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Computer Geeks - SSD Recommendations


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If you want a fast single 2.5" the new Vertex 4 is the shizzy. Just put one in a laptop and it's awesome.


If you want no questions asked, fastest thing in town, get a PCI-E Based SSD.

I have one of these in my main desktop and well, it's nuts. Over 1Gb/s transfers.


holy crap thats pricy.


We have an SSD in the macbook pro, and i love it.. i hate working on my PC now :( its sooo slow

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holy crap thats pricy.


We have an SSD in the macbook pro, and i love it.. i hate working on my PC now :( its sooo slow



I'll be putting an SSD into my wife's laptop too. The main reason I'm doing so is my new work laptop, an i5 Lenovo 220 Tablet has one and it screams.

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Ive been running a 512gb Samsung 830 series SSD in my laptop for about 6 months now and absolutely love it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147139 Enough so that I have switched all of the other drives in my other computers out to the 128bg versions of the same drive. You can pick up a 128gb bare drive for $89 now from newegg. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147163
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I have the Kingstons V200 SDDNOW and I hate it, It has issues with my EVGA X58SLI board. I have to put it in raid mode for it to work and the performance is so so. faster then a spinny disk but my old intel 40gig was faster


I used to run SAS drives, when I migrated to SSD I was underwhelmed for the price/performance of them. For me, spinners are just fine. I'd rather pay $50 for nearly 1TB over ~64gb any day.

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