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Voting fraud?! No way.......lol


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I've also heard personally from some local people who tried to vote, and when they touched on the "Romney" button, their vote came up as Obama. The numbers in this article are pretty disturbing.



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Alex Jones....



So because numbers are XYZ must be fraud. If you look at the numbers in one of his links they don't appear to jive with that Alex is preaching.....



0417 CLEVELAND -16-J.02 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0

This is a good example of why his numbers are kinda BS. Notice there 9 votes for Obama and 1 for mitt. Why go so far as to make it 9.. there are also aresas where no one voted.... .

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That's why I used a paper ballod, though those can be cheated at too. The security of these machines are highly questionable though, and we should be quite demanding of their verifiable accuracy. Dems were certainly calling for that in 04.
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People spend millions to secure favoriteable vote in government, if you think they would not stoop low enough to tamper with a electronic device that would be super hard to trace back and punish just becouse it is "not rite " or illegal. You must still believe in Santa too
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I don't understand people who decry the touchscreen voting machines as unrealiable and too easy to tamper with, then turn around and say they'd rather use a paper punch or scantron system. ALL of those systems are fed through computers. ALL are capable of being tampered with at the database level. If anything, the older versions are easier to tamper with because you believe your vote is being recorded the way you wanted, but the sheet of paper with your vote on it is no longer in your possession.


And do you REALLY think that if someone was rigging the machines they'd SHOW your vote being changed?? Please.. Why show the changed vote when you can have the person press the vote they want (or punch, or fill-in, btw) and then record the vote as the choice you want? It's moronic to have it change the vote on the screen where it would get someone's attention.


No, what's happening here is that some nose-picking moron put their slime-covered finger on the screen, leaving a damp print behind. Or the attendants used too much cleaning solution to clean the screen, leaving some water at the edges. The end result is that the next person who touches the screen get their print averaged with the wet print and the computer thinks they're touching the screen somewhere between. If you've ever used your touch-screen phone with wet fingers, you know how it can screw up the screen response.


The idea that there is some conspiracy that's programmed the machines to change the vote on the screen is utterly laughable.

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I don't understand people who decry the touchscreen voting machines as unrealiable and too easy to tamper with, then turn around and say they'd rather use a paper punch or scantron system. ALL of those systems are fed through computers. ALL are capable of being tampered with at the database level. If anything, the older versions are easier to tamper with because you believe your vote is being recorded the way you wanted, but the sheet of paper with your vote on it is no longer in your possession.


And do you REALLY think that if someone was rigging the machines they'd SHOW your vote being changed?? Please.. Why show the changed vote when you can have the person press the vote they want (or punch, or fill-in, btw) and then record the vote as the choice you want? It's moronic to have it change the vote on the screen where it would get someone's attention.


No, what's happening here is that some nose-picking moron put their slime-covered finger on the screen, leaving a damp print behind. Or the attendants used too much cleaning solution to clean the screen, leaving some water at the edges. The end result is that the next person who touches the screen get their print averaged with the wet print and the computer thinks they're touching the screen somewhere between. If you've ever used your touch-screen phone with wet fingers, you know how it can screw up the screen response.


The idea that there is some conspiracy that's programmed the machines to change the vote on the screen is utterly laughable.


I agree. There is hundreds of thousands, possibly near a million of those touch screen voting machines out there. For only a few of them to come up with issues that just come down to screen calibration, that's pretty good. That's a better rate than Apple products lol

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And do you REALLY think that if someone was rigging the machines they'd SHOW your vote being changed??


Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.


Bottom line is this, was the vote rigged? Yeah, I believe so. Can/will anything be done about it now? No. That part is irrelevant, what matters is doing whatever possible to get the man into office, then play disaster cleanup (ex. his birth certificate). This country is not about the welfare or best interests of the American people, it's about a politician furthering his own damn agenda.

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Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.


Bottom line is this, was the vote rigged? Yeah, I believe so. Can/will anything be done about it now? No. That part is irrelevant, what matters is doing whatever possible to get the man into office, then play disaster cleanup (ex. his birth certificate). This country is not about the welfare or best interests of the American people, it's about a politician furthering his own damn agenda.




Please post more.

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Yes, plausable deniability. "Oh it's the machines fault....calibration issues....screen was still wet....etc." Otherwise, it's straight tampering and there's no explanation or plausable deniability.


Bottom line is this, was the vote rigged? Yeah, I believe so. Can/will anything be done about it now? No. That part is irrelevant, what matters is doing whatever possible to get the man into office, then play disaster cleanup (ex. his birth certificate). This country is not about the welfare or best interests of the American people, it's about a politician furthering his own damn agenda.




What ACTUALLY happened is that more people in this country favored Obama over Romney. Not sure why it's so hard to understand that not everyone thinks the country should be run the way you think it should. But hey, maybe you should run for POTUS.

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