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Voting fraud?! No way.......lol


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Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.

I can't believe you just... I mean.. What the..




I know this guy with a razor that wants to talk to you, goes by the name of Occam.

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I can't believe you just... I mean.. What the..




I know this guy with a razor that wants to talk to you, goes by the name of Occam.


This would have been the 2nd part of my post.


OP is freaking looney.

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I'm so lost. I thought democrats were a bunch of idiots. How in the hell could they manage such diabolical actions involving new age machines?


new age machines that happen to be predominantly owned by Republican backers.


plot twist: it's the Chinese.

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Same issues happened other places but in this case it was Obama voters having issues...




Came down to calibration issues.


someone forgot to tap all 4 corners doing boot up lol....



If you were really going to make fraud you would make it look right to the end user and do the rest behind the scenes. I'm just saying. Then again I'm one of the few people on CR who could actually wrote code to make something like this happen .

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Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.


Bottom line is this, was the vote rigged? Yeah, I believe so. Can/will anything be done about it now? No. That part is irrelevant, what matters is doing whatever possible to get the man into office, then play disaster cleanup (ex. his birth certificate). This country is not about the welfare or best interests of the American people, it's about a politician furthering his own damn agenda.


Why do you need plausability when YOU CONTROL THE CODE!!!


Really? come on man, It's 10 times easier to make this happen behind the scenes with out anyone noticing until after the fact. MD5hashs for you voting response and then allow you to Verify your vote when you get home VIA a website....


That's my suggestions for a fix

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Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.


Bottom line is this, was the vote rigged? Yeah, I believe so. Can/will anything be done about it now? No. That part is irrelevant, what matters is doing whatever possible to get the man into office, then play disaster cleanup (ex. his birth certificate). This country is not about the welfare or best interests of the American people, it's about a politician furthering his own damn agenda.





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