about people in a poor country with no resources or education? Is it their fault that they live the way they do?

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I couldn't vote for Romney.....

He wasn't with me while I was shootin in the gym... That is all







No it is because you failed to plan and your a degenerate.

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People cant use your upbringing as an excuse forever. We are all capable of educating ourselves shy of a mental disability. A handicap falls into the unexpected, I know I never expected it to happen to me and because it did I do not now get to start making bad choices. Even a person without the skills is still capable is he not? It may take that person a little longer to figure it out if ever but certainly capable shy of some circumstance beyond their control.


If you are bought up your entire life hating a race are you then subject to that thinking forever?

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No it is because you failed to plan and your a degenerate.


Shit I got my life together. I got a degree, a good job, my own place, some cool toys, great friends, an awesome healthy close family, and I travel everywhere for free to play a sport. No kids, no health issues, and I get secks atleast .5x a week. I'm good

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And your her to add what to the conversation besides figting Jones over Tim's dick? Go away before you get spooge all over the place


I added to the conversation because I thought you should know you making yourself look like a douche bag! Look, I know we all have problems, WWHAAAHHH WHAH WAH! Your the cry baby that thinks we all are "entitled" to the american dream. Not so pal, lifes not fair, and your the problem I have with America if you think you deserve something from someone that in some way is more "fortunate" than you! I don't need to nor want to go further into this, cause the debate is impossible. So don't respond

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People cant use your upbringing as an excuse forever. We are all capable of educating ourselves shy of a mental disability. A handicap falls into the unexpected, I know I never expected it to happen to me and because it did I do not now get to start making bad choices. Even a person without the skills is still capable is he not? It may take that person a little longer to figure it out if ever but certainly capable shy of some circumstance beyond their control.


Just like in the movie "RUDY"

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I would be willing to take both of you to some places and introduce you to some people that would give you a different outlook. Or you may just continue to look down your noses at them and tell them that everything is their fault because that is just the type of individuals that you are.


Someday I'll introduce you to what I do for a living and the charity work involved. I have provided vision care services to the poor that would make you look rich. Next time you see a 7yr old boy from the hood with a -15 rx that is failing out of school because his mom is a crack head and his dad or the man who he calls his dad took his vouchers for free glasses and sold them for a hooker call me. Often times when we go onsite we have police outside to keep our clinics from getting robbed. I think my experiences and outlook on things is pretty clear. Your offer of assistance is appreciated but not needed.


That 7yr old kid sat in the chair as we refracted him. I asked the doctor how he could see and the doctor basically said anything farther than a book and he can't. When we were done, the boy wept for about 10 minutes so bad he couldn't talk. When I asked him why he was crying he replied simply that this was the first time he's actually see the world in front of him. I'm still stunned. Just too bad what he will begin seeing is better off left not being seen.


Don't lecture me man, you don't know me or the work I do and places I've been. I bet I could teach you a few things about what it's like to grow up without means. Real talk.


Its real easy to sit back and say, ummm my wife was a lawyer and she said............
That lawyer you speak of graduated while you were still jerking off to actual magazines and worked in the field of social work for 3 years prior to going to law school. Do you know why she decided to go to law school? Because she used to counsel battered woman in the hood off Parsons Ave. and spent 3 days per week teaching the less fortunate to read. She worked several years in the prosecutors office putting less than ideal citizens in place. Again, I respect your opinions and views but you seriously need to ask a few more questions and asses the situations you're talking about before you spout off. Again, I think my wife would be happy to share with you the letters of thanks she's received from people she's helped. Their in a coffee table book we kept at her office. Bump into a few guys here that she's helped and I bet you'll get an earful should they choose to share a story or two on how she's helped them. 18yrs of bankruptcy and family law for clients off Cleveland Ave. trumps your experiences trust me. She's seen far worse than you. More real talk.


Any another questions or thoughts on those matters?

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Not all people make their own choices and in many instances are forced in to a way of life from childhood and dont have the same things available to them that the people on the other side of the tracks have.


Bullshit. Every person that has come from nothing and made it would kick you in your pussy for saying shit like that. Romeny's father and family from Mexico due to their revolution and moved to Utah where they lived less than a rich life as they made it through the Great Depression. Now he didn't grow up in your neighborhood, but he made what he came to have on his own. Same with Mitt. The guy raised five kids just like you and when he joined Bain Capital put his nuts on the line too. Read up and learn about his early years. He wasn't handed millions, he made them and lived in a pretty modest middle class house growing up in Michigan. I know the area well.


It must be nice to sit up on top of your mountain and looking down analyzing situations that you have never been in and then claiming that your way is the way it should be.


Im not saying that I was forced in to a particular lifestyle but I was not handed shit that a lot of people are. I struggled for many many years before I got where I am. There is also a big difference in saying that you came from nothing versus really comming from nothing. I would be willing to bet that the few that are arguing my point have not had to live through a hard life as they were growing up. There is also a hugh difference in education based off of where you are brought up. Schools in the ghetto dont offer the same as schools in the rich neighborhoods. There is a huge huge difference.

Again, I'll be glad share war stories with you bro. My father and his dad came from Italy and didn't have shit except and four kids with him. Four more kids and a lot of hard work later and his family of 10 did just fine. My father worked two jobs most of his younger years to save and invest and came into his fortune through hard work and smarts.


My brother left in 1984 with only a car, a bicycle and a few guns and made his career with nothing beyond a high school education except the 12 years of education the Air Force gave him working in aviation in Germany. He went on to work for Cray Research and then was recruited away to Schlumberger in TX where he spend over 25yrs and invested heavily in Oil and Gas. He's a self made millionaire that did it all on his own.


My wife came and her three sisters, two MD's a Lawyer and a Chiro all came from a farm house with no indoor plumbing and a backwards-ass SE Ohio schooling. ALL worked their butts off and paid their own way through college. I'd love for you to meet her sister Jean in Athens who has her own clinic and runs a shelter for battered women. Like you she nearly died in an auto accident prior to med school but recovered. My brother in law who is also an MD came here from Japan, worked on a casino boat in Iowa to pay for school and lives in million dollar home on property we own together in Oregon. He had about $100 and a little English in his bag when I met him as he was tutored by my wife's sister as they studied in school together.


I could go on but don't need to. Again, get off your mountain of self pity and righteousness and put away your Eminem wannabe persona, it's time to erase your tats and become a responsible adult.


Life is what you make of it period.

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I added to the conversation because I thought you should know you making yourself look like a douche bag! Look, I know we all have problems, WWHAAAHHH WHAH WAH! Your the cry baby that thinks we all are "entitled" to the american dream. Not so pal, lifes not fair, and your the problem I have with America if you think you deserve something from someone that in some way is more "fortunate" than you! I don't need to nor want to go further into this, cause the debate is impossible. So don't respond




When did I say that we are entitled to anything? Your tard. You dont even know whats going on in here. Leave immedietly and punch youself in the face for meddling in adult business. This is not a debate. This is a fucking argument. This is the kitchen BIYATTTTTCHHHHH.

Edited by KennyFKINPowerz
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Someday I'll introduce you to what I do for a living and the charity work involved. I have provided vision care services to the poor that would make you look rich. Next time you see a 7yr old boy from the hood with a -15 rx that is failing out of school because his mom is a crack head and his dad or the man who he calls his dad took his vouchers for free glasses and sold them for a hooker call me. Often times when we go onsite we have police outside to keep our clinics from getting robbed. I think my experiences and outlook on things is pretty clear. Your offer of assistance is appreciated but not needed.


That 7yr old kid sat in the chair as we refracted him. I asked the doctor how he could see and the doctor basically said anything farther than a book and he can't. When we were done, the boy wept for about 10 minutes so bad he couldn't talk. When I asked him why he was crying he replied simply that this was the first time he's actually see the world in front of him. I'm still stunned. Just too bad what he will begin seeing is better off left not being seen.


Don't lecture me man, you don't know me or the work I do and places I've been. I bet I could teach you a few things about what it's like to grow up without means. Real talk.


That lawyer you speak of graduated while you were still jerking off to actual magazines and worked in the field of social work for 3 years prior to going to law school. Do you know why she decided to go to law school? Because she used to counsel battered woman in the hood off Parsons Ave. and spent 3 days per week teaching the less fortunate to read. She worked several years in the prosecutors office putting less than ideal citizens in place. Again, I respect your opinions and views but you seriously need to ask a few more questions and asses the situations you're talking about before you spout off. Again, I think my wife would be happy to share with you the letters of thanks she's received from people she's helped. Their in a coffee table book we kept at her office. Bump into a few guys here that she's helped and I bet you'll get an earful should they choose to share a story or two on how she's helped them. 18yrs of bankruptcy and family law for clients off Cleveland Ave. trumps your experiences trust me. She's seen far worse than you. More real talk.


Any another questions or thoughts on those matters?


Yoiur statement about the "charity" work you have provided has done nothing but further prove to me that my opinion about you is true.


Lots of people like you, like to point out the "charity" work that they have done with "police protection", to make themselves feel better and not actually for the sake of helping people. That just proves how out of touch you are.

And your wife is either 65 years old or you are just speaking about more stuff that you dont know what your talking about. You obviously have no clue of my age so that is just more shit falling out of your mouth.

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Bullshit. Every person that has come from nothing and made it would kick you in your pussy for saying shit like that. Romeny's father and family from Mexico due to their revolution and moved to Utah where they lived less than a rich life as they made it through the Great Depression. Now he didn't grow up in your neighborhood, but he made what he came to have on his own. Same with Mitt. The guy raised five kids just like you and when he joined Bain Capital put his nuts on the line too. Read up and learn about his early years. He wasn't handed millions, he made them and lived in a pretty modest middle class house growing up in Michigan. I know the area well.


Really? HA HA wow your lost. And how did I know you were a Romney supporter. Only people like you would bring their hero Romney in to this. You again further prove my opinion about you.


We obviosuly do not see eye to eye on our views. I have been there and done that and you have watched things happen from your mountain top and henestly believe that you have your finger on the pulse of all that. Most people like you believe that as well. The sad and unfortanate truth is that you dont.

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Yoiur statement about the "charity" work you have provided has done nothing but further prove to me that my opinion about you is true.


Lots of people like you, like to point out the "charity" work that they have done with "police protection", to make themselves feel better and not actually for the sake of helping people.


I'll be happy to post some pics if you doubt. Heading to NY this week. This work is part of my job as I work directly with the offices and docs providing the services. Let me know when you get back from doing the same or similar ever.

You obviously have no clue of my age so that is just more shit falling out of your mouth.


I think I nailed it and am likely spot on with regards to your tats and attitude. Rock on 8 mile.

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I'll be happy to post some pics if you doubt. Heading to NY this week. This work is part of my job as I work directly with the offices and docs providing the services. Let me know when you get back from doing the same or similar ever.



I think I nailed it and am likely spot on with regards to your tats and attitude. Rock on 8 mile.



Just like any other politician. Swinging by for a photo opp, gaurded by the police. Have fun, no need to see anything from you becuase that will not change my opinion.


My tats. HA HA HA. You really are closed minded. So I guess people with tattoos are degenerates also, right? I can tell you that I have done very well in my career with my tats. As a matter of fact, I have plans to get many more. I have been in corporate America for my entire career and they have not caused me any issues at all. That shows me that most people out there are not like you. Your probably the guy who would not hire someone because they have tattoos or because their a different race or something. Its a shame that there are still people in America like you. Its funny, yet proves how fake people like you are. Your the guy that will go pose for a photo op at a soup kitchen and then talk about everyone there after you leave and hurry home to wash the ghetto off of you.

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Just like any other politician. Swinging by for a photo opp, gaurded by the police. Have fun, no need to see anything from you becuase that will not change my opinion.


Not out to change your opinion. I don't give you credit for being that flexible.


my tats. HA HA HA. You really are closed minded. So I guess people with tattoos are degenerates also, right? I can tell you that I have done very well in my career with my tats. As a matter of fact, I have plans to get many more. I have been in corporate America for my entire career and they have not caused me any issues at all.


Thanks for confirming. I'm sure you have done quite well. Liv'n large and in charge I'm sure.


taht shows me that most people out there are not like you. Your probably the guy who would not hire someone because they have tattoos or because their a different race or something.


Race is irrelevant. Can't go there with me man I come from a pretty interracial family. Regarding tats I don't make the policy. Visible tats need covered at my employer. Wear long sleeves and you're fine. Part of the reason is because what you put on your body is irrelevant to the role. FWIW I have nothing against most tats and could care less if someone has any.


Our policy at works stems from a belief that you live life by showing what you have done not by what you like to show to others. It's called humility. I cant tell you how many times i see people with Japanese tats yet have never lives in Japan or have a family tie to the culture. Same with military ones. Otherwise I usually am intrigued to hear the story behind them. Most large companies have a similar policy if you're customer facing. My guess is you're in a support role with most of your time behind a firewall than in front of C-level executives influencing their decisions.

Its a shame that there are still people in America like you. Its funny, yet proves how fake people like you are. Your the guy that will go pose for a photo op at a soup kitchen and then talk about everyone there after you leave and hurry home to wash the ghetto off of you.


No photo ops here bud. Offered it for you to prove a point. Plus I like capturing the faces of those I help. Again would love to see those you've helped with the resources you've been able to provide. Time to quit playing the victim and yes, wash your ghetto off.

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