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Israel attacked


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I'm not going to argue though. Another war means more debt which we don't need. I believe if it becomes a full fledged war and Israel is getting their ass kicked, step in, until that happens or they ASK for our help, we sit back. Our wars have been dragging on long enough. I'm sick of seeing our national debt skyrocket knowing I won't ever see that number hit 0 in my lifetime, or maybe even my kids lifetime. I also don't like the idea of China owning us... Edited by Geeesammy
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  BStowers023 said:
Haven't seen this posted yet, figured I'd mention it. So Israel gets attacked, our one true ally in the Middle East. What does the Obama administration do? Try to negotiate with terrorists. Since when the fuck do we negotiate with terrorists?


he'll likely offer them all guaranteed healthcare and make Israel pay for it. :gabe:

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SMH with all the talk about how bad ass the Israeli military is and their society on this board. Now we have to enter a conflict to bail them out on a tiny plot of land? Please, I saw the video of the car, they are doing just fine. Israel has BEEN fighting this for how long? How many times have they marched in and withdrew? Let me know when Israel lobs a nuke at Iran. Then I'll start to worry, and Cheer at the same time. Edited by Benjamin
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Qatar is a pretty big ally, or at least mediator where most of our middle east assets for kicking ass are located. Believe we arent going anywhere if you've see this base lately and there will be a draw down in the middle east but all were gonna do is transfer to other countries/regions nearby.
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There is more to this story than OP lets on.


Also, if it were the other way around (Obama sends in the troops), I have a feeling the same people claiming our CIC is spineless would be saying "WHY ARE WE WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY ON ISRAELI DOMESTIC ISSUES GTFO NOT MY PRESIDENT"

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  El Karacho said:
There is more to this story than OP lets on.


Also, if it were the other way around (Obama sends in the troops), I have a feeling the same people claiming our CIC is spineless would be saying "WHY ARE WE WASTING TAXPAYER MONEY ON ISRAELI DOMESTIC ISSUES GTFO NOT MY PRESIDENT"


Did I say send troops into Israel? No. I said why are we negotiating with terrorists? This is the second time Obama has shown (in my opinion weakness). First was an apology after the US Abassador was killed in Libya.

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  BStowers023 said:
Did I say send troops into Israel? No. I said why are we negotiating with terrorists? This is the second time Obama has shown (in my opinion weakness). First was an apology after the US Abassador was killed in Libya.


Please, provide a quote/source where Obama himself apologized to the terrorists.



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