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Part time employment only. No need for benefits when you're part time.


One of my few liberal friends was bitching on FB about how part time employees should get health care benefits... It gave me a headache trying to explain why that was such a horrible idea. I face palmed at "it's not like they pay for it, it comes out of [the employee's] paycheck"

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One of my few liberal friends was bitching on FB about how part time employees should get health care benefits... It gave me a headache trying to explain why that was such a horrible idea. I face palmed at "it's not like they pay for it, it comes out of [the employee's] paycheck"


Screws them out of the little money they get. I sure wouldn't cry for any of the employees that double dip the system. Same people that bitch about Walmart still shop there :lol:

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No, I tend to agree with a pure economist. It upsets the natural supply/demand.


Think if minimum wage is $10... Now an employer will hire less, than say he could have hired two employees for 5 an hour (or more like still two at 6-7 an hour)... Take that and put it in a macro scale... That's a LOT more employment, reducing the number of those that would otherwise be unemployed and collecting even more services... "But that's not enough to live on" you say... I would argue that the increased number of those employed would increase the demand for goods and services, the increase in employees allows for an increase in supply, both increases result in prices to drop, reducing inflation, or maybe deflation, now your dollar goes further... Everyone wins... (Not nearly that straight forward or simple in reality)


Notice how the economy was at its lowest point in decades immediately after the minimum wage went up?




But no, there's no correlation there whatsoever.


I've come to realize that there are liberals that don't understand money whatsoever, which is why they hate it and hate people that have it.

Edited by copperhead
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my feeling is eliminate social security(pay out what is owed), unemployment, food stamps, section 8, and any form of welfare. It's time to knuckle up and make the cuts necessary to get the debt under control.


Don't forget that there are literally tens of millions of people relying on that money to live. And that's not counting the "EBT card people" or those who abuse the system, its counting people who have no other choice. Take that away and then there are tens of millions of people with no other choice, living on the street... welcome to the next depression.

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My mother has recently had to apply for social security and prior to that I was never really "for" it. Now that i see the other end of the spectrum and i realize that there are a lot of people out there who have it a lot worse than she does, it makes a bit more sense.


I wish there were a way that we could simply take all of the people who abuse these social programs, put them in a single location/state/island and let them govern themselves. Pure. Anarchy.

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I think this is where i get my cynicism from, in college, walking by a group of newly built section 8 housing, looking in and seeing big screen TVs, playing video games, their much nicer cars out front with expensive sound systems and 20+" chrome wheels.... but they couldnt afford housing? or food? And hearing the stories from cop friends about when their children are being taken away, they are screaming mad/upset about losing the PAYCHECK, not the child... My friend's sister in law who abuses planned parenthood to aid her in being lazy and immature.... and it goes on and on and on... The people that abuse these systems vastly outnumber the people who use them responsibly based on what I have seen...


I have a similar story. My best friend growing up had a mom that at one point lived on government assistance. Even with that he would always have the best clothes, latest video games, tv's, etc. On the outside looking in I thought the same thing you did. However, after meeting him I found out it was because his dad. His dad was was the top sales person over at Nissan and would spoil the heck out of him. At one point he gave the mom his Maxima because he won one. I used to think my friend was dealing drugs until I met him and realized he had a well off dad behind the scenes.


When it comes to section 8 housing a lot of what you see comes from family. When you have 4 kids by 3 guys you inherit 6 grandparents, 3 dads, and usually about 8 uncles and aunts. Its very easy to look like you have a lot when you have a big family that wants to make sure the kids enjoy their childhood.


P.S. The car on the 20's doesnt live there.. the owners auditioning for Daddy #4 :lol:

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