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uh-oh. 5 hour energy drink


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the energy drink are no different then any medication. A small sample size of test subjects on anything will drop dead or have serious side effects. I wouldn't be shocked if a class action lawsuit against McDonald's comes up due to people had no idea you would have adverse health effects by living off it for 10 years.
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Yeah peanut butter has caused more deaths than this, not to mention alcohol and cigarettes and we have no problem selling that stuff. Shit happens you can't just take everything off of the shelves that may kill someone because of an allergy or an unknown heart condition.
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When I watched the news they focused on there were teenagers who had died as a result of caffine but they didn't say the age of everybody. They were interveiwing the owner of the company who wouldn't say how much of any one ingredient is in the drinks, just that Amino Acids are the main ingredient. Personally I like the 5 hour energy drink and will continue to use it from time to time, I shy away from the Monster and Redbull drinks as I can tell they have a ton of caffine in them adn will make me jittery, 5 hour not so much. Everybody is different my wife will drink half and feel awake but notices the caffine, she is very sensitive to caffine, I drink a whole one and feel no side effects but I do feel better if I've been tired.


This press for 5 hour energy only comes about by a random few not the millions of bottles sold, nor my personal use so IMHO no fucks given.

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Agree that this story is being blown out of the water. I think the fact that kids are the ones being focused on is why.


I like them, and mainly use them when on the road as I simply expense them with my travels. Coffee gives you nasty breath so on the way to an appointment, a 5hr and some Vitamin Water fits the bill. I usually take 1/2 bottle at a time spaced not too far apart. Monster & Red Bull tastes nasty to me.


Like with any supplement, you have to have plenty of hydration.

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Agree that this story is being blown out of the water. I think the fact that kids are the ones being focused on is why.


I like them, and mainly use them when on the road as I simply expense them with my travels. Coffee gives you nasty breath so on the way to an appointment, a 5hr and some Vitamin Water fits the bill. I usually take 1/2 bottle at a time spaced not too far apart. Monster & Red Bull tastes nasty to me.


Like with any supplement, you have to have plenty of hydration.



I used to do the same with the 5hrs, just take small amounts over time. The portability of a tiny concealable bottle is great though I'll admit.


Recently I've switched to Caffeine tablets + Orange juice. I've been trying to shy away from sugary drinks, can't kick the caffeine though. I can already tell I'm starting to feel better especially towards the end of the day.

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One of the people that passed probably...

- Worked long shifts at a stressful job.

- Went to college along with the 40+ hour a week job.

- Took 5 hour energy 2-3 times a day with a monster.

- Did not properly nourish their body (college kid diet).

- Did not get an adequate amount of rest.

- Has been following this very unhealthy pattern for over a year.


They blame the energy drink and not the lack of sleep, dehydration, or stress that may have contributed to killing a "perfectly healthy" person.

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Wake up, take piss, shower, open fridge door, drink 5 hour shot like a shot of vodka, leave house, get starbucks coffee, go work. I haven't died yet :dumb: I also drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you die from 5 hour it is your own damn fault.
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